American Fan:
Tomorrow is my fav viewing day cuz of BOTW & FNOL. Can't wait!

Yes and yes, but for me it's "Takara no Vidro" most of all. Gosh, how I love this series. (I know, I'm saying this to wrong person.)

 American Fan:
Not sure where I'll have a chance to see Sugar Dog Life.

There's no hint of an international release yet, so I confess that I've resorted out of desperation to something I really don't like to do: watching unofficially on It's cute and fluffy, with an original combination (cop and student) plus food porn. So far, I'm lovin' it! (And lookin' forward to the NC scenes with the handcuffs...)

I'm really enjoying The Trainee, looking forward to each ep

Me, too. Although the main couple hasn't really blossomed yet, I'm just so totally fascinated watching Gun and his awesome expressiveness without the need for words. As to the current situation with Tae, it's a fluffy GMMTV comedy, so I am confident (fingers crossed) that he and everyone else will get their happy ending. 

Bad Buddy Live Thoughts ep3

ohhhhhhhhh......and here comes the gay lol  ok that's really frickin sweet and I love it <3 

ok, that was really gross but i kind of expect it from a character like this ....ugh....

is this how these 2 are going flirt LOL 

aaaaaaand there's the sponser LOL

now do the anime fall into your lips things LOL


you loved it, dont pretend LOL 

look see who it is before you open the both sets of friends again huh?

you deserved started it kid lol 

yeah buddy, also deserved. you need to take your jock friends aside and tell them to knock it t eff out.

no he wont ....damn how much does a metal bus stand cost? lol

where did he come from? lol hahaha the classic anime train scene lol was he having a moment lol

awww he saved his boy lol


i bet he smells great lol 

Sure, you're 'pretend'  boyfriends...why not? LOL oh is the juice a sponsor too? lol

ahhh Romeo ,....Romeo, where for art thou? lol

were you watching?

not termites, just your nemesis lol

theres going to be one more fight isnt there? lol 

oooohh the eyes of love .... competing is his love language. And Pran has probably crushed on Pat for a while hasnt he? 

yeaaah the smiley faces are a thing <3

 American Fan:
I just updated my BL drama schedule. I underlined my favs. Cuz of this group I now have TEN currently airing series on my CW list! Never have I ever had so many. Thxs guys!!  :-(

I have 8 soon to be 9 with The On1y One starting Thursday.

 American Fan:
The NC scene in the censored version was too much for me. I think I'm internally immature, lol, but I'll watch ep 2 and go from there.

Will our difference forever separate us like night and day my fair lady.

Whaaaat, why? :( I'm really enjoying The Trainee, looking forward to each ep

I plan to binge this one.

I am having serious Meet You At The Blossom withdrawals. I keep seeing clips on social media. I need a special episode IMMEDIATELY!!!!!

Also my binge watch space is now vacant so I am looking for something to binge except My Stand - In; I am saving this one for later. Maybe I will watch Love Stage then hit up City of Stars then square things off with Mr X and I - seasons 1 & 2. Well that is the plan at least but I rarely follow watch plans lol.

Me, too. Although the main couple hasn't really blossomed yet, I'm just so totally fascinated watching Gun and his awesome expressiveness without the need for words. As to the current situation with Tae, it's a fluffy GMMTV comedy, so I am confident (fingers crossed) that he and everyone else will get their happy ending. 

Yeah, I hope Tae gets his happy ending. I love Jane's gaze every time he looks at Ryan lol, it's so hot XD

I plan to binge this one.

It's cute and fun, although quite the slow burn lol


Yep this basically confirms it 


Awww, that's cute. I am glad you are enjoying your conciliation prize since, well you know, your the side piece and I am the main and like all things on the side you rarely get attention so I will let you have this moment. Plus this is the closest you are ever going to get to Joong since he wants someone closer to his age, at least someone legal. Enjoy the rest of your day *hugs*.

I think what they've tried to do, is take the gaps of plot in UWMA and fill it in BU, so team and win have already established a relationship before pharm and dean, at the open event, as well as making up for the difference in side characters between the shows. Yeah, I've spotted a few mistakes as well. Tul was on the bus beside Team in UWMA but in BU he woke up late and drove there. I've also seen Win's piercings change where they've reused old footage LOL They've tried to connect but still make do with what they had so I dont mind the slight differences and just fill it myself in my own imagination.

Yeah I can understand that. I think overall they did a good job. I totally expected that they would utilize footage from the original series since this is supposed to be that series but with the original story mostly out of out sight and running in the background from Win's & Team's pov as their story takes focus and plays out.

Nothing made me truly upset or deeply frustrated throughout it, thankfully. Just to elaborate, the most I can say that was a little bit of a disappointment was about the ending that I mentioned being a odd way to end it — with the 1v1 swimming competition. I don't understand why they didn't end it with Win & Team having some form of a final endearing intimate moment of some kind to close it out — such as after they finished that 1v1 while still in the pool, having them say some final endearing words to each other and a kiss that would close out the end of the series(something similar to Shi De & Shu Yi in the We Best Love S2 final ep). It was strange to me, especially because after everything they just went through emotionally in finally being able to express their love, which was incredibly difficult for both of them to get to the point of doing, and they finally came out of the other side of that deeply in love with each other.  The way they closed out the series with the cut mid dive into the pool for the 1 v1 seemed to have REALLY pissed off a LOT of people at the time apparently from the reviews lol. I get it though, and it's why I thought it was a weird ending also.

BUT, I also thought to myself(rationalized? coped? idk lol), in a way, that this is so Win & Team. I felt that might be their own personal love language based on their character's personalities and them as a couple. In my head it seemed to make some sense, because neither one was the extremely romantic and emotive type in the ways Dean and Pharm were, for example. Different things work for different couples. So, whether that was their intent with the characters in the writing and direction or not to end the series this way, it seemed to make *some* sense to me(again, cope? idk lol). Still a little disappointing that was the end we were left with. It was kind of the way you'd end a bromance/buddy series to me. But, in BL fan world, I get that most people want that endearing moment and I kinda did too. That said, I just enjoy art how it was intended to be presented by the creator(s), and like you I fill in my own blanks.

Side Note: the whole thing of having all the cast come out all in pairs(except poor Santa lol) dressed in white in front of the beachside wedding arch and just standing there was confusing and didn't seem to make sense. It was like we were about to get a marriage proposal, or something, but we got baited and nothing happened?? lol

Bad Buddy Live Thoughts ep3

I LOVE Bad Buddy so much! It's one of my favorite series. I rewatch it from time to time.

Some more Rotated Hexagon Badges and I tried a rectangle badge. 

@Jadeheart ......did you watch a different version from me? because team confesses to win on the beach, then dean proposes to pharm in the next scene LOL and then all the characters gather together in a wedding shot, was kind of just closing out the series as whole. everyone lived happily ever after LOL 

I think Thailand only legalized gay marriage this summer so but may a few shots fired as well? lol

I was annoyed at the Tul and WIns brother plot. I thought that was kind of dumb. I skip those scenes lol


@Jadeheart ......did you watch a different version from me? because team confesses to win on the beach, then dean proposes to pharm in the next scene LOL and then all the characters gather together in a wedding shot, was kind of just closing out the series as whole. everyone lived happily ever after LOL 

I think Thailand only legalized gay marriage this summer so but may a few shots fired as well? lol

I was annoyed at the Tul and WIns brother plot. I thought that was kind of dumb. I skip those scenes lol

Although, having said this, I am usually the odd one out in life and it's not different in this thread LOL I seem to be always on the other end of most perceptions so it's understandable if I just interpreted it in another way.  Even just today, in the august challenge everyone had 'acts of service'. And I'm all alone again with my words of affirmation and gifting LOL

Oh well. Better luck next adventure lol


Some more Rotated Hexagon Badges and I tried a rectangle badge. 

I am so here for the Unknown one:


Awww, that's cute. I am glad you are enjoying your conciliation prize since, well you know, your the side piece and I am the main and like all things on the side you rarely get attention so I will let you have this moment. Plus this is the closest you are ever going to get to Joong since he wants someone closer to his age, at least someone legal. Enjoy the rest of your day *hugs*.

I can’t believe u just- 

U might be the main course but I’m the dessert, the sweet stuff he’ll love the most. Besides, he’ll forget how u taste after having me since it’s always dessert after the meal :) 

And ever heard of ‘age is just a number’?

I m getting too tired to type a reaction and watch at the same time but bad buddy ep 4 - this whole thing with the bracelet hits a nerve. if you've ever had gay pining over someone having straight flirting, it really fkn hurts. In a hetero connection it hurts, but a gay one cuts deeper.....

This camera really loves to get crotch level and have Pat, in shorts, spread his legs like a rainbow LOL yes sir, your package is lovely, now please close your legs, I'm trying to read the subtitles LOL