So I'm seeing a few profile pic changes around here, LOL!!


Those of you that are waiting for your buffalo stuffie from We Are, did they arrive yet??? Do you like it? Can you share pics??  Please?

 American Fan:

So I'm seeing a few profile pic changes around here, LOL!!


Those of you that are waiting for your buffalo stuffie from We Are, did they arrive yet??? Do you like it? Can you share pics??  Please?

Not yet! Just checked the status and it still hasn’t shipped. They did say mid-Aug :( 

First of all let me point out that we are now at page 960! Only 40 pages until our 1000th

Waiting for ur DM :)

I will Dm you with the info and my unfiltered and first reaction to 4 Minutes if anything spicy happens in today's episode as promised lol.

Anytime, If you end up reading, as I mentioned, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Will do.

 American Fan:
I am officially feeling anxiety overtake me when I see your update posts.  Waaaah.  J/K...kinda, sorta, lol

I do it all in love hehe. Now if I can only remember to add these titles to my own list!

 American Fan:
This sounds very interesting! What is the song title? I wanna look it up.

Pretty sure YT is stalking me. This came up in my feed. A BL Enemy-to-Lovers list of 10 drama recommendations. I don't agree with some of  the picks, but maybe others will like them. 


Not yet! Just checked the status and it still hasn’t shipped. They did say mid-Aug :( 

Oh ok! Maybe you told me before and I forgot :-( 

I'll be patient. lol

First of all let me point out that we are now at page 960! Only 40 pages until our 1000th

Already?! What will we do?

I do it all in love hehe.

And I can tell you get a lot of enjoyment out of it. hahaha

The MV - 

So, like, wow. I have no words. 

 Is the "Hero" MV supposed to be a parody of something else? That's a serious question.

 American Fan:
 Is the "Hero" MV supposed to be a parody of something else? That's a serious question.

I have no idea.

I want to watch 4 Minutes and TLDHLB sooo bad but I have a meeting at 8pm and it is now 7:33pm so I would have to break for the meeting and I just want to sit back and watch. Can't I just have a clone who can do all the work for me *sobs*. I don't want to be an adult! (but then again I would be restricted by age guidelines so never-mind. Well not like that has ever stopped me in the past lol.)


I forgot about your question and not sure if it got answered.

While in the PTW screen, click on the arrows to the right of the columns named Country, Year, Type, Episode, Score and Priority.  Choose "Score", duh, lol. 

If you don't already know, you can also make a drama different priority levels. That option is in the pop-up box when you add or score a drama. Go to "Advanced" on the left side menu. Then in the PTW screen you can click the "Priority" column to see which dramas are high/medium/low interest.

In the same pop-up box I can see about when I first watched a drama by selecting "History". It doesn't seem to add the rewatch timestamp though. And it doesn't give actual dates, which some members have asked admin to consider doing.

I can also click on "View Notes" when I want to find a new BL to watch. I add "BL" to the note section when I add a BL drama to my PTW list. For your completed dramas you can include things like "Cute!" "A Dud!" or "Sad Ending", who recommended the drama, where to watch the drama, etc...

Well, that's prob waaay more than you wanted or needed to know, lol. 

I just want to sit back and watch.

On the bright side it's


Oooh now that looks promising. (The On1y One)

I am nervous for Lovesick since it was my first BL. Hoping they can hit that nostalgia point.

4 Minutes Epsiode 2:

So Vie wis definitely dead.
Bro needs better friends. The way I would flip chairs if a friend told me they locked someone up to get them to come back to them. Nah. We out.
Your friend is a literal psycho. And I'm a therapist.
Interesting idea that so far two of the three flash forwards showed him initially not helping.
LMAO. The mirror scene was a much needed break from how heavy the drama is. I love the depth already but needed a light moment considering... well, murder.
I love the look of gay panic.
OMG this nurse is sending me. I literally LOL'd at her "Huh?" when he said he would remove the stitches. Deceased.
Oh shoot. He accidentally killed him. I mean, man is bonkers and it was life or death but dammit, Great, why didn't you call the cops?
WAIT NO WAY. His brother was a massive dk. 
AND WHY IS THE DOCTOR THERE? (sorry all caps just fits my expressions)
Tyme crushing is giving me life.
Korn you're a butt. And there's your butt again. A good butt, but you suck..
Oh. Okay, Tyme. I didn't expect that but okay. I knew she had some shady stuff happening but didn't think he'd be working with her. Curious as to why a surgeon is maybe investigating this.
BUT WAIT. What if Tyme is the one wo died? CUS PARALLEL UNIVERSES. OMG NO. I don't even know. I need to know who was killed. This is wild.

AHHH I CAN'T EVEN. I am so literally on the edge watching this show. It's only episode 2 but they literally have me so enchanted. AND SO MANY FEELINGS.

4 Minutes episode 2 & TLDHLB episode 5

After watching both all I can think about is sex for some reason. Anyways:

4 Minutes - I love how well this series is written. It keeps you on the edge of your seat from beginning to ending. The murder mystery going on is captivating as it provokes thought so intensely. The chemistry between Tyme and Great is hot. They have not even done anything but their every interaction on screen coupled with the flashes of their future intimate scenes have me getting hot and bothered. I love how much depth they gave to Tyme's character and I am looking forward to see how he is involved with the hacking relating to the last scene.

Korn is a horrible person but I understand him. He has placed himself under the pressure of being the perfect son and heir of the family and will put that above all else including his own desires and Tongkla. He is even willing to be a submissive whore for his manipulative fiancee.

I look forward to Tongkla and the cops story and to see Korn burn with envy. As the song goes, "You only miss the sun when it starts to snow". While I am hoping to see Tongkla and the cop get together I am not sure I want them to be endgame. I am holding out for a redemption arc for Korn because I want a love between him and Tongkla that is so fierce that it burns everything in its path. Not to sound toxic but I want Tongkla to want Korn so bad that even the potential hurt will seem better than a world where he does not have him; the heart wants what it wants. I think this series has the perfect dark and heavy atmosphere for this type of story-line. The cinematography definitely reinforces this dark atmosphere with the dark lighting and that makes it even more sexy so to speak.

It is interesting to see how well they have interwoven such a complicated plot to be pulled off in only 8 episodes but since it is Be On Cloud so I have full confidence that it will be done most creatively and effectively. For this to only be the second episode and already the audience is captivated and bursting at the seams to watch future episodes is quite remarkable. To feel this level of torture waiting for the release of the next episode can only be likened to when KinnPorsche was airing. 

Well this got long lol. Let me do TLDHLB in a separate post then.

This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans - Episode 5

Right. This episode was full of drama. Guys let me tell you something the tea was simply delicious.

So now we have the Chef's ex gf coming back to win back his heart; meanwhile Wan is still in cahoots with Methas and lying to the Chef as he gets railed by him...repeatedly. Now Wan is getting all jealous over the ex being back even though he is betraying this man who is dicking him down so well it would seem. Further more we have four eyes over here trying get in on what Wan has and is trying everthing to come between Chef and Wan and when I say come between I am not talking about a sexual sandwich. Talk about drama.

For the second couple I am looking forward to seeing what happens next episode after watching the preview. 

I am telling you they have a thing for counter-tops.

Also when Chef and Wan were talking about workout in a sexual way in the beginning of the episode, mind you I had already watched 4 Minutes at this point, I was consumed by the thought of sex. Then I got to thinking, for a slim person like myself I am very unfit, because I highly doubt that I could get into any sexual position without having short of breath. I mean by that time I would be sweating and panting already I would have to just say to the person, lets just pretend we had sex and go eat some food and call it a night! Anyways my whole point in saying all of this is, one, I am hungry and two if you are with someone unlike me go and have some bomb sex just because you can! - and tell me about it later; I am joking...I will be asleep by then (if you do it right to make it last until dawn; take breaks in between). 

Day 3. Share a quote/poem/haiku that best reflects the inner "YOU". Include author's name if possible.

“Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.”    
  ―      Virginia Woolf,            A Room of One’s Own     

A quote, although I'm not sure how it best reflects my inner "me". I just think it's a good quote to read up on. Virginia Woolf in general has written great novels.

'Walk on Water,' 'On or Off,'

i've read both of this , WOW was a unique plotline that was well written , also the art was good. 

ONO i don't really remember, but the title is super familiar. 

Like his dude really found a post, reposted, and then made his own collage

he's awesome !!! 


khao suay made me pissed , istg girls in BL's be really testing my patience. 

Winx Club

i love(d) Winx Club, me and my fellow girl cousins would sit and binge the whole thing. my brother would get so annoyed