By the way, does anyone know where Channel 3 usually streams their shows for the international audience? i checked and they were not on youtube :(
edit: i'm an idiot, their series are actually on Youtube :D and they're super long, i hope their GL gets the same treatment
Unfortunately, as far as I know, the past three BLs on my watchlist from Ch3 have not been available on YouTube. Those being I Will Knock You, Twins and Be Mine Superstar. It seems to me that they only post their straight lankorns on YouTube so I wouldn't expect them to do that for a GL.
However sometimes they make deals with the production companies (like GAP to show on YouTube) or companies such as IQIYI or Gagaoolala to show on their platforms. So I guess we'll have to wait to see how that goes but I love that Ch3 skipped the high school and university romance GLs and went straight to the GL doctors hehe