
:) Nope not yet. He is all yours ♡

Cool <3 that makes 3 now LOL 

The Sign ep7 Ok this show is just indulging me now. I've got some awesome Thai folklore, special investigation cops, some BL that's working for me and now we're introducing classical music and art??? What is this?? "Please me and my aesthetic, the series LOL 

Also this snake ass doctor really needs to die now. so beautifully hateable. I want to punch him every time he's on screen LOL

What was that NC scene and won't paint get into places lol

I just watched a similar scene in my show LOL It's like those pictures of having romantic dates in some long grass and I always think, this person has never sat in very long grass before LOL 

The romanticism doesn't always translate very well in reality 

Boys Be Brave! final

Aww that was adorable <3 I thought Ki Sub was the only cutie in the show but Jin Woo is even cuter when he smiles lol I’m in love with both of them 

I may have to claim both actors on here…

Anyways, the second couple was slightly questionable at first but I started to like their story too and wish we got to see a continuation of it :( 

Overall rating: 9.5/10 

Thx to @American Fan for recommending this wonderful cute drama! 

I’m claiming Nam Shi An, the adorable cutie pie Ki Sub from Boys Be Brave! 


I’m claiming Nam Shi An, the adorable cutie pie Ki Sub from Boys Be Brave! 

for the next new series I swear I'm going to shout ready, set, go! LMAO I had actually seen that one on iqyi and havent gotten to it yet. Iqyi must know too because they keep advertising it to me lol

Boys Be Brave! final

Aww that was adorable <3

I'm so glad you enjoyed it, too! Ki Sub is such a great character - cute and quirky in the best way.


I don't see "A Shoulder to Cry On" on your watchlist. I loved the series - and it features archery! (Although the "epilogue" left me feeling a bit dissatisfied, I keep hoping it was intentional as a lead into a future second series. Also, it's a KBL, so it's not particularly snoggy or steamy, if that's important to you.)

oh I always see that show on Viki and I've never really been super interested because I'm kind of in my "over high school dramas" phase of life, but I didn't realize it had any archery in it! Now I am definitely more interested. At this point in time, I really will only watch a high school drama if it has some other element that I'm more interested in, you know? (like I only watched "Jazz for Two" because I like the piano)  I will definitely add to the watchlist!!


The Sign ep 5

This.....Is......Awesome.....And because I'm invested, my heart is doki~doki~ing for the smexy scenes....

Thank you Ash <3  maybe you're my BL twin. We hate the same stuff, maybe we like the same stuff too LOL

you have inspired me to watch this show too!!! I had never heard of it until now. I'm on episode 5 too and I will admit, it's maybe a little TOO much cop propaganda for my taste, but it's still not overly cop-ish. I'm really enjoying the sort of spiritual element, you don't see that much in shows (at least the ones I watch). The action part is really really good too!!!!


you have inspired me to watch this show too!!! I had never heard of it until now. I'm on episode 5 too and I will admit, it's maybe a little TOO much cop propaganda for my taste, but it's still not overly cop-ish. I'm really enjoying the sort of spiritual element, you don't see that much in shows (at least the ones I watch). The action part is really really good too!!!!

i'm on ep 9 and i'm about to shank the doctor LMAO 

I'm going to save my overall thoughts for a review after I've finished the show but god damn, it's not perfect, but this is a pretty solid 9 for me in terms of enjoyment right now.


for the next new series I swear I'm going to shout ready, set, go! LMAO I had actually seen that one on iqyi and havent gotten to it yet. Iqyi must know too because they keep advertising it to me lol

Omg it’s so good, u defo have to give it a try!!!


I'm so glad you enjoyed it, too! Ki Sub is such a great character - cute and quirky in the best way.

Ikr, I wasn’t expecting to love it so much <3

The Trainee ep 9

Nooo, WHY DID I WATCH THIS WHILE AIRING?! Damnit I really can’t wait for the next ep

THAT HUG AT THE END WAS SO WARM *heart eyes* I’m in love with Jane ohmygod he’s so hot :o and Ryan’s little smile was so cute 

I still can’t bring myself to like Bahmee or Judy, I kinda find them annoying tbh 

And I love Pah, his character is so caring and sweet <3

Day 25 of August Challenge: In which drama would you play the main lead and who is your lead partner? 

Hmm…I would want to be in mafia action BL drama (in a universe where I’m a guy lol) with either Joong Archen or Hsu Kai or Andy Bian (can’t choose lol) 

I love action/mafia BLs and would love something similar to KinnPorsche or HIStory 3: Trapped 

It would be fun to play with fake guns and do cool fights and stuff

And of course it would be hot and spicy too XD

So I got to the end of The Sign, and there is so much adrenaline running through me, I might have to cry a bit, and I'm not a crier at shows. 

My BL 10 cherry has been given to The Sign. I'm very picky about my 10s and considering my experiences with BLs, esp Thai BLs, I never thought I could give one a 10. 

HOLY HELL. That was a wild ride, and I enjoyed every minute.

ASH.... my love, my light, My God/Goddess/whatever the heck you want to be called, of Recommendations, I'm going to believe every word you say from now on <3  

I found a BL that works for me and it's a THAI BL. LMAO Karma came for my ass finally, after KinnPorsche. Btch, What took you so long? LMAO

August Challenge Day 25

In which drama would you play the main lead and who is your lead partner? Talk about your pick.

For the drama that we would be playing the leads in, it would be something along the lines of an I Feel You Linger In The Air/Until We Meet Again blended with a My Only 12%It would be about fated lovers that are born next door to each other. They grow up together as close friends and schoolmates throughout their school life in their current reincarnation, as they start discovering that they are lovers from previous lifetimes as they are falling in love with each other again in this lifetime. For my lead partner, I'm definitely still sticking with my ult bias, Tee Thanapon.

I love the fated lover trope, especially when it's tied to reincarnation. Two people fall in love in one lifetime with their very first meeting that happens by chance, and they keep meeting and falling in love again in subsequent lifetimes. I'm not exactly sure why I love it so much, but I do remember as far back as being a very little kid and having feelings of longing for something/someone from a long, long time ago. That feeling has always remained with me my entire life. I sometimes wonder if these things are actually possible and do truly happen. These are the dramas that I always love the most and stick with me the deepest.

I chose Tee not only because I just find him incredibly attractive to me, but he has a sweetness and a genuineness about him and the roles that I have seen him in that would be perfect as my lead partner. For what I have learned about him, we share a lot in common, and I think we would get along very well and have great chemistry with each other. I think he would bring the endearing qualities that I would want in a fated lover for the story with me.