Grilled salmon with vegetables and green salad - and a slice of hubby's bday cake leftovers :)

Lasagna and spaghetti bolognaise   

Vegetable soup, feta cheese, roasted sea-laver and home made pop-corn.

Mbakbka~ about to eat noodles 

Also might have ice cream for desser!

Greek yogurt with almonds, walnuts, cinnamon and honey.

So far, wild Pacific salmon in butter and Rosemary .with an Asian caesar. 

On my own tonight.  Peanut butter and honey on toast.  Glass of iced tea. 

Steamed fish fillet with green salad.

Chicken soup with veggies :)

 just saw this thread and was intrigued. too

Ramen, spicy. Haven't decided on a sidedish yet.