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Hello welcome aboard.

 American Fan:
What does this mean? "Spidey senses"?  Thx!

From the cartoon spiderman...or well, the one I watched with my brother lol, his 'spidey senses' which basically just means intuition that something stupid is coming his way LOL


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Having lived in four countries, I can tell you there's the good and the bad, with lots of surprises in both directions. And it's very different than visiting on vacation, when one doesn't have to deal with the realities of daily life (not to mention the maze of bureaucracies) - and in a foreign language to boot.

I understand those realities. There is a Twitch live streamer that I have been in his community for the last 6+ years that has been streaming his daily life living in Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and travels to other places like Thailand and Singapore throughout all that time. He is now teaching kids English in one of the schools in Vietnam. We get to see him teaching live on stream, and when he isn't doing that he is doing things at home(sometimes gaming), out exploring the city or the countryside, local natural attractions, local nightlife, eating at restaurants, meeting and talking with locals, etc. We see the things he has to go through just to be able to move around, live, and work in all these countries with work or study visas, and all the other unpleasant bureaucracies and process. But it's worth it.

If i ever got the chance to utilize the Thailand 60 day visa free stay, I would do it to see what it's like beforehand and weigh any decisions from there. I don't mean  to speak about Thailand as some magical place and there's no unpleasant realities or hurdles that I would face. If I ever moved to another country, Thailand would be one of the very few places that I'd go through the difficulties and hurdles that might come with it.

As for learning another language, I have no issues with that. I originally wanted to go to a Taiwan university to learn Mandarin and even thought about maybe learning Thai instead at a Thai university. I am good with languages and won/placed in state language competitions in secondary school. Thai is one of the more difficult languages getting a 4/5 ranking in difficulty for westerners to learn, but I think that's for the average person. In addition, while English is not spoken by everyone in Thailand, it is a commonly used language in the country and it is possible to communicate with locals. I'd be fine.


I would like to join :)

welcome :)

I dont think I've ever watched anything from Taiwan before? I need to shower first, then get my tea and see if I'm as interested as everyone else LOL

If I ever moved to another country, Thailand would be one of the very few places that I'd go through the difficulties and hurdles that might come with it.

I do hope that you get to live your dream! I think you're right that English would get you pretty far in Thailand, especially in Bangkok and the more international places - and of course, the dollar (or euro) goes quite far in Southeast Asia, which definitely helps. And for language enthusiasts like you (and me!), that element can be challenging but also fun.

I dont think I've ever watched anything from Taiwan before?

Taiwan BLs (collectively speaking) are more quality than quantity.


I do hope that you get to live your dream! I think you're right that English would get you pretty far in Thailand, especially in Bangkok and the more international places - and of course, the dollar (or euro) goes quite far in Southeast Asia, which definitely helps.

I do too, but if it doesn't I could always still have traveling to visit as an option.


I dont think I've ever watched anything from Taiwan before? I need to shower first, then get my tea and see if I'm as interested as everyone else LOL

omg I'm excited for you /o/

If I had the money and ability to just leave and stay for 2 months to live there to see what it's actually like, I'd go do it since they now have visa free 60 day stays.

That's a great idea.

I believe it's also possible to live and work there for a period of time, teaching English. That's what my brother did to see if he liked living there. He was there for 4 months the first time. Not enough to really know the ins-and-outs of a new country, like P43425 mentions, but it's a start. 

My experience with relocating and living in new places (over and over!!) is that it takes at least a full year to get a good idea of what it's like. A year minimum. I've lived in 3 countries so maybe even longer for foreign countries.

What's interesting is an online friend who is Vietnamese, but living in SK, feels the very same as you. He hasn't connected to the Eastern ways his whole life and wishes he lived in a Western country. He is 26 and has the same dreams.

But, yeah, we all know there is good and bad no matter where one lives. It's just the degree to which we can adjust and accept those things.

And now I feel like a double minority in this group: (1) a guy, (2) over six feet.

OOOooo, I love tall guys! I dated a guy who was 6'4"  :-)

You're just jealous.

Right!! NOT! (hair flip)

From the cartoon spiderman.

Oh ok! Got it now. :-)


Taiwan BLs (collectively speaking) are more quality than quantity.

I agree the stories are so good and deep. The Unknown is a masterpiece.


Taiwan BLs (collectively speaking) are more quality than quantity.

I second this comment!


I do too, but if it doesn't I could always still have traveling to visit as an option.

Absolutely! Make friends in these places and visit them. :-)


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Hi and welcome brand new to MDL member! Many on this forum are doing challenge questions for the month of August, about ourselves. You are welcome to join or watch, either way! Answer only what you want to. 

See the questions here

Regarding the academic news I got all I am going to say is.......