Hi guys!

Well, actually I've been using MDL for a some times, but since I'm shy, I really never look this forum before. Anyway, I guess it's time for me to introduce myself xD

Just call me Gwilth, and I have watched some Asian drama and lots of movies........ And, I have no idea what to say anymore .__. Anyway just ask me anything if you curious about something. :D
Hi, Gwilth. Don't have to be shy, people here are friendly. What are you watching?
Dojemi10 VIPCommunity Manager
Hi~~ Welcome to MDL ^^ enjoy your stay here :)
Hello and Welcome!
Welcome to the group - everyone is unique in their own way; so just be yourself:D
Hello everyone!! :D

4winkay wrote: Hi, Gwilth. Don't have to be shy, people here are friendly. What are you watching?

Hey~ I'm not watching any drama at the moment... still searching any drama that interest me... :P
:) ELLO! u got 600 post u must have wandered around time to time :)