It's a Chinese drama. The girl from the future gets on the roof of the building or smt and its night and she sees a bright light and all of a sudden shes in the past and she wakes up in a casket.  also when she wakes up there's a thief there. Can you please help me find this drama. 

I just remember some more of the drama. The person that was dead in the casket before the future lady took over her body. she killed herself bc some higher up wanted to married her and he either raped her or tried to rape her and that's what she killed herself with a sword in front of the guy that wanted her. it's a good drama from what I can remember. also, her boyfriend was really heartbroken. 

Not sure if this fits, but maybe "Love Better Than Immortality "?

no  sorry that's not it.  when she's in the casket i believe she had her cell phone too.

the eternal love? not tmopb, the one with xing zhaolin and liang jie

No it's not that one.  but ty tho.

Is it 'oh my emperor'?


Is it 'oh my emperor'?

Or 'romance between rose and tiger's?

no it's neither. but ty tho. 

I’m pretty sure is Dreaming Back to the Qing Dynasty!! I love that drama! 


I’m pretty sure is Dreaming Back to the Qing Dynasty!! I love that drama! 

How is the drama? It's quite long 40 eps

Now I'm really curious! @EmilyElizaBethRose, make sure to post here when you do figure out which drama it is!

that's Hero's Dream, never could find it fully subbed :(

the casket bit is in ep 2, where the guy there robbing it thinks she's a ghost come back to life haha 

Yes, that's it. Heros dream. Thank you so much. I looked on dramacool and it's only subbed to ep 4. I wish someone would finish the subbing it for me.


Yes, that's it. Heros dream. Thank you so much. I looked on dramacool and it's only subbed to ep 4. I wish someone would finish the subbing it for me.

even on youtube it's subbed till there too, I've given up that it will ever be, pity. The FL is the maid from Go princess Go , if you watched that one.

Ah, mystery solved! :)