There is a BL series I watched a year or more ago and would like to watch again, but I can't recall which one it  was.

Toward the end, I believe one of the two main guys goes to the home of the other's parents to sort of confess his love for their son and ask their permission to court him or whatever. They are initially freaked out, but I believe they come around. The other half of the main couple either comes out to his parents or otherwise they find out he is gay too some other way.

It eventually evolves that both sets of parents become OK with the whole thing, except that the two fathers are constantly bickering and threatening each other in an ongoing argument of which of the two sons is better/more worthy/more handsome/accomplished/etc. I remember an amusing scene in which the two dads go at it in a street market and the moms have to separate them and drag them away. The dad-on-dad thing was very funny.

If this rings a bell with someone and you recognize which BL series this is, I would appreciate it very  much if you would reply to me here or send me a message. Thanks so much for your help!