American Fan:
But, yeah, we all know there is good and bad no matter where one lives. It's just the degree to which we can adjust and accept those things.


 American Fan:
Absolutely! Make friends in these places and visit them. :-)

Absolutely! My luck is I will find a guy from there and we both fall in love with each other and I will have to leave. My life is always like this lol.

Regarding the academic news I got all I am going to say is.......


Congratulations! You're not the best. You're ... the SUPER best!!!

OMG LITA JAPANESE REMAKE🤣🤣🤣 Im flabbergasted ngl. The cast looks very appealing though. Ngl, I didn't really like Lita that much,but I'm very curious about how this remake will turn out

Hello, I'd like to join if it's still possible.  Your banners and badges are beautiful!

First Note of Love Ep 1 ~

OK WOW, all these voices and subs, wait a minute guys.. ...overloading LOL

ahhh, plot point. Fast and furious opening = car crash, I see what you did there.

ok, who's falsetto is this? 

I love shows about creators, cooking, artists, musicians, I love watching people create. So this is already an interest on that alone. I dont play piano but would be interested to know if his fingers are correct LOL

ooooooooooooo, that little title screen is cute. OK Taiwan, you have my full attention LOL OOOh shit, it was a mirror LOL *clasp*   NICE.

He's a cutie. Not going to lie lol 

Yeah hun, he's busy lol

LOL Why does this look like an officer dragging a criminal in for questioning LOL

Ahhh, trauma.

Some of my college friends use to dress exactly like that LOL 

I'm not sure companies do care about their artists but sure lol ..........ohhhh. yeah, hit the artist with their copyright. 

Not listening to we're looking at the Sea. I like it. He's going to be forced to look at Sea for a while wont he? 

And there's Sea LOL

Oh no.....they're the same character LOL Yeah. Friends taking liberties would be the only way to put these two together in a room. Now, how often will that happen?

He's going to climb out the window isnt he? ~ No he just going to run ok LMAO

fried chicken and a hotpot sounds awesome. Well this isn't going to hurt my feelings later. Sure.

I would walk away from him too Sea 

LMAO Goofy friend aside, really like the acting so far. It's natural and fluid.

Oooohhh, here comes the china part. Got in there like Batman to save his future husband lol Girl get out of the way ~ friend, throw something...thank you LOL

WAIT...I know this song LOL I've totally heard those chords it Muse? Ah man, that's gonna bug me LOL

LOL Is this our gang? daddy, how did you meet mommy? LOL 

ha, well son, I got involved for fun LOL

Well, well, well.....look who it is.....the accidental falling onto your lips trope. We meet again. We got to speed this up somehow I guess lol

Yeah, sure he's fine LOL

what the hell kind of building is that? 

......where was she carrying all of that? .......

yeah, he sold you out bud. That's what besties do. They sell you down the river and laugh LOL

He a cutie. He's got that natural asian cuteness to him. 

Oh? he knows him?

Pffft, the walk LOL

Magnet's posters are very 90s lol

oh hi.....I fell onto your lips yesterday, nice to meet you. Big fan 

LOL well, a lot better put together than the last one. 

Would like to add the acting here, is pretty nice. It's very natural and fluid, so far. I've found Thai dramas can always feel like I'm watching a play, there's something very robotic, esp with side characters. And then ofc the over the top, cartoon acting across asian genres. This is nice. This is nice, this is getting it just right.


Absolutely! My luck is I will find a guy from there and we both fall in love with each other and I will have to leave. My life is always like this lol.

I like that plan! Actually, it's not far-fetched. I have another brother, and he met his wife online. She's from the Philippines and after getting to know each other for a year, including visits he made to her country, they decided to get married. She's a wonderful person. So is my bro! 

It can happen!!




Hello, I'd like to join if it's still possible.  Your banners and badges are beautiful!

You just did! 

Hi, many on this forum are doing challenge questions for the month of August, about ourselves. You are welcome to join or watch, either way! Answer only what you want to. Also, feel free to post your thoughts about the BL dramas u r watching. Everyone is friendly and respectful here.

See the questions here

 American Fan:
Also, feel free to post your thoughts about the BL dramas u r watching. Everyone is friendly and respectful here.

@babyTata - You too!! :-)

First Note of Love Ep 2 ~

ohhhh......did the B get mixed up with an L or were they really brothers and I'm just really white LOL also....that was awkward LOL

Brilliant, they love you <3 LOL

OK, these lyrics and looking at each other like that. MY gay senses are tingling LOL If they are actually brothers then my gay senses are really, really confused LOL

I like that each episode has it's own title. I miss books that would have each chapter titled. Numbers are boring. 

Oh, here comes the china part. Showing us extra of what they didnt in the last episode.

He's so soft spoken. I want to put him in my pocket already.

Oh hi, I fell onto your lips yesterday, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm a big fan LOL

Dont be a basturd Or I'll have to hate you. This is now my son. Be good to him. 

OHH WOW....I knew he was small this shot, just emphasis how small Sea is and probably how he's feeling. That's beautiful. Taiwan, you got your visuals together. I like you.

My little tiny baby, I will protect you......*rolls up sleeves* Btch. I know you got trauma, but get your stroppy ass together. 

You didnt listen to his songs.....Go take a shower

My finger is on the trigger......just give the when hun

get out of his face, i can smell your breath from here

Yes sweetie, punch back. Dont let him bleed over you

Emphasis on 'former' hahahaha, that's my boy <3

Quietness is not timidness 

In reality he would be knocking his cap off and yelling at his grungy ass

So how did this car crash happen, is what I want to know. What brought it about?

Omg I love him <3 who is this actor LOL yeah, never meet your idols. 

LOL I like her

My boy in front of you is about to save your ass again isnt he?

You are not about to mirror this narrative to me?


Oh, shize, it just hit me that he plays keyboards LOL well would you look at that LOL

romantic reminiscing of when I didnt know he was a traumatised jerk 

I am claiming Sea's actor. He's so fricking cute.

It only took the cutest little twink to get this guy to sing again LOL

Yeah, it was meant to hurt your feelings. Enjoy.

Ohhh, he's so coot <3......oh? Is this asshole stalking him now? Also, this base bgm 

Is this guy just in the bushes? hahaha


oooooo, shots fired kukuku

scowl at him honey, i'm scowling with you. SHUUUUUUNNN

wig is pretty nice. It actually looks like his hair

singing like a siren from the deep, my son is in trouble

Sea's actor is now mine. Two episodes and this boy is right up there with Cheng Yi. You can have Joong and Dunk. This boy is now mine. Dont even know his names LOL

Michael Chang. Uhh, He's adorable. 

I need to refuel before episode 3 and then I'm going to bitch until next week LOL


@RXinw I need u here!

@American Fan secrets…? (Re: ur post on page 1059) 


Wait wait wait— Love in the Air is getting a Japanese ramake???

And Payu is being played by Nagumo Shoma (the really hot guy in At 25:00 in Akasaka for those of us who watched it lol)???


If they ease down on the hair gel in the actual show, it would do wonders.

WOAH seriously? How is this gonna work? :0

 American Fan:
I like that plan! Actually, it's not far-fetched. I have another brother, and he met his wife online. She's from the Philippines and after getting to know each other for a year, including visits he made to her country, they decided to get married. She's a wonderful person. So is my bro!

It can happen!!

Omg that's so sweet! I'm so happy for them.


From the cartoon spiderman...or well, the one I watched with my brother lol, his 'spidey senses' which basically just means intuition that something stupid is coming his way LOL

Lol my little brother is obsessed with Spider-Man (and by obsessed I mean “my BL obsession” obsessed lol) 


I dont think I've ever watched anything from Taiwan before? I need to shower first, then get my tea and see if I'm as interested as everyone else LOL

Taiwanese BLs r the best! I’ve only watched a few but I’ve completely enjoyed and rated every one I’ve watched a 10- the chemistry, the actors, the storyline, the OSTs, everything is just perfect (imo) 


Regarding the academic news I got all I am going to say is.......




@GelfyFaeth222 ahh I love the actor who plays Sea as well, he’s an adorable little cupcake *heart eyes*