well, hello there I'm kinda new here...actually I have checked the site several times for information and stuff but it's my first time in a forum..:D Of course drama addict..!! At first I watched only J dramas, but only a little while ago i decided to watch flower boy ramyun shop...AAND i'm doomed..I can't help it..K dramas are really awesome..:)
Welcome! The forum is DAEBAK! Hope u like it here, if u need anything just message this SQUIRREL OF DA FORUMS! Lol
Hello, ancient person! Wae did you take it so long to make your first post? Look at me, see the difference XDXD! Enjoy your stay more...........from fellow doomers!
hiii!!! welcome to MDL :D I hope that you'll participate more on the forums :D We won't bite you, I promise ;)
shaz22 wrote: Hello, ancient person!
Wae did you take it so long to make your first post? Look at me, see the difference XDXD!
Enjoy your stay more...........from fellow doomers!

you're right I should have post something sooner...!! sorry if my english are bad..:D
Dojemi10 VIPCommunity Manager
Welcome to MDL~!!!
Welcome to the forums! XD lol hahaha, and to MDL too ofc (^u^)