he lost confidence in his craft and as person (there's something about finishing college and not being able to find a job that is really sad and depressing) 

2) When Shirasaki and Hayama where in college, Shirasaki saw him as an equal, that's why he could voice his thoughts, but now he sees him as someone who has accomplished much more than he has, and he therefore feels unworthy.

Ahh, I see so because of this lost in confidence he has become small in voice not and not so out right with his opinions and this has filtered into him becoming less outspoken to Hayama because Hayama has now succeeded where he failed hence as you said he feels unworthy and would think it presumptuous of himself to declare his feelings. I definitely see your point and I take it. Now I have another reason why I wanted Hayama's mother to be more involved in the plot because Shirasaki would see the effects (perhaps over hear a phone call) and now see that while Hayama was accomplished he has his own issues and that would make him seem more *human* (lack of a better term.) which would allow for some more scenes on an intimate and personal level which would allow for feelings to be aired out fully. 

(there's something about finishing college and not being able to find a job that is really sad and depressing) 

On a personal level, I pray against this please Lord let this not be my experience ? (crying emoji if you don't see it)

Twins Episode 7

I understand that Zee is unable to participate in volleyball due to his injury, but it's weird how cautious everyone is around him. Sprite, his parents, and even Salmon are going out of their way to ensure he doesn't lose his place on the team. His reaction to the situation is quite extreme. He's treating everyone poorly and not thinking clearly at all. If I didn't know better, I would have said maybe his head was injured during the assault, and perhaps it's affecting his moods, but this behavior seems to be his usual way.

He accuses his brother of creating problems, but he's the one who exacerbated the situation. Does he truly desire to be part of the team? He didn't seem to be enthusiastic before he was injured. The team is facing difficulties and deteriorating relationships due to his unpleasant demeanor. 

I'm curious about how he managed to join the team, especially since he never practices with any of the other guys. How can he improve in a team sport if he only plays by himself? He's supposedly an incredibly talented player, but we've never seen him interacting with the team. It's hard to believe that he could have reached a level to even qualify for tryouts.

Considering what I mentioned before, I'm not implying that he can't feel angry, but he should at least recognize that he would be in a difficult situation without his brother stepping in for him. I'm sure that there are underlying childhood issues at play. The desire to switch places with Sprite must have originated from the pressure exerted by his parents to excel in sports and their harmful habit of comparing him and his brother.

Nevertheless, they're all letting Zee talk over them like he's the adult. He's in a hospital bed. Like you're the adult, put him in his place and make him listen to you because he's being a spoiled brat in my eyes. I don't understand both parents; they have no problem telling Sprite what to do and making him feel like his efforts are for naught."

I absolutely love his character. He's hard-working, never complains, and is self-sacrificing. Nobody's talking about the fact that he's willing to risk his sports career to save his brothers. Like this kid can't get a break, I just want to jump through my computer screen and give him the biggest hug.

 One last thing: Zee treats Salmon with disdain, as though she is nothing more than gum that's been stepped on. If he doesn't appreciate her, I certainly will take her!

Anyway, sorry for the long post. I just had to get that off my chest because while this drama has low ratings, I'm actually quite enjoying it, with the exception of Zee!

On a personal level, I pray against this please Lord let this not be my experience ? (crying emoji if you don't see it)

Awww I'll pray for you too, because the year I spent trying to find a job that matched my major was terrible ?

Now I have another reason why I wanted Hayama's mother to be more involved in the plot because Shirasaki would see the effects (perhaps over hear a phone call) and now see that while Hayama was accomplished he has his own issues and that would make him seem more *human* (lack of a better term.) which would allow for some more scenes on an intimate and personal level which would allow for feelings to be aired out fully. 

Yep, this show definitely would have benefited from more storytelling in this aspect, I did feel that Shirasaki didn't know Hayama, the way Hayama knew him. 

Awww I'll pray for you too, because the year I spent trying to find a job that matched my major was terrible ?

? *heart emoji*

Yep, this show definitely would have benefited from more storytelling in this aspect, I did feel that Shirasaki didn't know Hayama, the way Hayama knew him. 


This no notification situation is starting to piss me again ?

Twins Episode 7

I look forward to your final thoughts. I had similar thoughts about Zee at the time I watch it.


JUNE CHALLENGE - DAY 25 - Pick A BL Universe to Transmigrate Into

Pit Babe - because I want special powers lol I want the power to bend all four elements. Call me Avatar lol.

*Not my intrusive thoughts screaming Bangkok G Story*


How do you guys post videos here and get it to play in your post instead of just posting the link?

DAY 25 - Pick A BL Universe to Transmigrate Into 

Today I'll pick Cherry Magic, because a universe that helps you find the love of your life, just seems so romantic ;; The truth is I want Kurosawa lmao

Sounds like it's time for a re-watch.

How do you guys post videos here and get it to play in your post instead of just posting the link?

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

YAYYYYYYYY I am getting notifications again!

What I did was instead of unsubscribing on the current page I unsubscribed and resubscribed on the main page/first page of the club.

I look forward to your final thoughts. I had similar thoughts about Zee at the time I watch it.

Final Thoughts

I'm confused by how things turned out. The quick resolution has left me unsure about how I should feel. Many of the conflicts seemed to be resolved without a satisfying conclusion.

I need to backtrack on my previous statement about his head. It's possible his head injury occurred during birth. He claims that all the negativity he's been expressing is due to his difficult childhood, but is he overlooking the fact that he has always treated everyone this way his whole life?

Yes, his actions were appropriate in helping his brother, but I'm not entirely convinced that it was solely for his brother's benefit. While they were questioning The Three Stooges, he seemed more concerned about how they had disrupted his life rather than them pursuing Sprite. His brother could have been in danger of being killed.

So, should we believe that Zee underwent a transformation? I didn't see one in the final episode. he was still allowing his brother to take the blame for his negative behavior.He didn't have any sincere conversations or offer any apologies to the boys on his team. 

And we shouldn't overlook the fact that he intentionally damaged his brother's relationship with First. As the audience, we cannot argue that he was unaware of Sprite's existing relationship, as that was one of the reasons for maintaining the status quo aside from the ongoing investigation involving The Three Stooges. Subsequently, he made a conscious effort to hurt him, despite the extensive support his brother had offered, the secrecy, managing microbullying, and training.

I need some clarification: Was Zee the person watching Sprite practice vigorously? If he was, that's even more disgusting of him because he witnessed all the effort his brother was putting in. What were the writers thinking in adding those flashbacks if they weren't going to do anything with them? They never provided an explanation of why he wanted to return to his life. Why did he want to take Sprite's place in the first place? It almost feels like he returned to the game because he didn't want his brother to have that position.

I observed a heartwarming scene in the final episode where the two brothers were shown side by side, which was particularly special. It's worth noting that this was the only scene of its kind in the entire series.

The portrayal of a content family seemed unrealistic because it is doubtful that the parents would expose the twins to so many triggering experiences only to be seen sharing meals at the family table. They have constantly been arguing, so I wondered when they had the time to become civil and selfless. None of the underlying issues seemed to be addressed, making me question the family dynamic's authenticity.

First's ability to forgive Sprite immediately after discovering his true identity. Even though I love Sprite, it would have been more convincing and justified if there were consequences for his actions. I think the writer should have revealed his true identity sooner so that the underlying trust issues could have been addressed. Instead, the conclusion to their relationship seemed rushed.

Lastly, I will add things that made me laugh during the final episode because they were just out of left field.

Oh, My God, they added a car accident ... Why??? 

Sprite promises  a gold medal  to First as his grand gesture to show that he cares and then gives it away

First's sister is betrayed by her friends because she is considered wealthy. I am aware that one of them was taking photos, but there was no explanation given for why this happened. It seems that the sole reason was her wealth, which was the end of the matter. I've had enough. My final rating for this drama was 6.5 because I liked some parts, but there were so many storylines that were just not finished I can't give it a higher score.

This Vietnamese BL short film was a very nice watch for me a couple minutes ago so I thought I would share.

Final Thoughts

OMG I got this notification too!! Yayyyyyy *cough* I sound like a kid on Christmas. Let me go read your post.

Sorry it has took so long for me to do the challenge today besties <3. I was at the amusement park all day lol XD  I will be on here a ton tomorrow so I will do most if not all the collages tomorrow I will have tons of time :) 

JUNE CHALLENGE - DAY 25 - Pick A BL Universe to Transmigrate Into- I will choose UWMA or Between Us they have one of the best friend groups ever <3

So... in LITA... why does Sky's ex, Gun, remind me of freaking Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter or Doma from Demon Slayer? He even has that odd vocal tone. But I prefer Hisoka even if he is... a lot of things.

OMG I got this notification too!! Yayyyyyy *cough*

Final Thoughts

These reasons you listed are some of the reasons I rated it a 5.

This is going to sound so bad but I was looking back for some comments I made while watching to share with you and these were the cleanest ones I could find. I was on the internet cussing oh lawd help my mouth.

release  realise*


This one I made at the finale.