real-life example: me with pretty much every boyfriend I've ever had in my life

Look, I know this is a lost cause, since you are known around these circles for being notoriously private about your relationships, but I just have to try one last time, atleast for AmericanFan, myself and similar fujoshis, *sombre life-changing music playing* "Were your boyfriends ukes or semes?"

Waiting with bated breath for your reply,
Sruthi :)

[if you type *crickets chirping* again, me and AmericanFan will fly all the way to Germany to know the answer!]

(not really, cause this is all just for fun, in case you didn't quite catch that :D)

 American Fan:

Funny you should say that....here's my test result.

Aww, that's a nice MBTI result!  My MBTI is INJT-T... I think I can safely say I am literally your opposite :)

I just have to try one last time, atleast for AmericanFan, myself and similar fujoshis

Heya, don't include me here, lol! I'm fine with the status quo. :-)

Hmmm, I don't consider myself a fujoshi. (I had to look it up to be sure I got the right meaning)

[if you type *crickets chirping* again, me and AmericanFan will fly all the way to Germany to know the answer!]

(not really, cause this is all just for fun, in case you didn't quite catch that :D)

Whew, glad you're j/k cuz I'm not ready to fly anywhere anytime soon.  

@American Fan : "The last episode doth not maketh a masterpiece", said the Drama Gods. Rate accordingly.

(Can’t quote right now.) 

I know. I know. It’s the fact that I liked the first 3 episodes and the last episode, that is confusing me! But I really can’t ignore the mess that was the other 6 episodes— for now I’m running away. I’ll rate it… later… 

Okay this is going to be  a long post. 

First on the agenda:

First Love Note - episodes 1 & 2

I enjoyed the first two episodes. I am not a fan of age gaps; I prefer an age gap not exceeding 5 years however I like what I see so far to not be bothered very much by the age gap here. The actor who plays Neil I recognise from History 4 which I loved. Overall it was a good introduction of the series and I look forward to watching as the story unfolds.

Addicted Heroin Uncut version - Episode 1

I see where they have followed the original work (the novel) and where they have cut out things. It was a decent first episode however I am a little concerned about pacing; it would seem as if they are moving a bit too fast. This is concerning because it could be that they are rushing to imitate the original work and then use the left over episodes to put their own spin on it which could trash the whole thing or not. I hope I am proven wrong. If it was not obvious I will be a hard-ass when it comes to this series because I take my Chinese BLs very seriously and I do not think Thailand will be able to pull off an adaptation of a Chinese BL but I hope to be proven wrong. I look forward to seeing this series through.

That is right your boy had a busy day but still made time (it is now 2:07 am) to catch up on these BLs and you know why that is? It is because your boy is a BL Gangsta in these mf streets. 


Re: The Dangerous Romance Rant

I think you were more expecting my unfiltered self which this club gets a glimpse of now and then. As for the rant for 609 Bedtime Story here it is; you may be able to pick some sense from it.

I apologise in advance for any expletives one may recognise. 


Source - X

Re: Perfect 10 Liners

I like none of these main couples so hopefully there will be side couples just in case. I will not give my reasons why.....YET! lol

 American Fan:

I'm going through my special "Waiting to Air" list. 

Is anyone is watching  Mitsuya Sensei no Keikakutekina Ezuke? It started 7/26.

I'm interested.  I know, I know, it's a JAPANESE BL, but -  I LOVE age gaps so age gap wins!

Another series, starting this Friday, is The Last Time.  Maybe another age gap! Is this a trending trope?

I feel very willing and comfortable jumping into any J-BL with you because we both have a general aversion to them so it feels like having a friend who gets you watching along with so I will watch this one with you :)

P.S I am not sure if I have said this before but one thing I love about you when you post is that you edit the links to open in a separate tab and that just makes things so convenient for me; it is the little things *smiley emoji*

.....ewww that sound mushy. 

Day 14. Your favorite foods. Do you cook yourself, dine out, have it delivered? Recipe links? Share pics!

My favorite foods are: sushi, boeuf salad, pizza, ice-cream, french fries, salads, soups, watermelon, most fruits, that's about it.

Sometimes I cook by myself, sometimes I dine out or have it delivered. I don't make sushi by myself, but I should, it would be a good learning experience to make my own sushi.

I don't have any recipe links to give you or pics (I don't take pics of my food), but all I can say is all the foods I listed above are delicious. I also like matcha taste, but it's been a while since I tasted it. As for flavors, I like a bit of spice, but not too much, I also like sweet and sour. Now I'm craving something spicy since I haven't eaten anything like that in months if not years.

I know. I know. It’s the fact that I liked the first 3 episodes and the last episode, that is confusing me! But I really can’t ignore the mess that was the other 6 episodes— for now I’m running away. I’ll rate it… later… 

Okay I saw your dilemma and my mathematics brain jumped in (I actually hate all math that has nothing to do with money directly);

lets say you give 10 stars to each episode and there are 10 episodes so that is a total value of 100. You liked 4 episodes out of the 10 which is 4 ten stars valued at 40/100 (40%), so now find 40% of 10 stars which is 4 so there is the starting point for rating; 4 stars which is just basically giving 1 star to each episode you liked lol. Now you can give an extra 1 or 2 stars for things you liked about the series (actors, set, OST, etc.) which would give the final rating of about 5-6 stars. 

This is my unsolicited advice lol.

 American Fan:
Heya, don't include me here, lol! I'm fine with the status quo. :-)

The updates are fun but the truth of the matter is I am going through a drama slump right now... absolutely no urge to watch dramas... mangas are another matter, my brain still seems to be okay with them for now... *sighhhhh* I hope this nightmare gets over soon :(

 American Fan:
Battle of the Writers  EP 3

I must be on a lucky streak of good BL eps the past few days. And that includes BOTW!

Sure, it's a challenge to keep up with the storyline, but I'd much rather that then be bored out of my mind thinking "To drop or not to drop...?"

Tutor is sooo FINE!! Loving his style in this series. Yim is as cute as can be. Tutor looks at Yim like he's the sweetest desert ever.

Agree with all. The storyline is indeed confusing, especially keeping things straight between reality, the depiction of the virtual collaboration, and the story-within-the-story. I will need to re-watch this one. But it's all worth it because I love Tutor and Yim so much - and thankfully it seems to be back to that lovely Tutor/Yim dynamic more like Nuer/Syn (for me, the highlight of "Cutie Pie") rather than the train wreck of "Middleman's Love".

Were your boyfriends ukes or semes?

Nope, I won't answer this directly (yeah, I'm very private, but in part also because the answer would be complex and boring). However, I will titillate you by saying this: My attractions and lustful fantasies can be idiosyncratic and inconsistent, but one of my special weaknesses is for cuties who look uke (especially "pure boy" types) but are actually seme (and perhaps not quite so pure). Since there are sensitive young ears in this forum, I won't go into further sordid details.


I already watched "Perfect Propose" back when it came out on Gagaooala, and I loved it. I've now taken its re-release on Viki as a nudge to re-watch it, and I'm lovin' it all over again.

However, I have a dilemma: Am I in love with Kai (the character) or with Nomura Kota (the actor)? What if I arrange a passionate real-life affair with Nomura and then discover that his real personality is totally different from Kai's? Since he's an actor, can I ask him to be "Kai" when he's having the affair with me, or would this be impolite or even exploitative? I need advice from Miss Manners.

One of the advantages of the Thai BL fan service machine is that I get a much better idea of what the actors are really like - but since many of my crushes are for JBL characters, this problem tends to come up quite a lot for me.

Nope, I won't answer this directly (yeah, I'm very private, but in part also because the answer would be complex and boring). However, I will titillate you by saying this: My attractions and lustful fantasies can be idiosyncratic and inconsistent, but one of my special weaknesses is for cuties who look uke (especially "pure boy" types) but are actually seme (and perhaps not quite so pure). Since there are sensitive young ears in this forum, I won't go into further sordid details.

Wow, and I thought I was complex! :) 

But, thank you so much for supplementing to my curiousity jar! *virtually throwing my hands around you for a big, big hug!*

However, I have a dilemma: Am I in love with Kai (the character) or with Nomura Kota (the actor)? What if I arrange a passionate real-life affair with Nomura and then discover that his real personality is totally different from Kai's? Since he's an actor, can I ask him to be "Kai" when he's having the affair with me, or would this be impolite or even exploitative? I need advice from Miss Manners.

I don't know who Miss Manners is, but my suggestion would be to stop dreaming lol :) I mean you missed a hundred million steps and went straight for the "roleplay affair" with Nomura! :P

First of all, I think it's better for your marriage if you like Kai and not Nomura because I feel like if your partner finds out, we wouldn't have a P43425 to discuss our gay interests anymore :(

Second of all, I think you might not be able to look at Kai the same way once you have gotten to know Nomura, which is seriously a landmine don't you think? Do you really wanna risk losing your love for perfect propose? :(

Thirdly, yes, I think you might be inducing some serious trauma in the poor fellow lol, since you don't want to have the affair with him, but the character he played on screen :D (which I agree btw, that dude is so sweet!)

(but if it is just a fantasy, and he is okay with it, I think it should be fine, heehee! ^^)

One of the advantages of the Thai BL fan service machine is that I get a much better idea of what the actors are really like - but since many of my crushes are for JBL characters, this problem tends to come up quite a lot for me.

*sighhhhh* I can't tell you how much I agree with this statement! JBLs (and the actors too *wink*) are a slice of heaven! :* 

if it is just a fantasy

Yeah, it is. So don't pop my bubble!

*virtually throwing my hands around you for a big, big hug!*

Awww. *blush*

JBLs (and the actors too *wink*) are a slice of heaven!

Indeed. Please help me explain this correct factual statement to American Fan and RXinw.

I already watched "Perfect Propose" back when it came out on Gagaooala, and I loved it. I've now taken its re-release on Viki as a nudge to re-watch it, and I'm lovin' it all over again.

I really loved it too! Mainly for Kai actually :)

I like his partner as well, cute and sweet too, but Kai has got this domestic aura around him that just makes me wanna cuddle with him all day! ^^