
My Ex's Wedding page is up!!

Was it your submission that got accepted? Then mine will be auto-rejected LOL


Was it your submission that got accepted? Then mine will be auto-rejected LOL

it wasn't mine, sorry! i just noticed it was up and decided to share lol

Looks like it was leea’s submission based on the picture.


Looks like it was leea’s submission based on the picture.

Yeah it was my submission! But I didn't really think that was important lol


Was it your submission that got accepted? Then mine will be auto-rejected LOL

I wasn't sure if mine would even be approved, it was so hard to find concrete information. It took me a couple hours to round everything up lol. But maybe your submission had some info that I missed? I'm not certain but I think in that case the page wouldn't be created but could still be added to the existing page? 


Yeah it was my submission! But I didn't really think that was important lol

I wasn't sure if mine would even be approved, it was so hard to find concrete information. It took me a couple hours to round everything up lol. But maybe your submission had some info that I missed? I'm not certain but I think in that case it the page wouldn't be created but it'd be added to the existing page? 

No, only the first submission gets accepted and other submissions doesn't get checked for additional infos (not possible for moderators) but they asks you with a DM to add if any additional info was there in your submission while letting you know about the rejection and the reason. Happened twice with me already.


No, only the first submission gets accepted and other submissions doesn't get checked for additional infos (not possible people for moderators) but they asks you with a DM to add if any additional info was there in your submission while letting you know about the rejection and the reason. Happened twice with me already.

I'm aware of that process. If you see any missing info on the current page, please go ahead and make sure to add it because you can always add onto and edit it! 

Only twice? Wow you must be very extremely thorough with your submissions lol. MDL approval staff are pretty darn picky with info updates and everything, they always need to be from credible and official sources. I'd definitely say that more things are rejected than approved so it's nothing personal. I know that it took me a while and countless rejections before actually getting the hang of what they're looking for with submissions; it's just the name of the game but that's why this site is so reliable for all of us, they have a strong set of rules and guidelines.  I'm sure your contributions are appreciated (by them and all of us) regardless of it being approved or not.  I know that I for one am just happy that we now have a page up! I'm sorry if you're upset by this.


I told you about the details because your post had a '?' mark, I didn't imply that you didn't know about the process.

By far, I did 6 title submission, 2 rejected and 2 in process. I created an MDL account just a while ago.

Lol, hell no, why would I be upset about it!?

Chacha and Cekki revealed as the second couple of Unlock Your Love!


Chacha and Cekki revealed as the second couple of Unlock Your Love!

dear lord this cast looks way too good 



I told you about the details because your post had a '?' mark, I didn't imply that you didn't know about the process.

By far, I did 6 title submission, 2 rejected and 2 in process. I created an MDL account just a while ago.

Lol, hell no, why would I be upset about it!?

Ah I meant that as a rhetorical question! Sorry that that didn't come through lol. I remember seeing you complaining in various comments sections about your cover posters and edits being rejected so I must've misread the tone of your comment here. My bad.

I'm glad that we're all good <3


Chacha and Cekki revealed as the second couple of Unlock Your Love!

I CALLED IT YAY!!! I am SO excited that Chacha is in a GL and I've already fallen for Cekki too!


I CALLED IT YAY!!! I am SO excited that Chacha is in a GL and I've already fallen for Cekki too!



Chacha and Cekki revealed as the second couple of Unlock Your Love!

I can't wait to watch unlock your love. I'm so happy to see that we are getting a second GL couple. I feel so incredibly proud to see how far GL has come in the past few months. <3


I can't wait to watch unlock your love. I'm so happy to see that we are getting a second GL couple. I feel so incredibly proud to see how far GL has come in the past few months. <3

It's really been so great and surreal to watch it progress so far. It's only up from here! 


Ah I meant that as a rhetorical question! Sorry that that didn't come through lol. I remember seeing you complaining in various comments sections about your cover posters and edits being rejected so I must've misread the tone of your comment here. My bad.

I'm glad that we're all good <3

Lol, I was just kidding on those two posts. You thought I'm serious!? xD