Along with the stab wound on her upper right arm just like SW dad. So the wounds were made with a very thin blade.  

I am tempted to declare YWS is the killer of the former GHY and his son.  Because she uses the sword tehcnique.  But, if she kills GHY, she's a dead meat.  She doesn't know GZY well enough to make such a bold decision to alter the Wufeng plot.  

Lady Wuji killing GHY and his son?  We think she is the killer.

Miss Zheng held the information about the secret fire weapon owned by the Gong family.  Who passed the info to her?  Lady Wuji who had yet to meet the brides?  The interactions between Miss Zheng and others are the one she had with Gong Huan Yu, Gong Yuan Zhi and the silhoutte who looks like MasterYue.  

Is there another Wufeng spy besides YWS, SGQ, and Lady Wuji in the Gong residence?

We can safely rule out Gong Yuan Zhi because he is way too unsophisticated to come up with scams.  Gong Huan Yu is already dead.  Only Master Yue is left for us to ponder if he is responsible for the death of the two Gongs.

So the ‘crawl move’ defines them as WuFeng’s assassins. So one of the elders is also WuFeng’s people. Wow!


So the ‘crawl move’ defines them as WuFeng’s assassins. So one of the elders is also WuFeng’s people. Wow!

Yes.  Only YWS has identified that move so far.  Master Yue is a Liang?

From the plots that we have seen so far, everything that has happened aims to stop Gong Shang Jue from being the next SW or discredit him.

A possible reason is he doesn't want to unleash the Infinite Heat to counterattack Wufeng.  Wufeng wants to know about this weapon.


So the ‘crawl move’ defines them as WuFeng’s assassins. So one of the elders is also WuFeng’s people. Wow!

What if she's wrong, and that move is not exclusive to only Wufeng? There was a theory that Wufeng originated from the missing Feng family from the back hill, so it's possible that the move actually originated in Gong, and all the back hill people know it.

 Raymond Ardin:

What if she's wrong, and that move is not exclusive to only Wufeng? There was a theory that Wufeng originated from the missing Feng family from the back hill, so it's possible that the move actually originated in Gong, and all the back hill people know it.

Missing Feng family from the back hill?  Which episode mentioned about the missing family?

Very good episode today again,  and I am just thinking that the story became even more complicated... SGQ had nice back up origination story to cover her up and she even has a birthmark, so she is one of the last living members of the wipe out sect and apparently got taken into Wufeng as a small child, then they implemented her in Shanguan family... nothing looks as it is
Now she has confirmed that Wuji is anonymous - I kinda still doubt it, but she is definitely from Wufeng...  she gave a cover up to YWS about the wound - and Wufeng assassins are not expected to cooperate with each other...

The fight at the beginning of the second trial - ZiYu at least made his homework :) but we had clearly seen that Wufeng move  which allows to grab a throat... so now YWS will be thinking elder Yue is from Wufeng - it might be still a technique which was either well known, or originates from one of the sects which has been taken over by Wufeng

ZiYi (and probably most of people who are working in the pleasure house are Wufengs) made a mistake leaving that thief alive as now they have a track of events and more to suspect YWS, but ofc ZiYi won't care at all about Chi or other lower level Wufeng member.  

so more questions than answers as usually and a lot more to think about...


Missing Feng family from the back hill?  Which episode mentioned about the missing family?

We can see 4 families on the Gong family tree and I am also thinking the missing Feng is now actual Wufeng

I kinda still doubt it, but she is definitely from Wufeng...  she gave a cover up to YWS about the wound - and Wufeng assassins are not expected to cooperate with each other...

There is a clip in the trailer where both SGQ and YWS are seen coming out of Wuji's room. So...I feel like all three of them will probably start working together moving forward which I am actually kind of excited about. 


I've been thinking the same thing. Especially if things happen the way they look like they do in the trailers, I'll be wrecked. I should probably stop watching them lol because they can be deceiving with how they are edited. 

These characters and the storyline, can't get enough. 

Trailers are misleading because they’re edited in a specific way; so best watched with a grain of salt. 


I was thinking it was really dumb for Wufeng to hire a criminal from in the valley instead of just using someone from Wufeng to rip off the necklace. Unless they want Shangjue to figure things out so they can kill him easier if he leaves the Gong residence to investigate on his own. But so far, he is just sending guards to check things out.

ZiYi (and probably most of people who are working in the pleasure house are Wufengs) made a mistake leaving that thief alive as now they have a track of events and more to suspect YWS

I feel like this was more of HYS's fault than Ziyi. It seemed like he came up with the plan to use the thief. And HYS should have a lot of people working under him just like HYQ does since they are both ravens. 

 Sirry Usly:

There is a clip in the trailer where both SGQ and YWS are seen coming out of Wuji's room. So...I feel like all three of them will probably start working together moving forward which I am actually kind of excited about. 

if Wuji is anonymous she had a good safe life for 20 years - I think a message send by Wufeng about assassin hidden between brides was a warning for all wufeng spies who were sitting idle in the Gong residence and enjoying their life
I am also sure there will be more of them then we had seen atm. 

 Sirry Usly:

I feel like this was more of HYS's fault than Ziyi. It seemed like he came up with the plan to use the thief. And HYS should have a lot of people working under him just like HYQ does since they are both ravens. 

I think the raven did what liang told him to do... she is definitely very dangerous person


We can see 4 families on the Gong family tree and I am also thinking the missing Feng is now actual Wufeng

If yes, Wufeng would have known about the Infinite Heat.  Why Wufeng hasn't got a clue?


Missing Feng family from the back hill?  Which episode mentioned about the missing family?

I think it's just a theory so far; I don't remember them actually mentioning it. But there is a common Chinese phrase, feng hua xue yue (wind, flowers, snow, and moon), the traditional things associated with romance. We have Hua, Xue, and Yue families in the back hill, so it stands to reason that there should be, or once was, Feng as well.