is there such a place somewhere that doesn't ruin people financially with shipping costs (to Germany)? if someone could point me into the right directions I'd be ever so grateful! (✿ヘᴥヘ)

my Thai isn't good enough yet to google for it and I'm having no luck doing so in English, since everyone seems to be looking for translations.

I was looking for Thai books also and no luck (in the US) but I did find an app that sells E-books and audiobooks in Thai, and it has a section for BL as well and a few translated to english as well. Its called MEB. I know its not the same as physical books but I hope it helps!

it will do splendidly for the time being and translating what I find in there will definitely improve my Thai to a point where I can go looking myself, thank you so much for pointing me there! ♥

You can try if you want hard copies of the books. A few months back they were offering free international shipping. Though there may be conditions attached, its worth checking out. It's in english so that's also a big plus.

thank you so much for the link, dee100, unfortunately, I can't afford /anything/ on that side, I mean wowza... they know we're desperate, don't they (≧▽≦)

For ebooks mebmarket might be interesting, it's available in english if you click on the left bottom corner and switch the language.

As for printed copies as dee mentioned or Shipping to Germany will always be expensive. Since they changed the law for imports you'll be charged taxes and fees for almost any parcel that's coming from outside the EU. DHL for example is charging a fee of 6€ for each international parcel even if taxes are only 2€. 

thank you, moonchild :) I guess I'll have to make due with ebooks, the prices on ethaicd are just insane, couldn't find anything Thai on yesasia, seems they only have Japanese, Chinese and Korean stuff on there, I even did a search, but for SOTUS for example they only had a Chinese translation for the novel and a bunch of merch.

honestly, I wouldn't mind paying 6 or 8 € extra for shipping, but 50 € for one novel, that's insanity and not gonna happen ;)


thank you, moonchild :) I guess I'll have to make due with ebooks, the prices on ethaicd are just insane, couldn't find anything Thai on yesasia, seems they only have Japanese, Chinese and Korean stuff on there, I even did a search, but for SOTUS for example they only had a Chinese translation for the novel and a bunch of merch.

honestly, I wouldn't mind paying 6 or 8 € extra for shipping, but 50 € for one novel, that's insanity and not gonna happen ;)

Yesasia does have Thai stuff such as DVDs, Magazines and more. They have Thai novels for 2gether or My Engineer for example. Sotus is from 2016 and probably not in stock anymore or has been replaced with newer series. 

The charge DHL is taking is not for shipping. It's an additional fee which they claim is due to Covid-19 (which is nonsense). I know this from my own experience. International parcels were not delivered, I needed to pick them up by myself and pay the fee because according to DHL it's too much of a risk to do the delivery at my doorstep and charging the taxes there (like it was before Covid). They just found an elegant way to make the customers pay more for a non-existing service. I'm just saying you need to be aware of this extra cost as well when you order from a country outside the EU. 

ah, I see. thanks again for the reply!
the prices are still too much for me, it's not even that I don't want to pay that much (which I don't), but I simply can't, either. yesasia wants over 100 € for My Engineer, for what looks like two novels. you'd pay 20 € at most for that kind of thing around here. and I'm not even all that interested in that one ;)

I know, I'm not saying you need to buy those for such unreasonable prices. You don't need to say how much money you can/want to spend or not, that's entirely up to you. I'm merely answering your question where you could buy Thai novels. As for prices and shipping that's up to each online shop. Also keep in mind in Germany we have a reduced tax for books which make them more affordable, I don't know if it's like this in other countries. :)

oh, no worries, I'm not shy about my financial situation, it is what it is. hope it didn't make you uncomfortable hearing about it XD
I guess, I'm looking for local(ish) stores now that sell stuff in the Thai language. I wonder what Thai people do who live around here, there has to be a way to do this without murdering all your piggy banks. anyway, again, thanks for your suggestions, they did at the very least help in narrowing down the path. and I have been easing up on my BL obsession lately anyway, so branching out into other genres can only help making the hunt easier! :)

No, that's not it. I just mean you don't have to explain it. Even if one can afford such prices it's up to them  if they also want to spend so much money. For a normal novel 50€ or USD are indeed a lot of money and from my perspective not a fair prize unless there are some benefits/extras. 

Actually you might be lucky with that. There is a German forum called Nittaya and some people asked the same question as you, maybe it can be useful for you since other people might know a local shop or an address where to get books. 

Otherwise Google could help too with a quick search for Thai forums or books. Also check sites like Ebay or booklooker for used books. Good luck! ^^

well, I don't have to explain anything, obviously, I was volunteering the information for extra context XD

but now that I'm starting to look for slightly different things than I was when I started this thread it could indeed be a good idea to start googling for things again, I'll also have a look at the forum you linked to, once again, thanks for your help! (⌒‿⌒) ♡

You're welcome. ^^

Are you guys waiting for any lakorns to be subbed in eng