
(re "Minato") To say this solely because of the age difference is not only judgemental about something you haven't even watched, but also offensive to me personally: First of all, absolutely nothing happens until Shin is over 18 and finished school, even though this is far above the legal age in Japan. They took care to handle this issue sensitively. Secondly, the age difference in years isn't even that much - and in fact, less than the age difference with my real life spouse. So long as it's legal, it's not really for anyone else to judge our relationship, any more than do other people have a right to judge same-sex or mixed-race relationships or whatever else. You can choose for yourself, but it's not for you to decide who others are allowed to love or not love.

Are you the older one in your relationship irl? Anyway, I'm not going to remove Minato from my Not Interested list and won't be watching it. They met when one of them was underage. Japan should make the legal age be 18 y/o and that's about it.


I just love all these upcoming action BLs. It is like God heard my prayers and said this year is for you *insert crying emoji*

Well can you guys guess?

Beyond that, here's my general advice:
(1) Sort your PTW list by "Score" (average MDL rating), look through the top-rated titles (or at least > 8), and see what grabs your mood right now.
(2) If it's a BL that you're in the mood for, read back in this forum to see what other people have been talking about (which, of course, tends to be current and recent releases).
(3) Use the "Priority" field in your PTW list to remember the ones that are more or less interesting to you. (This was great advice that someone gave me a while back. I just regret I didn't start doing this earlier.)

This is what I do for my PTW which currently has 1450 shows on it. LOL 

my PTW which currently has 1450 shows on it.

Gah! You win! (Only 204 on mine. I feel so inadequate.)

 American Fan:
I wonder what Shone's part in all this is exactly....  

I was thinking about this yes, I guess I do think about Only Boo on my off time lol so I had to come back and add my theory.

So, we know Shone is Moo's cousin, meaning he definitely comes from an Entertainment background. He is also a producer for a travel show. He takes photographs, so he's probably into fine arts. We also know, that Kang's mom likes Shone.

I think there's a misdirection going since the promos, trying to make us think that Shone has romantic interest in Kang, but knowing the relationship between Shone and Moo, I don't think Shone would do that to him. Plus he seems too mature for that. I also do think that Shone knows who Moo's crush is. He asked Moo for a picture, and they just didn't show us when Moo showed him. Of course, they will probably show us Moo getting jealous when he see's Kang and Shone together, but it probably won't be a big deal. This show knows how to solve issues in a timely manner. 

Therefore, my theory is that:

a) Shone will influence Kang to continue with his dream of making art and/or studying art

b) Shone will smooth out the road for Kang and Moo, with their mothers, but specially Kang's mother

c) Both A & B

Of course, I'm probably reading too much into this and I'll probably be wrong lmao, but theorizing is fun.

I was thinking about this

I rather like your theory. As you say, the overly obvious love triangle theory doesn't really fit here.

Not me actively watching this series through you guys lol


Not me actively watching this series through you guys lol

I do the same with a lot of BLs lol. I watch through the people here


Not me actively watching this series through you guys lol

Maybe some day we'll convince you to join us into the world of unicorns and rainbows not likely, but maybe lol

I do the same with a lot of BLs lol. I watch through the people here

Honestly it also helps me because I get to vet the series before watching. I love spoilers.


Gah! You win! (Only 204 on mine. I feel so inadequate.)

I complete about 200 shows a year, so it will take me about 7 years to get through this list if I don't add anymore. But I add and delete frequently. Sadly, I add more than I delete...

Maybe some day we'll convince you to join us into the world of unicorns and rainbows not likely, but maybe lol

You will never take me from the dark side *evil laugh* BAHAHAHA

 I would love to join!

Welcome to the club

Another member will give you the official welcome soon.

So I am older then as I am one year shy of 2 decades. There goes my baby title lol

Lol dw u can be my P'Chai lol

What should I call u? P'? Hia? 

I have no recollection of that. Matter of fact Joong told me that I am the only one......last night :)

Hate to break it to u, but I'm afraid Joong has claimed me as THE one for quite a while now, so -and I say this with respect and kindness- BACK OFF :)

(Lmao where the heck is this going?)

I also think I’m starting to come around to Potae. That boy is going to give Payos a heart attack. 

ikrrr I am convinced that he's aware of Yos' lil crush and he likes him too, srsly his flirting skills r just off the chart