I just watched We Are and it was a good first episode but is anyone else confused why it’s on iQIYI instead of YouTube?

It's on YouTube for some countries and iQIYI for others. Use a VPN to watch on your preferred streaming service.

I have some sad news to share. (Not really but...)

After rewatching Oxygen (most of it anyway) I had to downgrade my rating from an 8 to 7 and take it off my Fav BL list. 

There were too many things wrong this time around, for me. Or I've gotten more critical over time. Maybe both. 

If you are a big fan of this series you might not want to read my venting comments below. :-)

I didn't like the whole Fujoshi/doctor thing going on. Who in their right mind would impose their opinion of someone else's sexual preferences on them? And all the stupid phone streams and vids of guy pairs in the café. I skipped through most of their scenes. 

I hope lightning doesn't strike me, but I have to say Nut's character was stiff and too clingy for my taste. I wasn't feeling a romantic connection between the two MLs. More like Gui was a parent-like figure to Solo, especially when Solo asked for milk throughout the series. Is Gui his surrogate mother or something?  It was irritating. And so was Gui's hairdo.

Anyways I got it all out and rant is over.  haha

Disclaimer: No offense to all the Nut/Oxygen fans out there.


oh, I need some of this energy because if I see one more email I am going to scream. 

Deep breaths...in and out...slowly

We are : 

Only one thing, I personally LOVED the kick. 

You and me both. The event of the whole ep. 

 American Fan:
After rewatching Oxygen (most of it anyway) I had to downgrade my rating from an 8 to 7 and take it off my Fav BL list.

Proceeds to read as someone who rated it 10/10 at the time of watching. Interesting. 

 American Fan:
I've gotten more critical over time.

Yup, definitely can relate to this one.

 American Fan:
If you are a big fan of this series you might not want to read my venting comments below. :-)

This only made me want to read it more lol, but first let me take cover before my fellow Oxygen fans arrive.

 American Fan:
And so was Gui's hairdo.

This part sent me HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I am wiping tears right now

 American Fan:
Disclaimer: No offense to all the Nut/Oxygen fans out there.

No worries we are cool. Just a little secret between me and you (as if this is not a public domain lol) this is one reason why I don't re-watch series especially older series, come nearer, *proceeds to look both ways*, whispers* SOTUS.

 American Fan:
Deep breaths...in and out...slowly

*Summoning the calming energy of the universe*


Re: We Are

Wow yeah I get what u mean I also had some trouble with remembering names at first but by the second half of the ep I was able to differentiate between them, especially since I’ve seen most of the cast in lots of other dramas

And the kicking scene was just hilarious, but yeah, the fact that he spent so much time of the painting and in the end he couldn’t even submit it in made me feel kinda unsatisfied

And I love Toey he’s sooo cute omg I’m really excited for QToey :D

I'm finally here to talk about 'We Are' !!!

To start off let me just say, I usually do think Phuwin is pretty and cute, but that first shot of him painting... he looked ethereal, ponytail and all.  I love the characterization of Pheem, starting from the hair to the flip flops. I hate flip flops, but they suit the character so much. 

Standout characters of ep.1 for me : Q, Tan, Fang. Q has the cool vibe going on, I think if he was my senior I'd be in love with him too. Tan is hilarious, he's willing to throw his friends under the bus, but first makes sure there won't be any bodily harm involved. I'm totally intrigued by Fang, because he's giving me older brother vibes to Phum, and like he's the mastermind out of the two? 

I think we're all in the consensus that Phum deserved that kick. I too would have been livid. I'm expecting a lot of funny moments as they go from hate to love.

Lastly, I'm actually excited that this show will have 16 episodes, because it's honestly the only way a cast with this size can even attempt to shine. Despite PondPhuwin holding the central roles that bring this cast together, this show is being billed as an ensemble so I'm really hoping we get a lot of moments between the other pairings and proper character development. Like others said, there's nothing NEW about this premise, but I don't need new, I just need well done.

@American Fan @RiqueXinw    RE: We Are

Agree with both of u

DJ, I envy that u can do art :o that’s impressive 

If I try to draw a shoe it’ll probably look like a potato (Heartstopper reference hehe ;)) 

And in We Are, I’m also really excited for the Hidden Agenda couple (love them) and also QToey :D


 American Fan:
I didn't like the whole Fujoshi/doctor thing going on.

Just quoting this part because of the spoilers. 

OMG this love triangle/square monstrosity still makes me livid. They are the reason I have no desire to rewatch Oxygen. Why did that stupid storyline get so much screentime???? The dumb doctor spent idk how many episodes hurting his supposed best friend and his crush's teenage brother, just because he was entitled and selfish and a liar. 

I'd like to join the club, please!

Also - it recently occurred to me that Anne Rice's Interview With the Vampire might qualify as BL? Louis is 25 when he is turned ?

I'd like to join the club, please!

Just by posting in this thread, you're a member.

There are also lively Discord groups if you're interested, the MDL BL Drama Lovers server is here:  
https://discord.gg/uRSVuwEqga  there is also the BL Wonderland Discord Server: https://discord.gg/blwonderland Both servers offer watch parties and lively conversation about individual BL and GL dramas and films.


but I don't need new, I just need well done.

I will drink to that my friend.

I'd like to join the club, please!

Welcome to the club.

One Night Only 4/10

Well that is one hour of my life I am never getting back. *sigh*

it recently occurred to me that Anne Rice's Interview With the Vampire might qualify as BL? Louis is 25 when he is turned ?

Welcome! To most of us here, "BL" means Asian BLs - and although the protagonists are invariably attractive, there's no particular limit as to age.