Episode 5

The killing of GHY and his heir seemed to aim at preventing GSJ from becoming the next SW.  

We could safely rule out YWS because her objective was to marry GHY.

However, SGQ is a possible killer because by killing GHY and his heir, GSJ would be the next SW.  SGQ's mission was to marry GSJ.  She looked surprised when YWS told her that GZY was the new SW.

But, we also know Wufeng never instructed the killing of GHY and his son.

GSJ was the first person who passed the three trials before GHY.  But, the elders and SW felt GHY was a better candidate.  


Why does this fit so much lmao. We haven't seen HuanYu's mom yet, but it might be the case. WuMing is definitely someone that does not knows about the back hill, or so I think. If WuMing knew, why not send this info with the info on bride selection? Two birds with one stone that way. 

Huan Yu's mother?  We knew that GZY's mother was an official wife of GZY's father.  So, Huan Yu's mother had to be deceased first.

Ok so from this episode; heart attack relieved thankfully but glad to see the backstory of SJ and how he feels after losing his mother and brother and his real feelings towards Junior poison. Including the extreme guilt when he understood what his cousin was doing for him, him not acknowledging it and now the reflex move that nearly killed him. 

The necklace grab was an obvious attempt and ZY bought it hook line and sinker. The whole meeting with the call girl and finding out she’s the top of the food chain plus the entire pleasure house is probably full of spies. YWS understanding her own raven would kill her in a heartbeat if the Liang spy wanted it….I think it was a serious awakening for her, of how little her life mattered to assassins creed, even to the one who raised her. You can tell from the tears streaming down her face to the expression she wears when they arrive back at the mansion; she’s mentally and physically drained. And her facade on not caring for ZY is clearly something she’s fighting even more now after jumping in front of him. 

SGQ though…really? This is the night you pick to go try to find the back of the mountain? So glad YM Hua was there to stop her. That’s just not smart. Plus WuJi and Wuming making their move (don’t know what was written on the curtain as again no subs); Wuming seems to work better in chaos, so that’s what they’re trying to create. I believe WuJi is trying to make herself as sympathetic as possible to take the suspicion off of herself which I’m sure knows SJ and YZ have and rightfully so. 

In the previews seems like Junior poison starts having loose lips around SGQ. She’s figured out his weakness; SJ and being lonely. No one’s told him that “loose lips sink ships.” But considering the cleverness of spies and how many they have around them, they’d keep things on the DL a little. 

Anyways ready for the 2nd trial and YM Yue, whatever his role is in all of this. 


The ultimate plot twist would be that Huanyu' mom is the leader of wufeng.they wanted to take over Gong mountain without shedding blood by making Huanyu the next sword wielder.but after ziyu was born ,they found out that the father is favouring him .they were afraid that he will ruin their plan so they sent assassins to kill ziyu .the assassins however killed shangjue's brother and mother by mistake,because the kids were the same age.after that Gongs tightened the security of the mountain so they couldn't make a move again.they made another plan and executed their plan as soon as the brides entered the mountain.

Ooooooooh now THAT is interesting!!

I'm confused on HYS and who he was aiming at. I thought he was originally aiming for Ziyu because A'Yun saw HYS on the roof and then moved in front of Ziyu as if to take the hit instead. So was HYS going to kill Ziyu originally but then was going to shoot A'Yun if Ziyi turned the cup upside down?


Who knows if Wufeng has had only one leader throughout its time? Also, it's really common in cdramas to distort the villain's voice. It's just a suspicion but I'm gonna stick with it until the future episodes throw more questions at us and jumble everything up even more ;)

Yws said in the brothel infront of Ziyi, there were 4 leaders in the Wufeng and they were never showing themselves up. Ziyi said she was not them. 

 Sirry Usly:

From PeachBlossomGoddess in the comment section: "Ziyi is a Liang. She was obviously a spy bc she was in the opening scenes (ie an important character) and I honestly can't think of another c-drama where the prostitute is not a spy but I won't list them bc there are so many but they are still spoilers. She said the tea has cooled 凉 liáng which is a homonym for liǎng 魉. So she has already told us she is a Liang." 

Liang was the top ladder in the wufeng women assassin creed? I forgot the chart though. But she definitely not the 4 leaders of wufeng.

There are no 4 leader leaders of Wufeng. Wufeng has 4 classes (if you want to call it that). Namely Chi, Mei, Wang, Liang. What YWS revealed in EP 13 was that in the whole of Wufeng, according to general knowledge, there are only 4 Wangs in existence. YWS herself has never seen any of them. This means Wangs are rare so Liangs must be even more so. Maybe there isn't more than one Liang at all, who knows? 


I'm confused on HYS and who he was aiming at. I thought he was originally aiming for Ziyu because A'Yun saw HYS on the roof and then moved in front of Ziyu as if to take the hit instead. So was HYS going to kill Ziyu originally but then was going to shoot A'Yun if Ziyi turned the cup upside down?

Yes. He was aiming at ZY, waiting for Liang spy's signal whatever it was. That's when YWS understood that her life was truly worthless even to her own raven who was just following orders and even he's conflicted as shown in his eyes. Hence the tears streaming down her face. I truly hope this will be the beginning of her actively seeking freedom even if it means betraying assassins creed. Because no matter what, they'll kill her.

If Huanyu sided with Wufeng somehow, why did  Wufeng send the 2 fls to investigate and spy on the Gong residence. Huanyu knows about the back hill since he pass the test, knows more about the front hill and the weapons used by Gong soldiers. This is the part that confuse me if Huanyu is one of the villains.


If Huanyu sided with Wufeng somehow, why did  Wufeng send the 2 fls to investigate and spy on the Gong residence. Huanyu knows about the back hill since he pass the test, knows more about the front hill and the weapons used by Gong soldiers. This is the part that confuse me if Huanyu is one of the villains.

If Huanyu is a villain, I think he's more of a villain within the Gong family rather than being a Wufeng villain. But I'm not sure. Someone said he marries the prostitute lady? I don't even know how there would be enough time left in remaining episodes for all this to happen. 


Yes. He was aiming at ZY, waiting for Liang spy's signal whatever it was. That's when YWS understood that her life was truly worthless even to her own raven who was just following orders and even he's conflicted as shown in his eyes. Hence the tears streaming down her face. I truly hope this will be the beginning of her actively seeking freedom even if it means betraying assassins creed. Because no matter what, they'll kill her.

Got it, thanks!

I think from the very start YWS already knows that they are mere chess pieces for wufeng. I do not think that the reason for her tears is the sudden realization thet her raven could kill her.

A flashback has already shown that she was told by her raven that her life and death belong to wufeng while her raven is pointing a knife at her neck. I think that she is very well aware that they will not hesistate to eliminate her.

I agree! The tears were more due to mixed feelings for GZY rather than due to Mother Raven's lack of hesitation to shoot her in order to achieve his goal imo


I think from the very start YWS already knows that they are mere chess pieces for wufeng. I do not think that the reason for her tears is the sudden realization thet her raven could kill her.

A flashback has already shown that she was told by her raven that her life and death belong to wufeng while her raven is pointing a knife at her neck. I think that she is very well aware that they will not hesistate to eliminate her.

Yes she knows she’s a chess piece however because her raven did raise her as deadly as that was; it’s a bit of a roller coaster also with her feelings for ZY starting to crumble her acting facade. She’s not a Liang and therefore not ruthless or without a heart. The man she jumped in front of is something she probably didn’t expect to do.  And yet here she is…a crossroads perhaps.