@MeNotYou aww I luv u too- platonically (obviously lol I didn’t need to point it out) 

is this the famous Sotus? so I can try it out?

SOTUS (2016) - MyDramaList 

SOTUS (2016

Yes, I have yet to watch it. Despite its 7.9 rating, which doesn't seem very high to me, it might be worth checking out. I'm curious to know how many group members have already seen it.  Another drama to add to our group watch,Maybe???


is this the famous Sotus? so I can try it out?

SOTUS (2016) - MyDramaList 

That's the one. I can't wait to see which side of the scale you fall on. *grin*


Yes, I have yet to watch it. Despite its 7.9 rating, which doesn't seem very high to me, it might be worth checking out. I'm curious to know how many group members have already seen it.  Another drama to add to our group watch,Maybe???

LMAO...Hell to the no, count this chickadee out! I just finished ranting about my utter dislike of it. LOL!


And then you give me a pic of V (or a very very good look-alike!!)  **sigh**

I've gotten a couple of badges and saw them when I first got them, but I now can't figure out where they're located to see them again. I thought they'd be somewhere in my profile, but I can't find any trace of them. Do you know where I should be looking?

The only way I know how to get them is by doing a "save as" when you see the badge image in your notifications.  Otherwise they are never to be seen again. I think there's a blackhole for badges.

Y'all probably gonna hate me, but I am pretty sure I'm one of the only people who really didn't like Sotus

I watched Sotus but I wasn't very impressed. A low rating from me. 

Just finished watching Bad Guy and I'm currently watching Seoul Blues, all three done by the same film company.

Sure, I saw those titles on their site and plan to see them too. :-)

ust two hours ahead of me cuz I'm MST. WOOT!

Get out!! I'm MST too!! I've been to both East and West Canada many times, but never in the middle. I was mentioning here, not long ago that my fam thinks I'm a bad driver and I shared that the only tickets I have (besides speeding) are parking tickets in CAN. lol

Side note - what series today do you think is considered a rite of passage? *thinking emoji*

For me it was The Untamed. And it really was a rite of passage. Shuddering just thinking about the horror scenes.

So no one was reading my answers for the august challenge LMAO

I did, I did!!

Just finished the finale of SunsetxVibes

I never got past EP 1. Glad to know I didn't waste my time, hee hee

Haha, I can relate! I’m pretty bad at riddles myself. Anyways, the answer is: 

I would have never figured that one out, in a million years.

And I’m his teaching assistant!

I think you need to be a legal age for this position. (no pun intended)

Another drama to add to our group watch,Maybe???

Bite your tongue!

 American Fan:
The only way I know how to get them is by doing a "save as" when you see the badge image in your notifications.  Otherwise they are never to be seen again. I think there's a blackhole for badges.

Well crapola. That sucks large and not in a good way. I just assumed they got added to your account somewhere. I only glanced at them and thought cool, I'll check them out later. Bummer.

 American Fan:
I watched Sotus but I wasn't very impressed. A low rating from me

Ok now I really lurve you. You and @RXinw are definitely my long lost other half... err third?

 American Fan:
Sure, I saw those titles on their site and plan to see them too. :-)

I'm on the fence with Bad Guy, due to it's topic and the rather laissez-faire and little to no remorse way it was conveyed I'm sure, but I am enjoying Seoul Blues so far, which just aired the 4th epi yesterday, I believe. I'm wondering if it's going to be like Blue Boys and have another set of 4 continuing the story posted a little later, or if it'll keep going straight through, cuz I don't think it had a definitive ending. It seems to be a small independent company so my guess is that their budget only allows for the making and producing of 4 short eps at a time.

I am EST( eastern standard time).  :)

I am EST(eastern standard time).  :)

 American Fan:
Get out!! I'm MST too!!

NOICE! *high five*

 American Fan:
For me it was The Untamed

Istg I've GOT to put time aside and watch that one. I've been dying to do so for a while, but the length makes me have to wait because I KNOW if I really like it, I'll binge it for sure and end up falling behind on all the currents I'm watching.

 American Fan:
I never got past EP 1. Glad to know I didn't waste my time, hee hee

I kept watching only cuz I wanted to see what all the MosBank hype was about.

 American Fan:
Bite your tongue!

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! We are so in sync on this show...lol.


I am EST(eastern standard time).  :)

I can work with that! *nods lots*

 American Fan:
Bite your tongue!

so no ? LOL

I just finished ranting about my utter dislike of it. LOL!

OMG LOL! I Missed that post haha

I just assumed they got added to your account somewhere. I only glanced at them and thought cool, I'll check them out later. Bummer.

If you remember which ones they are maybe you can copy them from my pfp. Let me check...I have 7 kinds of badges. Give it a try! Scroll down toward the end.

It seems to be a small independent company so my guess is that their budget only allows for the making and producing of 4 short eps at a time.

That's possible. I do like their style and quality.

I'll binge it for sure

RE: The Untamed - Yep, that's what happened. I had to skip over the worst of the fighting, blood, zombie-like people and so on.  It was intense.