April BL Drama Challenge

Day 14 - Least Favorite BL Drama Trope

I wasn't around yesterday to do this one, but real quick. I hate when our couple separates and doesn't get back together until the end of the last episode. Like what a cop out, what a joke. Let me witness their happiness. 

Day 15 - Favorite BL Drama Trope

My favorite trope has to be Best Friends to Lovers. Like why does the one sided pinning and the realization hit so good. Prime examples are : Plus & Minus and Kimi ni wa Todokanai.


On another note I keep seeing on Twitter that people are like "now give us a FirstKhao BounPrem drama" and I see the vision-- that's something I never thought of, but now I want. 

Now u put a dream into my eyes

And if it isn't fulfilled 

These eyes will let it out with tears ? 


BounPrem now signed with gmmtv. Yay!!! best day ever. So excited<3 :D

Omg really? YAYYY


That's good news indeed. It was weird that Boun was signed with Wabi Sabi but not Prem. Not that I'm a fan of the "studio system" (like Hollywood also had in its early days), but given this reality in Thailand, it makes sense for them to be signed together. Given Wabi Sabi's wonderful BL legacy, it's shame that it's a shadow of its former self.

P.S. Oh, and I see that Santa Pongsapak has gone from Wabi Sabi to GMMTV. I love him and his magical smile! Samantha Melanie Coates (Manaow from UWMA) and Soodyacht Patsit (Pond from LBC) have also quit. The end of Wabi Sabi. *sigh*

Santa is GMMTV? I LOVE him too :D he’s literally so cute srsly

And Samantha and Sood r such sweethearts omg 

Can’t believe Wabi Sabi is dying TT


On another note I keep seeing on Twitter that people are like "now give us a FirstKhao BounPrem drama" and I see the vision-- that's something I never thought of, but now I want. 



April BL Drama Challenge

Day 14 - Least Favorite BL Drama Trope

I wasn't around yesterday to do this one, but real quick. I hate when our couple separates and doesn't get back together until the end of the last episode. Like what a cop out, what a joke. Let me witness their happiness. 

Day 15 - Favorite BL Drama Trope

My favorite trope has to be Best Friends to Lovers. Like why does the one sided pinning and the realization hit so good. Prime examples are : Plus & Minus and Kimi ni wa Todokanai.

Oh yes! Best friends to lovers is just as fun as enemies to lovers haha 

One of my favs is My Only 12%

Don't mind me just dropping updates.



Don't mind me just dropping updates.


Ooh more dramas available on YT yay! 

Living with him ep 1

I was bored at the airport so decided to watch some BL and I was trying so hard to hold back my smile the whole time lol

It’s sooo cute and I’m loving Kazuhito he’s so adorable *heart eyes* 


If anyone has an interest, the actor, Nakao Masaki, from Kabe Sa Doujin Sakka no Neko Yashiki-kun wa Shouninyokkyuu wo Kojiraseteiru, is in Is She the Wolf?, a Japanese reality dating show that was recommended to me.  Sadly, it is not BL, but maybe others here would enjoy anyway. 

Guess who’s re-watching Star in my Mind, AGAIN ? Meeee ;;

Best friends to lovers is just as fun as enemies to lovers haha

One of my favs is My Only 12%

I love "My Only 12%", too - but their relationship at the start is already something more than "best friends". (I'm melting just thinking about it.)

Living with him ep 1

They're both so cute - and I also like the height difference between Sakai Sho and Sato Ryuga. (Not comparing the two series, but the height difference between Fluke Natouch and Ohm Thitiwat is also something I liked in "Until We Meet Again". Please don't think I'm pervy.)

 American Fan:
in Is She the Wolf?, a Japanese reality dating show

I looked at the cast, and who else do I see right away? Furuya Robin (Iwanaga-sensei) from "Love Is Better the Second Time Around". I might have a take a quick peek out of curiosity.

Guess who’s re-watching Star in my Mind, AGAIN ? Me

By strange coincidence, me too. Really! Just finished Episode 5 while falling asleep last night, will continue with Episode 6 right now. I love the way the backstory gradually unfolds.

@p43425 : Omg! I’m watching ep 3 right now! I love re-watching this drama, it’s so heart fluttering.

I love re-watching this drama,

I love re-watching way too much, thus my massive PTW list (currently 182 titles and growing).


I love re-watching way too much, thus my massive PTW list (currently 182 titles and growing).

Me too! Half the time I’m rewatching stuff, instead of watching new shows. 


Guess who’s re-watching Star in my Mind, AGAIN ? Meeee ;;

Just saw some JoongDunk stuff on YT which made me want to re-watch this and now you're talking about it. I think it's time for a re-watch.


Just saw some JoongDunk stuff on YT which made me want to re-watch this and now you're talking about it. I think it's time for a re-watch.

Do it!!!