Seems that all Chinese drama sh9ows have same basic themes all of the time, as in usually young female is shown to be either daughter of richest man, or else largest Boss, and ends up have current husband commit adultary, divorces her in disgrace, and she ends up marrying right away a man who is faking being a Ceo, and looks to be poor?

Both fake each other out, a pretending to be poor, but the wife get back at scumbag former ex, and all ends up with both knowing now both rich and sometimes even ends up with wife now pregnant?

Other variation seen is ex had children by ceo/president due to b both were drugged and had sex, and years later girl returns and CEO finds out now his children?

Those tend to be the short, very low budget, vertical dramas that often have very similar (even identical) plots. They're mostly on douyin or something like that and meant to be watched when you don't have a lot of time (like commuting).

Like all countries, there's some repeating tropes and plots, but there are many completely unique ones as well, especially among the regular mini dramas.

completely off topic, but i love your username lol 

Just was curious as vast majority of them all seem to follow thiose 2 main plots, and another one seems to be the main lead is Dragon King, or King and his wife divorces him before finding out, and she tries to go back to him once revealed, but now refuses her