LOL Are we Kinnporsche~ing this? 

My lips are sealed lol

It's not meant to be discriminatory. 

Oh I so know that! Sorry if you thought I was thinking that, cuz I absolutely wasn't. I have my own overall rankings and faves too. We all have preferences and people tend to lean towards those preferences first. The more you watch and note, the more you can discover those preferences. It's not a bad thing to do at all and I think it's really quite smart. 

Plus I like your post because they often agree with my thoughts lollll

Great minds think alike! Thanks for your kind words. I've gotten used to having the type of personality that people either like or they hate and usually there's no in between, so I don't wanna piss too many people off so soon after

Fudanshi Bartender no Tashinami - 8/10

This is a short BL comedy with only 2 episodes and 20 minutes each. It made me laugh a few times and the bar setting was aesthetically pleasing to me. You also learn about different cocktails and how to make them. Overall it was a funny and enjoyable watch.


My lips are sealed lol

LOL I'll let you know when I see it LOL

glad to know that China's habit of ending their shows right in the middle of a scene extends into Addiction as well LOL Honestly, I think this is the most abrupt endings to an ep I've ever seen in this show. I am highly amused. 

 American Fan:
did I miss anyone else?

I haven't seen many posts about it, but I haven't been in the chat much in the past week. Haha!

Question: Are we watching one episode a day, or are we binge-watching and then discussing in the chat?

Question: Are we watching one episode a day, or are we binge-watching and then discussing in the chat?

Are we all in similar time zones? That may dictate how we want to do this. That said, if this show is as good as everyone says, I'm not sure I'll be able to stop at just one 

 American Fan:
Aw for sure! I'm glad you were a part of it!

Ah, it seems like only yesterday I was holding you accountable for not watching History 3: Trapped. Now look at you fly my BL butterfly. They grow up so fast *wipes eyes* Soon you will be off to BL University and leave the nest.

First, I finally got around to watching Blue Boys, a rec from Chun Mo, who used to post here. It's a short YT series that is really well done. Nothing but the story. No time wasted. (I did not see the uncut version.) It's 9/10 for me!!

I know American Fan hates Japanese BLs LOL

Generally, I like J-dramas the least of all, specially straight ones, however there are some great BL J-dramas that I think highly of. I actually have 13 BL J-drama and about 2 movie titles on my pf list of BL favs.  And a short list of straight J-dramas. 

I think what you're picking up on is how strongly I dislike them when I do! I can't stand the over-the-top acting, like the yelling, weird body movements and facial expressions, or the self-abased attitude,  etc....dang, now I'm about to go off just thinking about it. Argh!!!

I don't have as strong of a reaction to other dramas that I don't like...well, except for some Chinese straight dramas, but that's a whole other convo, not for here.   :-(

LMAO! I adore you. I simply freaking adore you.

Taking a bow for my silly little joke, lol. Thanks!

There are times when I spam this club. There are pages here that have so many posts from me that only 2 or 3 other members have a post on it.

True, I'm a witness! hee hee. But I've had lots at times too. But hey, who's counting?!?!

Is there a particular time we're all starting it or is it just a watch and review sometime that day kinda thing? I'm really looking forward to this as I've not yet seen it.

Nope, no schedule!!

It's totally self-paced and up to each viewer whether they want to post comments after each ep. or wait until the end of the series. We have different time zones and how much time a person has each day, so no worries about that. It's all very, very casual. Just the way we like it!! LOL

The MAIN thing to remember:  Always hide your spoilers!!  

@simi - I hope the above comment helps!

 American Fan:

Oh man, you're making my brain have to work this morning.

Aw for sure! I'm glad you were a part of it!

lol have u got the answer yet?


Great minds think alike! Thanks for your kind words. I've gotten used to having the type of personality that people either like or they hate and usually there's no in between, so I don't wanna piss too many people off so soon after

Nah, ur fun! 


Are we all in similar time zones? That may dictate how we want to do this. That said, if this show is as good as everyone says, I'm not sure I'll be able to stop at just one 

Binge away buddie!!


Ah, it seems like only yesterday I was holding you accountable for not watching History 3: Trapped. Now look at you fly my BL butterfly. They grow up so fast *wipes eyes* Soon you will be off to BL University and leave the nest.

OMG, yes, I remember now... I got quite a scolding, lol. According to MDL, I am an official butterfly too. (They gave me the butterfly badge, which is proudly displayed on my pfp). My fam would never believe it.

What does BL uni cover? Oh wait, stupid question...

lol have u got the answer yet?

I was just about to ask for the answers to the posted riddles!! You read my mind, lol. TBH, I have NO head for riddles. Not a single stinkin' brain cell. :-(

@Rx you scolded american fan for not watching History 3 ~ trapped ? LOL It's a wonder you havent blocked me because I was bored and dropped it LOL

Is that why no one talks to me much in here? LOL 


@Rx you scolded american fan for not watching History 3 ~ trapped ? LOL It's a wonder you havent blocked me because I was bored and dropped it LOL

Is that why no one talks to me much in here? LOL 

I didn't want to say anything after I noticed you dropped it.  LOL. I did say in my head, "Oh nooooo, she didn't!!" haha

I've dropped a lot of popular dramas myself, so I know other's will have their own tastes and feelings too. Honestly, it's totally up to fate & timing. One can dislike smth one year and the next year be like raving their head over it. 

That happened to me with Wedding Plan.