wow... I just counted a lot of spelling/grammar errors. sorry
Old people explaining the internet to old people - a good idea indeed! That's probably the best way.

Well, I'm not that rich either so alredy a few thousand euros would be quite nice... I'll try to watch it soon and then I (or my lawyer) will let you know how I liked the drama! :P
Heya Ils!

I myself like Clark Kent :)!

Welcome, welcome. Since yesterday I seem to read your name in many posts.
I think you are as famous as Skye and amrita by now.
Nice to have you here and keep up the good work.

Btw, I suck in french too, but I`m great in german. :D
wrote: Heya Ils!

I myself like Clark Kent !

Welcome, welcome. Since yesterday I seem to read your name in many posts.
I think you are as famous as Skye and amrita by now.
Nice to have you here and keep up the good work.

Btw, I suck in french too, but I`m great in german.

lol, try to make me blush? (succeeded)
its hard to be as famous as skye! ^_^

"like" is an absolute understatement,
Clark Kent is on my top3 of "Things that ILS is nerdily crazy about & cant tell the world", glad to have found a Kryptonfan ^_^
(after Asian Dramas and Harry Potter)

Heute spricht doch eh keiner mehr Französisch (oder so)... ^_^
Dojemi10 VIPCommunity Manager
Hello ^^
emmi~ wrote: lol, try to make me blush? (succeeded)
its hard to be as famous as skye! ^_^

"like" is an absolute understatement,
Clark Kent is on my top3 of "Things that ILS is nerdily crazy about & cant tell the world", glad to have found a Kryptonfan ^_^
(after Asian Dramas and Harry Potter)

Heute spricht doch eh keiner mehr Französisch (oder so)... ^_^

Actually I wanted to edit the like to love, but we don`t have an edit button.

I`m an old Kryptonfan, not really a Smallville one.

Französisch? Ist das keine tote Sprache? ;)

Oh and IloveSirius!
emmi~ wrote: lol, try to make me blush? (succeeded)
its hard to be as famous as skye! ^_^

"like" is an absolute understatement,
Clark Kent is on my top3 of "Things that ILS is nerdily crazy about & cant tell the world", glad to have found a Kryptonfan ^_^
(after Asian Dramas and Harry Potter)

Heute spricht doch eh keiner mehr Französisch (oder so)... ^_^

Actually İ wanted to edit the like to love, but you know we don't have an edit button.

Being as famous as Skye is not that hard, but being as epic as him is not easy.

İ'm an old Krytonfan, but not really a Smallvlle fan.

Französisch? İst die Sprache nicht ausgestorben?

Btw İloveSirius!
wrote: Being as famous as Skye is not that hard, but being as epic as him is not easy

LOL ^_^

well, I liked smallville a lot in the beginning. But then (and after the whole Lana-clark on/off thing) it started to say Season 6 is the last one. Oh no, there will be a season 7, but thats def the last one. Now we're in season 10 and the episodes became so stupid I cant even finish them (even though i LOVE to stare at Tom Welling in a suit!!!!) -.-
That's why I wish american Tv shows would just stop while they're good. I mean Asian shows have a limited number of episodes and then you're ready for a new/next story... But americans press every ounce of money out of a production until there is nothing left. -.-

haha, I love sirius too. But even more Snape ^_^ hihi (well only after reading book 7)
Hello Sarah! :)

wrote: With the interest in Asian dramas my interest for the asian culture grew too . And by now I am seriously considering on doing my Master in Korea.

Same :) About the last sentence, in my case since I still graduating high school, I hope i can have my university in Korea ^^
But if that's the case, I need to learn Korean harder now. I don't want to come empty handed about their language.