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Actually dey and neh are both correct ways of saying yes.
Aigoo Andwae Wae they aren't my faves, but what i say the most because of habit from watching soo much k-show/dramas lol
엄마 Eomma- sounds similiar to the word "Oma" in Dutch, which means grandma. We've been using that term to call my mom that for years, so imagine my shock and pleasure at finding out it actually means "mom" in another language. XD. "Oppa" sounds like "Opa" in Dutch, which means grandpa. Aish: not sure how to spell, but this is a fun word. It's kind of a naughty word though 진짜 jinjja: really? Koreans use this as an expression when they're mad. 왜 *그래 gurae: why are you being like this?- it's really fun to say for some reason. XD 절대*안돼 jeoltae ande: never!- I like how it sounds 싫어 shileo: i hate it, i don't like it! I have way more. Korean is just a fun language to speak, especially when you're angry or annoyed. It has such a strong bite to it!
It's spelled 네 in Korean, which translates to "ne" in the Roman alphabet, so "nay" is correct. But sometimes the "n" sound is nasal and sounds like a "d" to non-native speaker's ears. ^^
아이씨 (Aish !) 오빠(아아아아아) (Oppaaaaaa) 진짜? (Jinjja?) - Really? 죽을래? (jugeulle?) - Wanna die?
ma-shita! - Mi Ho (Shin Min Ah)
'Yah!' I love this word. xD Aish Aigoo: I use this alot xD The Korean word for crazy, which is bichoso or mitchusu. Omo! for Oh my gosh. Wae? for why? Daebak! for awesome or jackpot! Mwo? for what? I think I've replaced my usage of the word 'what' with mwo. Ara-ssoe? for understand? Babo, for idiot. jugulle? for wanna die? palee, for hurry! moshi-ssoe, for cool. mwo ra gu? for what did you say? Oh, and of course: jinja?! Bula, for I don't know, and Shiro, for I don't want to! I love how these words are so simple and short but they can express whatever they mean so well. It's fun saying them. :)
My favourite expression ever is jugulle?(do you want to die?) Haha they say it in every drama I see. I think that if someday I go to Korea it's the first thing I'm going to say XD
- Aja Aja Fighting!
- neomu neomu neomu neomu joha
aigooooooooooooo, love this article, lol it helped me to understand soem k words ;)
somehow omo and daebak sneaked into my vocabulary
ige boya igey :P i dont know how to spell it but it means wat is this :P i used it wen i dont understand a thing ;)
ottoke?? (how, what do I do??) mwo ya?? (what d ) araso!! (got it) biane/miane (I'm sorry) nadou saranghae (I love you too ) nadou (me too, me also) Kal Ke (I'm going) na wa (come here, come out) Jal jjal ( goodnight) aigooo / omoo Mu lah ( I don't know)
明るい Abooshi! which means "Bright" in Japanese, really got to love this because of Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge สวัสดี Wayoo for Hello in twainese And for Koreans: Aigoo umoma for "Mother" Noona for "older sister" bullaaaa bullaaa! Great Article lol