HEY there!

I have  been watching dramas as a source of entertainment since lockdown was imposed in my country because of covid. But now I am really worried about my future. Nothing seems to be going my way.  I feel like every time I  take a step forward, my circumstances make me take 2 steps backward. It's hard to describe. So I just wanna ask you guys about yourselves ( If it's okay for you guys to share this with me), because I want this thread as a place that can comfort me and  other people -

1) How are you guys doing/feeling in real life ?

2) What are your goals/dreams ? Are you putting in enough efforts to achieve it ?

3) What do you do to take care of your physical and mental health ?

And you can share anything if you want to :)

  1. I started a new job recently which is good but the hours are too long and because we are short of staff I have to to overtime which is too much sometimes. My mental health is getting anxious and I lack of sleep and rest :(
  2. I have been doing retail for the longest time and getting into a fashion job is one of my dreams which is what I;m doing now but I would also like to study something to achieve better goals.
  3. Resting as much as I can on my day off and watching a lot of dramas, I think skincare helps a lot to get your stress away :)

1) What is real life? I more and more think that this world is virtual. :)

2) I was born in wrong century. I can't reach my dreams in this life, so I hope to reincarnate to the right century next life, where I would be able to fly through the universe as easy as when driving a car now. But it is possible that I will reincarnate to a squirrel or idk what in the next life... or I will wake up on different planet. Who knows how things work. :D Since my goals are too far away, putting any efforts for them is meaningless (or I would need to be 2nd Elon Musk and that is almost impossible).

3) I try to do some sports (eg. biking), when I recover from the previous activity and its impact. :D And for mental health I watch dramas, anime, read manga or lightnovels... or I can let my gods(kami) help me (especially Haruhi (goddess of creation) or invisible pink unicorn (god of happiness)).

PS:. "don't take things too seriously and enjoy life". :)