I mostly read for work this month T_T but I was able to finish The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation vol 3! :D 

i finally picked up some books last month and i finished 3.  i thought i would've read more but the holiday period was more hectic than i expected. The first one i finished was:
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa which i started a few months ago. i couldn't finish it cause it was a bulky read and i was in school so i didn't have enough time. But it was such a good book. very informative and it taught me a lot on my history as well. some parts i didn't agree with but overall it was good.3.5/5

A gathering of shadows: hmmm where to begin with this one. Absolute disappointment to start. i bought the collectors edition of the 3 books in the trilogy because when i read the first one i was absolutely positive that nothing on earth could stop the trilogy from being amazing. BOYY WAS I WRONG. i wont go into details but lets just say the entire plot would have been perfectly fine if this book wasn't written. there was no need for any of the storylines and it felt like a waste of my time and money. 2/5

A conjuring of light: this was the 3rd and final book in the series and although it was much better than the 2nd book it was still very annoying.  it felt very dragged out. it was 600+ pages with multiple POV's of minor characters that didnt add to the main plot. it felt like a script rather than a book and i felt like she just tried to milk out as much from these characters. definetly read a lot of reviews before reading this. 3/5

Happy new year, reading friends😉👍, let me see if this year I can actually go back to read for real, I read about 7 books in 2022 🙈 I'm reading now The Silkworm, Robert Galbraith, also my eyelids problems got worse last years 😰

Was needing a little inspiration for the New Year.  I did not find it in these two books.  Wouldn't recommend either.

Is there a discord for this book club?


Is there a discord for this book club?

I don't think there is in this one. It's just MDL discord and a forum club here that I've joined a year ago

January update! Didn't get to finish reading any new  books this month. T_T Maybe February will be better


January update! Didn't get to finish reading any new  books this month. T_T Maybe February will be better

Same! Dramas and movies got my complete attention this month...

This year, I wanted to give audiobooks a try despite being fully convinced that I wouldn't like it.  Surprisingly, I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would and went on to listen to a total of 6 audiobooks in January. Now that I get the convenience of it all, I'm afraid it'll be hard to get me to read print again lolz

Happy February & Happy Black History Month, everyone ! <3

Happy new month lovelies! i read 8 books last month.  i don't have classes as much so i have more free time. here's the list:

1. Mere christainity: started my year of with this one and it took the longest to finish but it was really good. it felt like C.S Lewis was conversing with me or I was listening to him rant. it felt very personal but also taught me a lot so solid 3.9/5

2. The invisible life of Addie Larue: V.E Schwab is the author that keeps giving nothing. on my many attempts to like her as an author i have failed almost every time and i give up. it was such a hyped book but held no substance. there was no plot and it was overbearingly boring at one point. the end was the best part because I was done. 2/5

3. Terms and conditions by Laurie Asher & The devil in winter by Lisa Kleypas: i put these 2 in the same category because I viewed them as interval reads before my next book and they served their purpose well. if I had taken them seriously I'd probably hate myself for the time spent on them but since I don't they were great. 1/5

4. The rose and the dagger Renee Adhieh: lovely ending to The wrath and the dawn duology.  I won't lie, it felt short of expectations and i hated the way everything felt to flow without plot twists. it wasn't boring but it wasn't interesting either. 3/5

5. An enchantment of ravens: Margret Rogerson's first novel. after reading sorcery of thorns I had to read her other stuff and it was good. there were a lot of holes (like a lot) and there was no sense to the plot but at least there was a plot and for that I was grateful. it was her debut novel so I cut her some slack. 2/5

6. A song of wraiths and ruins by Rossanne Brown: the perfect mix of African mythology and fantasy. it was well thought out. i got to experience roles reversed on the leads. usually, the guy is the royal one who has had a messed up life and the girl comes in and is like chosen and whatnot but in this, the fml was the royal, more dominant, and confident. i really liked it and it was paced so well. it caught my attention from the beginning which i can't say for a lot of books. currently reading the second book to the series (its a duology). 3.5/5

7. A court of wings and ruin by Sarah J Mass: i didn't finish this pain-inducing nightmare but i did decide to not put up with it any longer (7 months is long enough) so i decided to read the end and call it a day. its like just waiting for the end of a drama (like I did with Poong, the Joseon psychiatrist ) you know you don't like but you do not want to drop. -2.4/5 (negative cause i want a refund for my time and money)t

ALSO does anyone know where i can find 'The ones who walk away from omelas by Ursula K. Le Guin' I've been trying to find the physical copy but only see the kindle version?

Hi namsham,

the story you are looking for seems to be included in the book here, at least mentioned in Amazon Germany's website, I guess same on amazon.com or wherever it's good for you =>


Ursula K. Le Guin, one of the best Fantasy/SF authors :-)

Thank you MichaKu i didnt know she had a collection!!!!. i haven't read anything shes written but the ones who walk away from omelas is known for a really good short story. if you have recommendations i would love some!

Ursula K. Le Guin, one of the best Fantasy/SF authors :-)

A buddy of mine says his favorite book of hers is Left Hand of Darkness. I've been meaning to read it for a while. I don't think he read the rest of the series. Picked up the book somewhere, but was really impactful regardless (he's not a series reader so it's pure luck he happened to get it without realizing).

I'd also recommend Left Hand of Darkness, though I read it many many years ago, but there's lots of good books from her, winning lots of awards. She covered so many interesting aspects, like gender, enivronmental damage, ... while incorporating it in good stories.      

 Krystale Mitaesa a Futur:

I don't think there is in this one. It's just MDL discord and a forum club here that I've joined a year ago

Oh i see… what’s the link for the MDL discord if u don’t mind sharing?