
I have been meaning to ask but keep forgetting; what does "TT" mean?

I think it means Too True?


I think it means Too True?

Noooooo I feel old lmao

It’s a crying emoji- shortened T_T

It’s a crying emoji- shortened T_T

Oh, I see. You learn something new everyday.

I think it means Too True?

I think this is the first time I have not seen you use "LMAO" in your post, lol


Oh, I see. You learn something new everyday.

I think this is the first time I have not seen you use "LMAO" in your post, lol

XD lmao  


Boo & Moo = Two cutie patooties for sure!

Great ep. but is Moo really that naive re: outright announcing to the world his dating status. I guess maybe the writers have to have a way to create an issue for Boo & Moo to go through tension and maybe a breakup period?

Yeah, I picked up the irony with Jang's actions as well. See what happens!

Kang is best partner material. I love him. Moo is waaaaaay too clingy & cringey for me. After 9 eps I'm still not quite able to stop a few shudders here and there.


Thanks for the updates Rique! Made notes and added release dates to my pfp list of waiting to air dramas. I LOVE my list, haha.

Cheat the series (Filipino BL)

Production: 1/2

Writing: 1.5/2

Intimacy: 1.5/2

Acting: 2/2

Music: 1/1

Special 10 scene: 0/1

Total rating score 7/10

I want that season 2 because I need some closure as well as there is so much more room to expand on this script. I read that season 2 has yet to be made because of inadequate funding and so the possibility is very slim for a season 2 unfortunately. 

Anyways I enjoyed this series enough that it kept my attention all the way through. It is a psychological thriller that delves into witchcraft and explores themes such as betrayal, jealousy, revenge, abandonment, lies, evil, rape, madness, alchemy and the occult, religious extremism, religious influenced self harm and torture, etc. The story was fun to explore. All in all it was short and engaging. 

I think I need to put Only Boo! on hold until it finishes airing because it’s stressing me out and I haven’t even finished today’s episode lol it’s the ep 9-12 drama that always gets to me


I think I need to put Only Boo! on hold until it finishes airing because it’s stressing me out and I haven’t even finished today’s episode lol it’s the ep 9-12 drama that always gets to me 

Awww, I hear you! TT

I've done that before, but in this case I'm not feeling as emotionally invested. but I get it! No more reading spoilers for you. lol

 American Fan:

Awww, I hear you! TT

I've done that before, but in this case I'm not feeling as emotionally invested. but I get it! No more reading spoilers for you. lol

Yep lol my plan is to catch up before the last ep airs 

Re: Fake Buddies

It was a nice short watch and I was pleasantly surprised to see reference made to reggae music.

Only Boo ep 9
I’m not ready for an ep 11 curse, I feel like this drama is gonna break my heart before healing it TT

But srsly, Moo and Kang r so adorable together, I love how lovey-dovey and clingy they r

Hmm, yes to both. But what I'm wondering most of all, given how the story is unfolding, is how GMMTV is going to handle the "idols and romantic relationships" theme. Will they take this opportunity to make an affirmative statement that BL artists should be allowed to have a normal, self-determined love life (whether with a guy or a girl), at the risk of offending the more meddlesome and aggressively judgemental part of their fan base? Probably not, but I sure wish they would.




<3 I am so excited XD


Hmm, yes to both. But what I'm wondering most of all, given how the story is unfolding, is how GMMTV is going to handle the "idols and romantic relationships" theme. Will they take this opportunity to make an affirmative statement that BL artists should be allowed to have a normal, self-determined love life (whether with a guy or a girl), at the risk of offending the more meddlesome and aggressively judgemental part of their fan base? Probably not, but I sure wish they would.

My thoughts exactly. It's kind of a double role thing - gay relationship & pop star dates - what approach will be supported... 


Hmm, yes to both. But what I'm wondering most of all, given how the story is unfolding, is how GMMTV is going to handle the "idols and romantic relationships" theme. Will they take this opportunity to make an affirmative statement that BL artists should be allowed to have a normal, self-determined love life (whether with a guy or a girl), at the risk of offending the more meddlesome and aggressively judgemental part of their fan base? Probably not, but I sure wish they would.

I mean, that would be great but do they have the time for that? There's only 3 eps left, so I'm guessing they're not gonna go too deeply into that :(