
Hey everyone! I just started watching BLs a few days ago (I've already binge-watched quite a few lol) and would love some recommendations?

hi, you can check my list here: https://mydramalist.com/list/1XzxOBw3

Is anyone watching The Hidden Moon? Help me out, pls. 

Good? Bad? Ok? Stay Away?


At this point, for those peeps still watching battle of the writers, must I beg you to stop torturing yourself? Please, I hate to see it lol

Now i'm curious and want to see it lol. I remember people liking it when it first aired.


Is anyone watching The Hidden Moon? Help me out, pls. 

Good? Bad? Ok? Stay Away?

i honestly didnt like it

 American Fan:

We're even then. 

Can you say "Bad Guy My Boss"?

touché baby,  touché

Re: Kiss x Kiss x Kiss miniseries

Does anybody know where I can watch the full series and not just scattered parts because the idol story has me hooked.

 Chun Mo Rionnag:
I'm a completionist, so no matter how bad, I go to the bitter end,  it took me six years to finish reading "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", but I succeeded despite hating every second I spent on it.

YESSSSS! See guys there are others like me out here who tough it out till the bitter end.

Fist bump!