did you watch a different version from me? because team confesses to win on the beach, then dean proposes to pharm in the next scene LOL and then all the characters gather together in a wedding shot, was kind of just closing out the series as whole.

I assume we watched the same(uncut) version lol. I was strictly just talking about Win & Team only in reference to the beach side wedding arch scene. Sorry if I caused you to think I meant any others but them. Dean and Pharm weren't part of my previous elaboration on the ending.(I know that Dean plans to have the actual marriage happen in America when they go visit Pharm's mom). The beach scene you mentioned where Win & Team talk before they head over to that beach side wedding arch was more of what I assume was an implied sentiment of being together forever used in place of an outright literal marriage proposal. I then thought a direct proposal would happen at the wedding arch, and then that didn't happen there either. It was all just implied through sentiment and neither Win or Team asked to actually marry the other(unless my subititles were not accurate?). That's why I found that confusing. Maybe becasue they didn't have marriage equality yet when that was filmed, so this was just how they did it since they couldn't actually be married yet in the country? But idk, since marriage proposals and weddings took place in other previous series when it wasnt yet legalized then either, so idk if that's the reason(still odd either way since it's directly mentioned between Dean & Pharm). I was just confused becasue there was no explicit marriage proposal, and they just wanted us to have the impression of one. I guess that's just one of those writing/direction decisions I found a little odd. I still got the impression that's what that was supposed represent anyways. No big deal, just scenes that seemed to be restrained from some reason.


I m getting too tired to type a reaction and watch at the same time but bad buddy ep 4 - this whole thing with the bracelet hits a nerve. if you've ever had gay pining over someone having straight flirting, it really fkn hurts. In a hetero connection it hurts, but a gay one cuts deeper.....

ok......ep 4 may have pulled a tear out of me ....

hahaha I said I hate you at the same time as Pran LOL Yes. I understand you totally. The hurt runs deep 

Whaaaat, why? :( I'm really enjoying The Trainee, looking forward to each ep

I haven't seen enough to know for sure, but maybe the office/business plot? I like some office/biz storylines, but some are too much and I get bored. I might be biased cuz I don't like offices or corporations. It's on my "Least Favorite" list. There's a few characters I don't care for. On the plus side, the humor is better than expected and of course...Off/Gun!! 


I think I've just realised a new tag I like.......Opposites Attract LOL 

One of my favs!

Although, having said this, I am usually the odd one out in life and it's not different in this thread LOL I seem to be always on the other end of most perceptions so it's understandable if I just interpreted it in another way. Even just today, in the august challenge everyone had 'acts of service'. And I'm all alone again with my words of affirmation and gifting LOL

Oh well. Better luck next adventure lol

No worries. I love hearing other people's impressions or how they received a series or certain scenes, etc. It can be interesting seeing how other's interpret things or were affected by something in their way. As an artist myself, I'm always aware of how 20 people can look at the same painting or film and each one can walk away from them having had a different experience even though they saw the exact same painting or watched the same film.

for me it's "Takara no Vidro" most of all. Gosh, how I love this series. (I know, I'm saying this to wrong person.)

I need to start counting how many times you've mentioned this series to me in the past few weeks. Grrrr!

I confess that I've resorted out of desperation to something I really don't like to do: watching unofficially on I

Sadly, Bilibili isn't available in my area. BUT on a whim I checked YT and found EP 2 there!

Will our difference forever separate us like night and day my fair lady.

At least we have other things in common!! Sex isn't everything, lol. :-)

I am having serious Meet You At The Blossom withdrawals.

Wow, you do have it bad for this drama. Awww!

Even just today, in the august challenge everyone had 'acts of service'. And I'm all alone again with my words of affirmation and gifting LOL

I had Words of Affirmation & Quality Time split evenly. 

 American Fan:

I haven't seen enough to know for sure, but maybe the office/business plot? I like some office/biz storylines, but some are too much and I get bored. I might be biased cuz I don't like offices or corporations. It's on my "Least Favorite" list. There's a few characters I don't care for. On the plus side, the humor is better than expected and of course...Off/Gun!! 

One of my favs!

(Re: The Trainee) oh I get it 

Personally, I love office BLs, especially after Cherry Magic lol 

Also, this series is hilarious lol and OffGun r awesome so it’s definitely worth watching I’d say 

And ever heard of ‘age is just a number’?

That's what they all say on the way to jail.

As an artist myself, I'm always aware of how 20 people can look at the same painting or film and each one an walk away from them having had a different experience even though they saw the exact same painting or watched the same film.

I love this about art & film, even food. 

 American Fan:

I need to start counting how many times you've mentioned this series to me in the past few weeks. Grrrr!

Sadly, Bilibili isn't available in my area. BUT on a whim I checked YT and found EP 2 there!

At least we have other things in common!! Sex isn't everything, lol. :-)

Wow, you do have it bad for this drama. Awww!

I had Words of Affirmation & Quality Time split evenly. 

You did? I must have missed you. My notifs have been a bit funny today. Yeaaah! Lol

 American Fan:

That's what they all say on the way to jail.

I love this about art & film, even food. 

LOL STOP XD I had to get back at Hia somehow lol


LOL STOP XD I had to get back at Hia somehow lol

I know, but I couldn't resist. 

 American Fan:
That's what they all say on the way to jail.

Do I even need to respond now lol! screaming!!

U might be the main course but I’m the dessert, the sweet stuff he’ll love the most. Besides, he’ll forget how u taste after having me since it’s always dessert after the meal :)

HAHAHAHA I will give you that...NOT.

Young miss, I am the type of meal before dessert that has him asking for the cheque early so we can rush home forgetting dessert, so you can serve sweet alone at the table while I serve spicy in the bedroom with Joong. 

 American Fan:
At least we have other things in common!! Sex isn't everything, lol. :-)

*cough* Well , uhmmm, you see, well *cough* I love this for you my friend. LOL (says the person who doesn't even like touching other people lol)

 American Fan:
Wow, you do have it bad for this drama. Awww!

Right! I need more Danmei BL series NOW!!!!

I hate to interrupt our evening program of fighting over Joong but ......

I have finally found a BL that has made me rewind the a kiss scene...... and several times at that. I have to be well and truly emotional invested before you hit me with intimacy....and they hit me with THAT. ...

That is all. Please return to your regularly scheduled program. I shall twirl in delight over here LOL

I have finally found a BL that has made me rewind the a kiss scene...... and several times at that. I have to be well and truly emotional invested before you hit me with intimacy....and they hit me with THAT. ...

I am assuming you are talking about the Bad Buddy kiss. I must agree that kiss was everything in terms of emotion colliding with emotion and tension. It easily won kiss of the year it was released for me.

I just read the last chapter of Meet You At The Blossom because I had yet to read it and we were ROBBED!!! There is a final NC scene and an extra chapter with more NC scenes. I want Justice!!!!! Also it is the same author who wrote Beloved Enemy. The author has some other interesting books I just added to my library to read. I hope we get a special episode based on that extra chapter. In this chapter they go on a trip visiting different towns.


I am assuming you are talking about the Bad Buddy kiss. I must agree that kiss was everything in terms of emotion colliding with emotion and tension. It easily won kiss of the year it was released for me.

I just read the last chapter of Meet You At The Blossom because I had yet to read it and we were ROBBED!!! There is a final NC scene and an extra chapter with more NC scenes. I want Justice!!!!! Also it is the same author who wrote Beloved Enemy. The author has some other interesting books I just added to my library to read. I hope we get a special episode based on that extra chapter. In this chapter they go on a trip visiting different towns.

It was also the audacity of the electric guitar and drums over the eagerness. And blurred city lights in the background. It's worth taking the effort to build up the moment up. A moment I can definitely squee over for once lol