
I am too, just by reading through these posts! :P

 I still need to post some food pics. I will tomorrow when I get my laptop ;)


 I still need to post some food pics. I will tomorrow when I get my laptop ;)

Sure! :) 

August Challenge Day 13, 14, 15

Day 13 - List 5 thing you hate/dislike.

1. Lima beans(they can f#@% right off and get tossed into a volcano)
2. Cilantro(it tastes like soap it's disgusting)
3. Stroads(they're an immense blight in American infrastructure)
4. Cigarette smoke
5. Relationship cheaters

Day 14 - Your favorite foods. Do you cook yourself, dine out, have it delivered?

I covered a couple of these for previous challenge days(cookies & chocolate). Other than those previous mentions, I love grilled salmon as a favorite meat, favorite veggies are broccoli/spinach/kale, favorite starches are brown rice, red potatoes, sweet potatoes, favorite fruits are bananas/yellow nectarines/peaches/guava. I always cook for myself.

Day 15 - Who is your ULT BL bias & bias wrecker?(actor not character)

Bias: Tee Thanapon POSH magazine cover interview
From the second I saw Tee for the first time in the series The Miracle of Teddy Bear, I instantly had a hardcore crush on him and ever since.

Bias wrecker: Daou Pittaya

*I HAVE to mention my secondary bias reserves Tay Tawan, Mike Chinnarat, Andy Wu – my other crushes.

Bruschetta: I crave this a lot

Bruschetta is Mexican? I had no idea lol :)
My mom used to be a huge fan! :D

My sister is a much bigger fan of Mexican food, simply because she knows more about it :P But she prefers making it herself rather than buy it outside, because this one time she tried a quesadilla outside, and it was a very traumatising experience for her, heehee! :D

guys very important question: does "My Stand-In" get any better?? I am so fucking bored and pissed at every single one of these characters!!!! I'm on episode 3 (I have devoted 3 precious hours of my sorry ass life for this show already)

side note: this Up guy must be a really good actor because every time he appears on screen I just want to punch him across the face

 American Fan:
TYSM! I love Indian food, but I'm also picky about the dishes. I want to make my own naan sometime.

No problem! It's okay, if it is not to your taste :D  To each their own!

You want to make naan? It's actually supposed to be not that hard, but might be for a first-time... so good luck! Also, in my opinion go for Kashmiri Naan instead of Butter Naan... you might not have heard about the former much, but imo almost all the good recipes come from the interiors of the country :)

Before I go to bed~  Day 15 Challenge: Who is your ultimate bl bias and bias wrecker

Peat- Ultimate Bias

Krist- Bias Wrecker:) My babies<3

Sea reacted defensively to Neil's behavior. Imagine being a musician facing an idol who played a significant role in introducing you to music during a tough period in your life. Now imagine this person evaluating your talent based on your age and professionalism. I interpret Sea's aggression not as hatred, but as disappointment in his idol's conduct.

yeah I totally agree that Sea had a good reason to be rude back. I'm sensing that Neil will get less annoying soon - You made really good points about why he's being so obnoxious though I totally get what you're saying.


I find this very funny, heehee! :D

Not a huge fan of him calling the other guy "kiddo",

I am not a fan of couples who call their significant other that either... My question is always, why does that turn you on? Are you a pedophile? Not a fan of people calling their partners daddy either.... 

okay I feel like I am giving someone a heart attack

Count me in too...  slaughtering, blood and guts are not my thing, but I love the pics of the fruits! Except for the Jamaican Apple and Juici Patty, I have tried them all, and love them too! :)

I am not a fan of couples who call their significant other that either... My question is always, why does that turn you on? Are you a pedophile? Not a fan of people calling their partners daddy either.... 

I sincerely hope he doesn't continue to call Sea kiddo. I am also telling myself that maybe the word he's saying in Chinese doesn't translate to English well and maybe perhaps it doesn't have the same connotations as kiddo does in English............ (I know I am just trying to make myself feel better it's probably a pretty good translation)


you don't like Cilantro? *shocked to my very core* This is the first time I have met someone, albeit online, who doesn't like Cilantro... and what do you mean it tastes like soap? maybe they prepared it wrong the first time... my request, give it a chance again, of course no pressure, but you don't like cilantro...?  *still in a daze*

Here are the pics:

Love these!!


Bruschetta is Mexican? I had no idea lol :)
My mom used to be a huge fan! :D

My sister is a much bigger fan of Mexican food, simply because she knows more about it :P But she prefers making it herself rather than buy it outside, because this one time she tried a quesadilla outside, and it was a very traumatising experience for her, heehee! :D

It’s not! Bruschetta is Italian <3

Oh nooo— traumatizing just conjured hundreds of ways it could have gone wrong.


I sincerely hope he doesn't continue to call Sea kiddo. I am also telling myself that maybe the word he's saying in Chinese doesn't translate to English well and maybe perhaps it doesn't have the same connotations as kiddo does in English............ (I know I am just trying to make myself feel better it's probably a pretty good translation)

Maybe, it's very much possible... because Koreans like it when their partners call them Oppa right? Maybe a similar situation in China, I don't know... let's ask P43425 since he is the one currently learning chinese! 

Hello P43425! We need your help! *waves*