I've always had difficulties describing this type of case but this is the perfect word for it I will never stop seeing them as dead fish kisses from now on LOL

 American Fan:

It's funny you mention dead fish kisses. The first BL I watched was Lovesick -- so jeez, almost a decade ago. It has a special place for me, but it was literally the king of freeze frame kisses where you're like "...did I hit pause?" Nah. They just smushed face and kept it there LOL. Granted, it was kind of paving new ground, so I suppose they were hesitant. But when I see that or when a partner literally acts like they got smacked instead of kissed I face palm.

I'm up for a watch with you guys it would be my first time seeing it!

Cool!! That'll be even more fun with it being your first time. I've only ever rewatched 3 dramas in total, and that wasn't until this BL thread, lol.  I knew as soon as I finished this series I wanted to watch it again sometime. 

Got you down in my little drama notebook for a watch together this fall. :-) I'll keep you posted.

Gotta go get a little drama watching in before the midnight hour. 


"...did I hit pause?" Nah.


Absolutely love that series. Netflix has had some really solid Asian series. I'm of course awaiting with everyone Squid Game. BUT I am more anxious for All of Us Are Dead. I love horror and dark genres. Outside BL, I can't do too much cute factor so I'd go more toward AIB every day.

I'm waiting for Squid Game too. And Alice in Borderland season 3. I heard of All of Us Are Dead but didn't check it out yet. I like kinda gory series but I can't deal with horror too much so >_<"

Hotties of the Week!

Takara no Vidro- Takara
OMG! Vampire- Joe
We Are - Phum

It's almost time!! So glad I looked at my calendar this morning cuz I've been waiting for tomorrow when...

Meet You At The Blossom starts on Viki. Yayyyyyy!

Just got a new speaker for my "TV" (actually macbook) so I'm jumping up and down with excitement!!! 

In case you missed my earlier post with the trailer, I'll be glad to share it again. haha

The embed video tool isn't working...again.

Hotties of the Week!

Oooo, I like your picks! I haven't seen the first two series yet. Well, I plan to see the first one but not sure about the vampire one. :-)

 American Fan:
In case you missed my earlier post with the trailer, I'll be glad to share it again. haha

LOL, I will wait for it over and over again! Thanks for the link again, haha. As I don't have Viki, I have to wait for episode one to be posted somewhere else *cough* 

 American Fan:
Oooo, I like your picks!

I absolutely love Takara no Vidro. It's so good!! I can't stop thinking about it. Each episode is only 24 minutes long, which makes me crazy. I  can't wait a whole week for the next one. I might have to wait a couple of weeks so I can binge-watch a few episodes at once.

 American Fan:
not sure about the vampire one

OH man, If you watch it, get ready to ride the Hot Mess Express! It was a complicated watch for me, but it is short, and Sugus x Bonus is EVERYTHING to me right now, haha. So basically, I see it as me watching a corny Disney Channel original series, and that helped lower my expectations, lol 

We Are Ep 15

Matt & Mick: LMAO HELP what was that

Pun & Chain: I am so invested in these two and I did not expect that!!! I love how all the friends KNOW, and it’s just Pun being obtuse. Like open you eyes boy, this man is basically declaring his love for you every chance he gets.

Tan & Fang: Adorable. The dynamic is impeccable. Them wearing matching shirts, only for Fang to be like ‘I was forced’.

Fang: Please get rid of the bad stuff.

Q: Saying that means you’re now single, Fang. (as Peem pushes Tan out of the frame)

Fang:  Oh. My wish came true really fast.

I was this close to loosing it from this but I’m at work so I had to control myself.

Q & Toey: The way these two are fighting and teasing each other 24/7 <3 I did NOT expect that bed scene, but it was lovely ok—BUT LIKE WHY ARE THEY ALL GETTING IT ON AT PEEM’S HOUSE???

Peem & Phum: Peem is such a reassuring and loving boyfriend. Like he’s literally in Phum’s camp 100%. The two love scenes were beautiful and loving and soft. (I loved all the ‘I love you’s’ this episode! There were so many!) I was so scared when they went to Phum’s house—thankfully this production is consistent and didn’t give us crazy drama. I’d like to see some resolution regarding Peem’s father in the next episode. 

Other: I love the relationship between Q and Peem’s mom and the little high five. Peem & Fang was also a pair I did not know I needed together! Them plotting Peem's B-Day surprise was so cute. This episode was all around hilarious, props to the writers because some of these lines are so witty.  I love that these boys truly feel like a real group of friends. 

Thoughts Before The Finale: I’m pretty sure that I’m rating this show between 9 -10 (depends on how I feel after the last episode). I thoroughly enjoyed the ride, and these characters will stick with me for a long long time. One episode to go! I'm going to cry. 

 American Fan:
t's almost time!! So glad I looked at my calendar this morning cuz I've been waiting for tomorrow when...

Meet You At The Blossom starts on Viki. Yayyyyyy!

omg I want to watch it bad and have it saved on Viki, but this one feels like it's going to HURT and idk if I can take weekly episodes ;;

I absolutely love Takara no Vidro. It's so good!! I can't stop thinking about it. Each episode is only 24 minutes long, which makes me crazy. I  can't wait a whole week for the next one. I might have to wait a couple of weeks so I can binge-watch a few episodes at once.

Oh, p43425 said he really likes it too! If it's that good I better wait to binge watch. I would wait on Meet You At The Blossom, but I just can't do it. 

It was a complicated watch for me

RE: Vampire

Well if it's complicated for you I wonder what that means for me, haha. I will prob give it a try later. I prob sound close-minded as I have some limitations to what I choose to watch, but tbh, I do try quite a few genres/themes/plots from time to time to see if they stick. I may not get past the first ep, but I try!! 


I skipped over the spoilers, but hopefully I can watch We Are later today. : -(    I have an art class beginning today and it's 3 hours long. Getting butterflies cuz I'll be meeting new people face to face. Sometimes rl is uncomfortable.

But enough of my whining...I keep checking RXinw's page in case he got a chance to sneak in real quick, but I guess it'll really take a while for things there to settle down, let alone feel normal again.  :-(


omg I want to watch it bad and have it saved on Viki, but this one feels like it's going to HURT and idk if I can take weekly episodes ;;

I know what you mean! But I can't help myself. Two of my very favorite things: Historical + BL, well and a third: MLs with long hair & flowy robes. I'll resign myself to whatever happens. 

If we watch it together we can give moral support, haha. And Simi too! 

Anyone else plan to watch MEET YOU AT THE BLOSSOM?

 American Fan:
If we watch it together we can give moral support, haha. And Simi too! 

Ok! I give in! I'll watch it tonight (wait tomorrow night)! I think it will be easier if I have emotional support lol

 American Fan:

It's almost time!! So glad I looked at my calendar this morning cuz I've been waiting for tomorrow when...

Meet You At The Blossom starts on Viki. Yayyyyyy!

Just got a new speaker for my "TV" (actually macbook) so I'm jumping up and down with excitement!!! 

In case you missed my earlier post with the trailer, I'll be glad to share it again. haha

The embed video tool isn't working...again.

I can't wait to hear what you have to say about the show.