This only made me want to read it more lol, but first let me take cover before my fellow Oxygen fans arrive.

This part sent me HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I am wiping tears right now

 American Fan:

proceeds to look both ways*, whispers* SOTUS.

HaHa back atcha to all your replies. :-) I dare not rewatch SOTUS these days. 

he looked ethereal, ponytail and all.

Yeah, his top tail was Super Duper CUTE! 

I just need well done.

Well I thought Pheem's kick was very well done. Very straightforward with a lot of meaning.

If I try to draw a shoe it’ll probably look like a potato

Make it the best looking potato ever! :-)


Just quoting this part because of the spoilers. 

OMG this love triangle/square monstrosity still makes me livid. They are the reason I have no desire to rewatch Oxygen. Why did that stupid storyline get so much screentime???? The dumb doctor spent idk how many episodes hurting his supposed best friend and his crush's teenage brother, just because he was entitled and selfish and a liar. 


I'd like to join as well please!

 American Fan:
After rewatching Oxygen (most of it anyway) I had to downgrade my rating

Hmm, and I thought we were so perfectly aligned. At least this will quell any rumours that you're my secret alt account. Haha.

I think even loyal fans of "Oxygen" and Supanut (like me) will agree that this series has some weaknesses and that the third storyline is the big weakness. When I rewatch it, I always skip over the doctors (although actually, I think Khim is a sweet character, and I find her fujoshi obsession - minus the doctors - rather funny). As to Supanut being "stiff", that's a fair criticism that many make - but aside from this being his first substantive acting role, one can also rationalise this as being Solo's character, i.e. Supanut is playing the role.

So basically, I don't disagree with your two main criticisms - but I love the series (minus the third storyline) nonetheless. As with a number of other series that I especially like, I can overlook the weaknesses (some quite glaring) because of all that's good - which in the case of "Oxygen" is first and foremost the lead couple: Gui's unfailing kindness and strength, Solo's quiet "lost puppy" nature and powerful bond with Gui. I don't need a lot of snogging or "steam" (which there isn't) to feel their intimacy. Needless to say, their physical beauty doesn't hurt either. 


Re: Kiseki Chapter 2 

Watched ep 3 and I’m… speechless

What have I just watched :0 

Is this series any relation to Kiseki: Dear To Me, which I loved.  It's late and I'm wide awake, so looking for a new drama to start. 

 American Fan:
Is this series any relation to Kiseki: Dear To Me,

None whatsoever.

None whatsover.


 American Fan:
Is this series any relation to Kiseki: Dear To Me, which I loved.  It's late and I'm wide awake, so looking for a new drama to start. 

No it is that series that we were talking about with the graphic sex scene at the end of episode 3; Kiseki Chapter 2

Gui's unfailing kindness and strength

Yes, as with most series, there are strengths and weaknesses, and you were very good at pointing out both sides. Gui's character is why I liked this series in the first place and that didn't shift, but many other aspects of the show did through my current perspective. 

I thought we were so perfectly aligned.

Nothings perfect, haha, but I'm confidant we'll continue to match up often enough! Maybe not twins though  :-) :-)


None whatsoever.


No it is that series that we were talking about with the graphic sex scene at the end of episode 3; Kiseki Chapter 2

OHHH okay. That's right, you are researching this one and reporting back. I remember now!

@American Fan I shall try to make it the most handsome potato ever :)

Also, about Oxygen, I found the third storyline a complete waste of time as well but I LOVED SOLOGUI AND PHUKAO SO MUCH

Ur comments about Gui’s hair made me laugh coz it’s so true

But I loved SoloGui’s love, especially at the end when they stood up for their love <3 

When I rewatch it tho, I’m def gonna skip the parts w the doctor and stuff coz there’s no way I’m ever watching that again haha

 American Fan:

OHHH okay. That's right, you are researching this one and reporting back. I remember now!

Yes and uh… if ur in the mood for some extreme spice u should try it out ;)

Re: Semantic Error ep 4 

Omg Sangwoo look sooo cute without the cap *heart eyes* 

And Jaeyoung was SO handsome when he changed his style :o 

I couldn’t stop laughing when they wore those costumes tho it was hilarious haha

And the preview for the next ep looks sad TT

Day 4 of April challenge: Favourite side couple

Do u even have to ask? Obviously Jack and Zhao Li An from HIStory 3: Trapped 

These 2 just captured my heart just as much as the main leads did, and u guys know how much of a simp I am for Jack the hottie ;)

Day 4 of April challenge: Favourite side couple

Oh, this is so easy (at least for me): Nuer and Syn (Tutor and Yim) in "Cutie Pie".

Day 4 of April challenge: Favourite side couple

HeartLiming from Moonlight Chicken <3