I love this series, Utsukushii Kare ❤️

I love Kiyoi and Hira. My first JBL and will forever hold a special place in my heart. I saw the movie in Japan and loved it, despite not knowing enough Japanese to fully understand it. I got the gist of it and that was enough just to see them on a big screen. Of course, I re-watched with subtitles as soon as it was available. 

I used to have a no drop rule too, but I just couldn't keep it up after trying to watch certain series. I think Cutie Pie did it for me when it comes to dramas. I just couldn't get past the first 3 episodes, no matter how hard I tried.

I really need to adopt this attitude for series because I will drop a book so fast but yet still can't drop a series.

Unrelated but, I love this series, Utsukushii Kare ❤️

Lol this sent me. Here I was taking in these life coaching lessons only to see you randomly dropping love for a series. LMAO I am rolling. 

P.S I need to finish watching all the related content to this series.

That is the worse part about it. My mind won't allow me because the voice in my head will keep saying, "what if you drop it but it actually turns out good or what if you miss a good scene?". Has this ever turned out to be true for me no, no it has not, but I am going to think about that, also no.

Do you need an intervention? 

I think at the end of the day, you gotta remind yourself that life is short, far too short to watch/listen to/read anything that you don't like. Drop that series, skip that song and DNF that book if you so wish.

Amen sistah!!

Say it louder for the people who live in Jamaica, since they are so far away.


(re "Only Boo!") That is indeed a very plausible alternative, but in any case, I presume that Jang (= supporting role) will become a fairly significant character, at least as important as Shone (= guest role).

If my theory turns out to be correct, I think I deserve some kind of award, OK? (Did I just jinx myself?)

Noo I don't want another love triangle TT 

Fine u can get an award if u get it right, but if I'm right....

Well if you read through all of that, here is a virtual fist bump.

*fist bump back* 

Alright, that was great insight! I agree with most of what u said, and for me, the scary thing about the whole drama wasn't the horror part or the gore or whatever (loved that lol) but it was what Non went through. I mean, I found it really difficult to watch Non suffer, and honestly cried with him at some point, it was all so overwhelming and heart breaking to watch

And the ep 9 NC scene...*clears throat*... let's just say ur description of it was...interesting ;) 

 American Fan:
It's been a long time since I've laughed so much as I did when

RE: Wandee Goodday

Yep, I loved that minimart scene I literally had to pause the ep to calm down coz I couldn't stop laughing lmao, Yak's confusion just killed me 


Time to make a poll lol “favorite currently airing drama”

Alr, here I go

#1 We Are

#2 Wandee Goodday

# Only Boo!

(Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore Only Boo! but the other ones def beat it)

I’m in love with “We Are” but it’s such a long show, so much time to dissapoint me lmao

Loll sameee, hey let's be buddies :D

I really need to adopt this attitude for series because I will drop a book so fast but yet still can't drop a series.

Yeah same here, I can't help torturing myself lmao

I think at the end of the day, you gotta remind yourself that life is short, far too short to watch/listen to/read anything that you don't like. Drop that series, skip that song and DNF that book if you so wish.

Wise words indeed

Except I still can't bring myself to drop anything no matter how much I hate it

Pls, how the hell do u guys do it?

 American Fan:
Do you need an intervention? 

Uhmmm *thinking emoji* no

 American Fan:
Say it louder for the people who live in Jamaica, since they are so far away.

I will drop my next bad series.....or maybe not....we will see.

P.S I need to be more free in my speech on here *thinking emoji* I might meet more Jamaicans on here. (note to self use some patois in reviews).

And the ep 9 NC scene...*clears throat*... let's just say ur description of it was...interesting ;)

Trust all I need is writing material and I will write these NC scenes myself lol

Yeah same here, I can't help torturing myself lmao

Nothing like finding your people lol.

Loll sameee, hey let's be buddies :D

Yes, let's bond over "We Are" !!! I'm actually going to go re-watch the last ep, because tomorrow is "We Are" day, yay!


Wise words indeed

Except I still can't bring myself to drop anything no matter how much I hate it

Pls, how the hell do u guys do it?

There are more and better dramas waiting for me to watch, so why not? Like I've said before - I want to be happy. For me watching dramas is for fun and entertainment. If I learn something that's even better, but not required. 

Is there a rule that one MUST finish a drama come hell or high water?  Do or die? haha

 The worst thing is that you can always go back for more torture if you really need to finish a drama. Or maybe you won't. Maybe you'll forget all about it. 

Yay for WE ARE Wednesdays!!


Wise words indeed

Except I still can't bring myself to drop anything no matter how much I hate it

Pls, how the hell do u guys do it?

I have 870 books on my Want-to-Read. Before I discovered K-dramas at the end of 2021, I was reading about 350 books a year, being very picky about which ones to read and I DNF'd about 5 books a year.

With 1463 PTW shows on my list, I need to be more discerning. If I lose interest, it gets to "On hold" which I occasionally review. I continue watching some and I move some to "Dropped." There are some shows like The Middleman's Love: Uncut where I watched eps 1, 7 and 8 then Dropped. I value my time and I don't like hate-watching anything. It would have be entertaining, or sad (if I'm in that mood). It can even be shocking, just not too scary ('cause I'm a wimp) or so boring that I feel like I'd rather do something else. 

Good luck all. May we eventually get through all our lists.

 American Fan:
Yay for WE ARE Wednesdays!!

I love this. I'm using it now lol

I actually really like that this show, is on Wednesday. It get's me through the midweek hump.


I love Kiyoi and Hira. My first JBL and will forever hold a special place in my heart. I saw the movie in Japan and loved it, despite not knowing enough Japanese to fully understand it. I got the gist of it and that was enough just to see them on a big screen. Of course, I re-watched with subtitles as soon as it was available. 

That's awesome that you could watch the movie on the big screen! It's my fav JBL although probably not my first one. I think my first one was Given. I will probably re-watch Utsukushii Kare several times this year alone because of how good it is for me. Gagaoolala subscription incoming and all that haha

I really need to adopt this attitude for series because I will drop a book so fast but yet still can't drop a series.

That's interesting. Maybe you could look into why you can drop books but not series. Maybe series get you hooked up on them faster and more securely than a book does? Although this sometimes has to do with attention span too. A book requires more attention to read it compared to watching series.

Lol this sent me. Here I was taking in these life coaching lessons only to see you randomly dropping love for a series. LMAO I am rolling.

P.S I need to finish watching all the related content to this series.

Yes, sometimes I'm random like that lol. Also, please do finish Utsukushii Kare (season 2 and movie). They're totally worth it imo.

Wise words indeed

Except I still can't bring myself to drop anything no matter how much I hate it

Pls, how the hell do u guys do it?

I just hit the drop button sooner rather than later. I don't look back because if I do, I'll be tempted to pick up some of those series again despite them being totally boring. What I recommend is: if you got that one series (or 2 or 10) that you haven't watched in a while (say, a month), try placing those in the dropped list. See if this works for you. Slowly build up your dropped list like this. When you encounter a truly horrible series (or movie, it can happen with movies too), you might find it easier to drop it if you already are in the habit of dropping series. 

For example, I had GAP series in my watching list for months! I started watching this series when it was airing and still haven't gotten past the first 2 episodes. I don't know why, but it doesn't stick to me, I can't advance it any further than this. Sadly I had to let it go, even if this is the first full GL series that was ever released (and that I watched). Might I pick it up again? Unlikely, unless I run out of GLs to watch. This should apply to BL and any other genre as well. I don't know if what I'm saying helps, but you can try this method I described above and see if it works. "Just drop it", see how you feel in a few weeks' time. If you still want to continue those series you dropped, you can try. But if you still think they're horrible while going through them again, you can drop them once more.

Best of luck to anyone trying to drop series! I've been in my best era ever since I got rid of the no drop rule for anime, manga, series, books, you name it. At the end of the day, if it doesn't fulfill me in some way, if it's not enjoyable, why am I watching/reading those things? Just to check that I did them? Meanwhile the things that should matter most to me are set aside, the time that should've been allocated to them, wasted on things I don't even enjoy. Life is short, it's high time we lived it with purpose.