Main character(a male) is suddenly thrust into a parenting or guardian role of a baby/child. They are the sole caretaker and don't rely too much on female figures. Can be a drama/tv show/movie from any language. 

Ex: 3 men and a baby

Thank you for your reply, I already watched was good

How to Be a Perfect Dad

I haven't seen it yet, even though Thai + supernatural + comedy is usually a winner for me and someone whose opinion I respect rates it well.

Yay so excited to try that one, thank you! @Elisheva

You're welcome. I hope you like it. Poke me when have an opinion on it, might help me get around to it myself :)

Ok i tried it and not my cup of tea...but thank you for the rec. It focuses more on the adults rather than the dad and the kid which is mostly why i got turned off i think

Well,  if it may interest you, not exactly a "surprise" parenting, but they are raising their kids alone.... I have a liking to single-parent genre dramas. 

For ML raising kids (they all show romance between ML and FL - and her interactions with the child to love them as a mother later - ) :

Khu Khaen Saen Rak (2021)

Eccentric! Chef Moon (2020)

Fanletter, Please (2022)

Unforgettable Love (2021)

Prime Minister and I (2013)