American Fan:
I'll just hop on over to RiqueXinw pfp and everything else will be forgotten. 

Hehe glad to see my gifs are changing moods and lives, and here I was worried they were too spicy and pornish (is this even a word). I am almost finish renovating it still need to add some more. 

Question how do I post my badges on my profile; I know where to find them but don't know how to post them with the text attached. 

Question how do I post my badges on my profile; I know where to find them but don't know how to post them with the text attached. 

I post badges in the same way as other images. I right click on the badge image and do "save as" to my desktop. Pop that into Postimages for the link then add to your page. I add the text myself.

PS: They are pornish. :-)

ETA:  I take it back. I CAN'T visit your pfp cuz it reminds me of how single I am, which I'm very happy about, UNTIL I see your page. Boo Hoo!! 

 American Fan:
PS: They are pornish. :-)

Oh, thank you for the info. 

This gives me an idea, I might actually add the title CSO on my profile. What do you guys think?

Single life is amazing (says the virgin) lol

On a totally different topic: this is just me using this post as an outlet for my thoughts so you can ignore this or jump on the thought train.

I just finished wrapping up a M/M book (ignoring all my work) and some lines resonated with me having watched so much BLs where someone was reluctant, scared, stubborn or in denial of admitting their feelings. The lines were, "If you look at him and think 'this is mine', that's it. Grab it if you can. I wish I could". Immediately a BL movie came to mind; "A Round Trip to Love".  This movie wrecked me for days and I will never forget it. Before watching this I was used to the series and all their happy endings and cute and romantic moments, but when I watched this, it gripped and held me in place so fiercely while squeezing every single emotion out of soul. I did not have tears rolling down my cheeks but I blinked back tears; this movie had me dead to the world for over 2 hours it was not going to break me on top of it; but it did. I did not see BLs as colourful GMMTV productions anymore; I had been introduced to a darker reality which was love was not always pretty, it can be dirty, shameless and cruel. The movie came in two parts but it was those final scenes in part two of the movie that left me wrecked. They showed how love can be so all consuming and burn so bad that obsession is the only result when its taken from you in a cruel way. Those two final scenes just brought everything home, I can still remember them vividly and hear the rawness of one half of the couple's scream; that scream carried so much; anguish, grief, pain. Watching the closing scene I remember thinking no, just no way, it cannot end like this, the other half of the couple did not go through so much sacrifice, torture of his heart, love so aggressively, so shamelessly just to have the love of his existence be wrenched away from him just as he had grasped him again after so many years of fighting against his love. It was a Chinese movie but luckily it was not censored however they never filmed the final movie. I looked everywhere for the books until I finally grabbed hold of them; I have yet to open one and this was years ago. Every time I go to read them I remember that final scene and change my mind. I never researched how the story ended either; I did not want to spoil the book and I did not want my fantasy of how it could have possibly ended being shattered if the real ending was sad.

Maybe this is one reason why today I do not like so burns because watching someone deny their feelings brings me back to that movie and I look at the characters on screen and say, not everyone who meets their great love and is able to hold on to them so when yours is in front of you hold onto it with everything you got so even if you lose them you lose them knowing you had fought for them with everything and more. Watching Together With Me the series, I was so pissed at Knock because I was like come on, if you can't stand the thought of him with someone else then give him a reason not to let you go and finally at the VERY END he did but all that time he wasted is gone. 

I hate when I hear people complain and others say "but this person has it worse". Yes that may be true but others situations no matter how worse should not invalidate your feelings and situation, so I am not saying persons should not be allowed to express their denial of feelings for their own emotional reasons because others don't get to keep their great love but what I am saying is sometimes when you look at others situations it really put things in perspective and lets you know what is most important that way you are able to even work through your denial a little better. 

Anyways these were my random thoughts that I decided to torture you guys with. If you managed to read through all of that, well, welcome to inside my mind and thanks for reading. 

April BL Drama Challenge

Day 5 - Favorite Female Character

Shout out to the girlies in BLs that are loyal and lovely and gallantly put up with their sometimes irrational best friends.

This time around I want to highlight Hashimoto from Kieta Hatsukoi. Hashimoto is the catalyst of our romance, the number one supporter of our ship, and the best friend anyone could ask for. She is a strong girl who might feel insecure in the face of her own feelings, but will never hold back a punch when it comes to defending her friends. Rarely in a BL is a female character given such an endearing role. 

Honorable mention to our lovely Manju from Taikan Yoho (she came, she fangirled, she wrote a fanfic) and iconic Manow from UMWA and Between Us (I too would worship my bff everyday if he cooked like Pharm).

im new to this whole thing, idk how to use anything here

when yours is in front of you hold onto it with everything you got so even if you lose them you lose them knowing you had fought for them with everything and more.

A very thought-provoking post.  I admire that you take time to explore the deeper meanings behind the characters behavior's and stories in the dramas. I'm sure I don't grasp most of your thoughts or the content in the dramas to that degree, so pardon my ignorance. :-)

Our lives are just a speck in the universe, so to love and express that love to others is the most precious gift we can give, and in return, if we are blessed, a gift to receive as well. Don't deny others the gift of loving you.

Hi there my dears! :-)

I hope you're all fine?! Wishing you a great weekend, wherever you are and whatever you do. 

So first of all.... Do I need more sleep or drink more green tea (because I don't drink coffee). I just had  tried to quote without being logged in. And I wondered why it did not work! I guess I'm not really awake yet. O.o  It's not that early anymore for that to be my excuse. :D 

So now I am logged in....

And I was thinking of starting City Of Stars now…wdu guys think? Is it good? 

I don't know this drama but I've watched a trailer on YT and I think you can give it a try! I would wait to binge watch it like RiqueXinw but that's just a personal preference. If it comes to the question wether you should watch it at all, I give it a thumbs up. You can start with the first and second episode and then you'll find out if you like it and want to continue or not. :-) 

For example I find the scene in the trailer on the restaurant terrace really funny when Fueangnakorn was practicing his lines and Krommatha thought he meant him. I had to giggle. For me that's a good sign if only a trailer can make me giggle or when I am given a cute, butterfly feelings. Or the moment when Fueangnakorn put up his sunglasses and it was kind of slow motion. I can't help it but I love those slow motion appearances. I love good first meeting scenes (doesn't have to be in slow motion) in general.  (*heart eyes smiley)

If you will watch it, please let me know how you like it! :-)

Have u watched any horror movies?

I’ve been looking for a good horror BL (2 of my favourite genres) but they’re very limited unfortunately T_T

No. I have only watched a few scenes so to say by mistake in trailers or on TV when I switched on a channel and didn't know what was airing on that time. I've watched a few episodes of (for me) scary and creepy series or movies and they gave me nightmares, so I avoid scary or horror movies. I sometimes have nightmares for no apparent reason anyway, I don't have to conjure them. :D 

Therefore I am careful with what I watch and in general I prefer "happy" dramas. But I do like thrillers, action or darker themes, too. One of my favorite dramas is Vincenzo and I've just seen the movie The Childe and I am still impressed. So it's a fine line and I have to try it out. It is often a question of mood and how I am feeling in daily life. 

I find the non BL drama Happiness interesting and would like to watch it. But I haven't done it yet because I'm not sure how it would suit me. O.o

I dare to watch supernatural and fantasy dramas/ movies rather than horror. For example I might like the upcoming drama The Vampire Project. Does anyone know when it will be released and where? Or probably that is not yet known.

I had been introduced to a darker reality which was love was not always pretty,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and deep feelings with us, RiqueXinw.

I am not good in writing or speaking either, like American Fan wrote. Love - you could write so much about it. Probably the most fascinating and unpredictable feeling in the world. Love is beautiful when it is mutual and it can be cruel when it is one-sided. 

Watching the closing scene I remember thinking no, just no way, it cannot end like this, the other half of the couple did not go through so much sacrifice, torture of his heart, love so aggressively, so shamelessly just to have the love of his existence be wrenched away from him just as he had grasped him again after so many years of fighting against his love

This does feel really intense and heart-breaking. 

Since watching dramas, I've learned new ways of looking at love and relationships that I appreciate very much. 

For example What I've noticed is that it's often a topic that timing is important.
I never thought about it before, but I think it's true. Timing concerning the confession of love or making up after a misunderstanding and argument. 

It also has to do a lot with courage. 

 American Fan:
Don't deny others the gift of loving you.

This is great said. I love that. Being brave enough to be yourself. Not to pretend being XY because you think the other person would like it more. Keyword Annabelle in Cute Pie for example. Giving someone the chance getting to know you. Not denying others the opportunity to get to know you and maybe loving you. But once you've experienced being rejected, every new attempt to be open and to love can be scary. However I think an honest sincere rejection is even better than when someone is dishonest and plays with your feelings.

Loving each other or loving someone has a lot to do with good communication. Being able to communicate well and sincerely with each other.

I appreciate it a lot to watch different types of love in dramas (Bl and non BL) with happy endings or sad endings etc. in order to learn. It gives me the opportunity to reflect on my own thoughts.
I can get to know other points of view or rediscover myself. 


"Grand Guignol" is definitely the goriest thing I've ever seen on a screen - but actually, even though I don't like horror, it didn't really bother me. You have to see it to understand ...

Ah ok

I like horror and gore so it should be ok :)

 Chun Mo Rionnag:

Have you already watched "Shadow" (Thailand, 2023) and "Dead Friend Forever - DFF" (Thailand, 2024)?

Shadow is on my PTW list and yeah I watched DFF and I didn’t really like it

The ending was really bad imo, especially when they killed White (HE WAS INNOCENT FOR GODS SAKE) T_T ngl I was like depressed for like a week after watching it haha

@RiqueXinw ooh u like horror too? Yay! Haha same American horror movies have set my standards high and none of the horror BL dramas I’ve watched were scary haha

And thx for the recs I’ll make sure to add them to my list :)


I’ll lyk what I think when I start City of Stars :) 

And what u, Rique and DJ said about loving is true, ur words honestly enlightened me haha


After seeing ur comments on that Chinese movie, I got curious and added both parts to my PTW list but I feel like I’m gonna be ugly crying when watching it coz I’m extremely emotional TT 

I like horror and gore so it should be ok :)

To be clear, I'm not recommending or un-recommending "Grand Guignol". While I don't regret watching it, I mainly watched it because of my devoted love for Sota Ryosuke* and Komiya Rio**. The movie was certainly unique, quite unlike anything else I've ever seen, but it also has some significant weaknesses. As said, the BL elements are there but only incidental to the main story.

* Main role from "Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss!" plus various other roles (usually supporting).
** Main role from "Eternal Yesterday" as well as Tanaka-kun in "Takara-kun to Amagi-kun".
If you watch "Grand Guignol", you might also recognise Nakao Masaki as the lead from "Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized" (Viki), which is a less-known BL but actually pretty good - I even gave it ten stars. The first three I mentioned ("Mr. Unlucky", "Eternal Yesterday" and "Takara/Amagi") are all ten-star JBLs.

P.S. "Guignol" is on Gaga, "Kabe-Koji" is on Viki, and the other three both Viki and Gaga.


To be clear, I'm not recommending or un-recommending "Grand Guignol". While I don't regret watching it, I mainly watched it because of my devoted love for Sota Ryosuke* and Komiya Rio**. The movie was certainly unique, quite unlike anything else I've ever seen, but it also has some significant weaknesses. As said, the BL elements are there but only incidental to the main story.

* Main role from "Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss!" plus various other roles (usually supporting).
** Main role from "Eternal Yesterday" as well as Tanaka-kun in "Takara-kun to Amagi-kun".
If you watch "Grand Guignol", you might also recognise Nakao Masaki as the lead from "Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized" (Viki), which is a less-known BL but actually pretty good - I even gave it ten stars. The first three I mentioned ("Mr. Unlucky", "Eternal Yesterday" and "Takara/Amagi") are all ten-star JBLs.

Ooh I’ve never heard of those BLs before (except for Takara kun to Amiga kun) but I’ll add them to my list 

I’ll lyk what I think when I watch Grand Guignol

I’ve never heard of those BLs before

"Eternal Yesterday" is sometimes categorised as horror, but it's more of a macabre love story. It's very good (drama and acting).