There was literally no pay back (not even a cute scene to love), idk why I spent time on it, even if I did cheat.

I watched at 1.5 speed as well. I'm so glad it's finally over. And, you're right, there wasn't much redemption in the final episodes. I gave it a 4.5, while not my lowest score ever I uprated it because I felt that had the subtitles been better the series might have been more palatable.

Goodbye to the worst translated BL of recent times, "A Secretly Love". I hope I never see or hear from you again.

I am glad to hear this. Love both seasons so much gave both a 10. I really enjoyed season 2 but a lot of persons didn't so I am glad to hear other persons loved it as well. I especially loved how they explored deep emotions and the ending was very beautiful.

I rewatch both seasons (nearly) every week and I've exchanged enough information on this series with other fans to fill a novel. 

Updates and visuals

Ohm from Until We Meet Again

This young man (I sound like an elder) really is good looking. 

Day 7 of April Challenge: Favourite Friendship 

This is definitely the friendship between Puen, Talay, Up and Aou in vice-versa

Friend Credits really just captured my heart <3

Their friendship was just so wholesome and sweet and I loved it just as much as the romance *happy crying*

Day 7 of April Challenge: Favourite Friendship  

Many candidates here, especially among Thai BLs  - so to further help me narrow things down, I will focus on "groups of friends" rather than individual friendships. In contrast to BLs from the other countries, which tend to have smaller casts and to be more focused on the protagonists, a strength of many Thai BLs is friendships and family (although often at the price of having an excessive number of characters), so all of my nominations will be Thai.

Although I love the endearing Four Friends in "Secret Crush on You", I already chose this series for "Favourite Female Character". Same for the Pharm-Team-Manaow friendship in "Until We Meet Again", which I picked yesterday for "Favourite Male Character".

So here are my three new nominations for "Favourite Group of Friends":
(1) The 5+1 boys (and arguably the sister) in "Remember Me", who we follow from their close friendship as young children, through school and university and all the way to adulthood.
(2) The six friends (Tin/Park, Khana/Pao + Barbie + Pai) in "Tin Tem Jai".
(3)  The gang in "My School President" (the six band members + Tinn, Thiu and arguably Jorn).

So which to pick? Virtually everyone loves "My School President", so that would be an easy and popular choice. Although I also loved the other two series (despite their considerable flaws), these were far less universally popular.

But no, I will pick the boys in "Remember Me" because - despite some big weaknesses in production and in the third and fourth storylines - there was much that was good in this serious, authentic, sentimental and emotionally moving series, first and foremost the way it ties everything together and connects it all back to their close friendship as young children. I get all teary just thinking about it. (P.S. Anyone who says "But this isn't even really a BL" has obviously not watched it to the end.)

All five above-mentioned series are on Viki.

Day 7 of April Challenge: Favourite Friendship 

I would say Seo and Khlui from TharnType <3, because they are a riot and hilarious lol. XD 

Lmao I love them <3

hi everyone i would also like to join today


hi everyone i would also like to join today

Welcome to the club :)


Day 7 of April Challenge: Favourite Friendship 

I would say Seo and Khlui from TharnType <3, because they are a riot and hilarious lol. XD 

Lmao I love them <3




Just watched the newly released first episode of "Only Boo!" (Youtube). I usually wait till 3-4 episodes are out before starting, but I couldn't resist. It's super cute and fluffy, and it's nice that GMMTV is bringing in new young talent. (Both leads are 18yo, and one is a first-time actor.) It's also nice to have an actual 18yo playing a 12th grader, rather than the 20-somethings in so many school BLs.

Episode 2 is out. Now watching. So happy!


hi everyone i would also like to join today

Just by posting in this thread, you're a member.

There are also lively Discord groups if you're interested, the MDL BL Drama Lovers server is here:  there is also the BL Wonderland Discord Server: Both servers offer watch parties and lively conversation about individual BL and GL dramas and films.


 Chun Mo Rionnag:

Just by posting in this thread, you're a member.

There are also lively Discord groups if you're interested, the MDL BL Drama Lovers server is here:  there is also the BL Wonderland Discord Server: Both servers offer watch parties and lively conversation about individual BL and GL dramas and films.


Thank you na

April BL Drama Challenge

Day 7 - Favorite Friendship

I talked about Hashimoto and Aoki yesterday, so today let's talk about best boys Tinn and Thiu from My School President. Thiu is the king of our ship, the one who has had to put up with Tinn's longing and heartbreak for years, the one who listens to his whining, the one who puts plans into motion in order to help his bff get the boy he loves. He's a true gem, and a friend that should never be let go. To top it off the pair is hilarious and it's lovely to see how emotionally connected and open they are with each other. It's refreshing when you remember that they are just teenage boys.


Episode 2 is out. Now watching. So happy!

Oh, thanks for the reminder! It already slipped my mind. I started Winter Begonia and got caught up in the story. Off to watch Only Boo! now. 

ETA: I spoke too soon. iQ doesn't have EP 2 up yet :-(

 American Fan:

Oh, thanks for the reminder! It already slipped my mind. I started Winter Begonia and got caught up in the story. Off to watch Only Boo! now. 

ETA: I spoke too soon. iQ doesn't have EP 2 up yet :-(