The Boyfriend was a good heartwarming show with a great bunch of guys. I watched the interview link shared here about how they were doing after the show, but it was focused on DaiShun. I'm very happy that Shun has a family with Dai and that Dai is a very patient person.

Did anyone else make a dating connection after the show? I thought I saw some announcement like that...

 American Fan:
I have a couple more, but I don't really enjoy writing for the sake of writing, if that makes sense. I hated being told to write a story for a class assignment. For other's it's like being told to paint a picture, but that person draws a blank and doesn't know where to start. 

Yeah I get what u mean. It's like when I decide to help my mum with cleaning but then she comes and tells me to clean and I don't want to do it anymore lol

The Trainee ep 6

Omg I love this drama

Ryan in love is sooo adorable, and Jane gazing into Ryan's eyes with that dreamy look when they were having dinner was so hot XD

Lmao Pie is so clueless, I actually thought she knew that Jane was the one Ryan liked XD

Ahh, I feel so bad for Tae, I hope he'll be ok after what's gonna happen with Bhamee and Judy next week 

Waiting for next week is honestly torture TT


The top three tags on my stats page are Happy Ending/Friendship/LGBTQ+.

The tags that jump out at me when I'm searching through drama pages:


  • Hidden ID
  • Reverse harem
  • Enemies to lovers
  • Male chases female first
  • Cross-dressing
  • Gay romance
  • Interspecies romance
  • Sassy or badass female
  • Quirky character
  • Mafia lead (either gender)
  • Martial arts

LEAST FAVS (If they aren't tags, they should be)

  • Bullying
  • Blood & guts (maybe thats "Gore")
  • Graphic or extreme violence
  • Clumsy/baby talking female
  • Business/corporate
  • Abuse/rape/torture/psycho killers & stuff like that
  • Ghosts/zombies
  • Talking animals (yep, I've seen it)

according to my stats so far



Unrequited love

Friends to lovers

Opposites Attract

Enemies to lovers

Nice Male Lead

 American Fan:
Did anyone else make a dating connection after the show? I thought I saw some announcement like that...

(re: "The Boyfriend") Although Kazuto and Alan left together in the final episode, Kazuto sounded undecided. If you want to know what has subsequently happened, either watch yesterday's "Reunion" special or read this spoiler: No, it seems they're not together but "still friends".

I felt a bit bad for the five "losers" in the sense of not having any romantic sparks (other than everyone being in one-sided love with Kazuto).  If this had been a BL drama, everyone would have been neatly paired up. Real life is so poorly structured.

My own pick (i.e. for me, ignoring the fact that I'm already married): Shun is physically the most attractive for me, but he would drive me nuts (e.g. the feeling that I'm being constantly "tested"), so nope. If Alan doesn't mind, I would gladly take Kazuto (added bonus: He can cook!). But of the five "losers", my pick would be Ikuo - very handsome and nice personality, so I really don't understand why no one pursued him.

@American Fan yeah I also hate the clumsy/baby talking female character in BLs 


The Trainee ep 6

Omg I love this drama

Ryan in love is sooo adorable, and Jane gazing into Ryan's eyes with that dreamy look when they were having dinner was so hot XD

Lmao Pie is so clueless, I actually thought she knew that Jane was the one Ryan liked XD

Ahh, I feel so bad for Tae, I hope he'll be ok after what's gonna happen with Bhamee and Judy next week 

Waiting for next week is honestly torture TT

I love the ost (Love training by Gun) as well, and the MV is so cute! 

Good afternoon beautiful people :)

August BL Group Challenge - Day 4 - Tags

I literally pay little to no attention to Tags because once I know it is a BL I just come and add it to my list. Once it is a BL it is going to get watched one way or the other.

I had to go look at my stats and unsurprisingly the most popular tags there are LGBTQ + and Gay Relationship. 

I know what my most HATED LOATHED tag is though without even having to think about it; Bromance/censored adaptation. Did I mention that I hate being teased in any fashion. 

Real life is so poorly structured.

This made me LOL

August Challenge ~ Day 4 ~ 

I've only really been using this site since March and these are my stats so far. It's pretty accurate for the most part. There's no real tag that catches my eye as such. I read the show description and the tags and decide if it's something that I would enjoy or not. And I'll either like it or I wont.

I do avoid graphic content though such as gore and S/A as they can be very triggering for me as well as grossing me out. I also don't like baby ish and bratty characters but I can tolerate them if plot or other characters can keep me watching e.g Love and Redemption. Cheng Yi heroically saved that series for me and the writers had a vendetta against his character LOL Ahh, the power of a bias LOL

  • Death - 33  ~ Fkn LOL, it's all the murder and swordfights, can't be helped 
  • Friendship - 25
  • Strong Male Lead - 23
  • Adapted from a Novel - 21 ~ Dont really care about that 
  • Murder - 20 ~ 
  • Sword-fight - 19
  • Historical - 19
  • Investigation - 18
  • Happy Ending - 18
  • Character Development - 18
  • Tragedy - 17
  • Strong Female Lead - 17
  • Hidden Identity - 16
  • Smart Male Lead - 16
  • Nice Male Lead - 15
  • LGBTQ+ - 15
  • Revenge - 15
  • Web Series - 13 - also dont really care
  • Love Triangle - 12
  • Illness - 12 
  • Bromance - 11
  • Gay Relationship - 11
  • Calm Male Lead - 10
  • Suicide - 10
  • Xianxia - 10
  • Unrequited Love - 10
My own pick (i.e. for me, ignoring the fact that I'm already married): Shun is physically the most attractive for me, but he would drive me nuts (e.g. the feeling that I'm being constantly "tested"), so nope. If Alan doesn't mind, I would gladly take Kazuto (added bonus: He can cook!). But of the five "losers", my pick would be Ikuo - very handsome and nice personality, so I really don't understand why no one pursued him.

I'm not married!! (Whew!) But other than that, we are being twins rn! 

I love Shun so much. but yeah, no dice for me either. I don't like roller coaster rides.

Kazuto is also a top fav, he's adorable, cooks and has admirable goals, but seems a bit too detached. 

Ikuo is also my top pick! He has a great, fun personality and the looks for sure. I love his smile.

Ryota reminds me a lot of my brother - tall and slender, calm and kind. He seems so sweet.

Did I mention that I hate being teased in any fashion.

You don't say...

I can't believe how much bullying u faced as a child, that must have been hard on u

Well not really looking back. I just hated being put into a box; being limited to a specific personality and ostracized for it. On the bright side at least I was not physically bullied and things were said behind my back and not to my face because well....never-mind story for another time. Maybe if the right challenge question pops up I will give you the real tea on that hehe.

Your one and only ;)

"I dare you to let me be your, your one and only
I promise I'm worthy
To hold in your arms
So come on and give me the chance
To prove I am the one who can walk that mile
Until the end starts"

Lol ur thoughts r quite....interesting XD

I am a naughty time. lol

@American Fan I see you enjoyed The Boyfriend. You finished really quick (no pun intended)

@American Fan I see you enjoyed The Boyfriend. You finished really quick (no pun intended)

Sure! haha

Couldn't sleep :-(

Guess what tomorrow is!!!