On1y One Ep 12 - What kind of ending was that?!

IKR!?!  I posted about it a few pages back :-(

What are your favorite shows you finished this month?

I can't think that hard rn. Maybe I only finished one BL - The On1y One, and not sure it qualifies as a favorite. I dropped Takara's Treasure, The Trainee and  Bad Guy My Boss

And I put Monster Next Door on hold. Does anyone rec that I finish it or do what my gut says, which is drop it...what do y'all think? Is it worth the time?

i like a lot of japanese bls.

Did you watch "Sugar Dog Life"? I just finished it up and I'm so sad it's over as I found it truly enjoyable.


Has anyone started Smells Like Green Spirit

Yes. I've also read the manga and I'm aware it is not really a BL. I'm looking forward to it, though, as it covers the same topics as "Udagawachou de Matteteyo" (Japan, 2015) which I thought was also a good watch.

 American Fan:
And I put Monster Next Door on hold. Does anyone rec that I finish it or do what my gut says, which is drop it...what do y'all think? Is it worth the time?

I think the mini-version (last year was it?) of this drama was better than what they actually put out. Everyone says it's great to have a green flag ML and relationship, but ... it just drags for me.

 Chun Mo Rionnag:
"Sugar Dog Life"? I just finished it up a

Another one I have on hold, but I do want to watch this one. If it's done then I'll pick it back up!

 Chun Mo Rionnag:
Everyone says it's great to have a green flag ML and relationship, but ... it just drags for me.

Green flags are great, but without a compelling or interesting story and some spice, which Monster doesn't have, then it's boring. 

This is me when watching MND.

 American Fan:

Another one I have on hold, but I do want to watch this one. If it's done then I'll pick it back up!

Green flags are great, but without a compelling or interesting story and some spice, which Monster doesn't have, then it's boring. 

This is me when watching MND.

Lmao XD 


Just finished Sugar Dog Life and all I can say is that I LOVED IT! It's just so cute and adorable. It's the perfect breather show when you're tired from watching plot or emotion heavy dramas. I liked it so much that I reviewed the show. The show is like cotton candy❤️

I just finished watching too— like 2 minutes ago lol— it was adorable. I’m going to miss them.

Just finished Sugar Dog Life and all I can say is that I LOVED IT! It's just so cute and adorable. It's the perfect breather show when you're tired from watching plot or emotion heavy dramas. I liked it so much that I reviewed the show. The show is like cotton candy❤️

What are your favorite shows you finished this month?
  1. Takara no Vidro Just a feel good JBL between two opposites.
  2. 4Minutes (Sultrier Version) I probably should have watched the regular version, given that the NC scenes were a bit much for me. But I really liked the plot and I liked the ending.
  3. The On1y One This had all the feels with all those lingering glances and who knew Jiang Tian would be so protective and nurturing. I am crossing my fingers for a Season 2.
  4. Jack & Joker: U Steal My Heart! on air
  5. Kidnap on air
  6. Love Sick (2024) on air; small changes from the original

I just finished watching too— like 2 minutes ago lol— it was adorable. I’m going to miss them.

Same! It's a pity that it didn't have a official international release though.. I feel like this show could've gotten so much more attention


What are your favorite shows you finished this month?
My choices are: 
Takara's Treasure
The Time of Fever
The On1y One

I really liked :

Sugar Dog Life, Takara’s Treasure, and Hidamari Ga Kikuero— kudos to jbl this month 

The Trainee was a great show, but like everyone has said, it wasn’t a BL per say


Same! It's a pity that it didn't have a official international release though.. I feel like this show could've gotten so much more attention

Yes! Like I wish I could have watched it officially but also I’m gratefull for the fansubber, they’ve always been the backbone of every fandom. 

So like @RXinw posted in the update— In his bday fanmeeting, Dunk said THK will air shortly after Summer Night ends (Oct. 7). The team is also on Q23 out of 27. So THK will probably air in October! I’m soooo excited. 

 American Fan:
This is me when watching MND.

This is so real. Even the side couple that gave me energy to watch now annoys me lol

What are your favorite shows you finished this month?

Happy of the End

I cannot think of anything else unless the Tongkla scenes from 4 Minutes count lol