jeanie65jh wrote: I completely agree Girl! He is an apollo to me. But Hephaestus will grow on you! he grew on Aphrodite! lol

PinkDiamond wrote: *sigh* Still trying to make it through Love Shuffle...I'm trying Shota...really I am.

You don't like it?
PinkDiamond wrote: It's not that I dislike's just not grabbing my attention. I'm curious to know what happens with all of the couples, but not curious enough....

Ah! That happens to me in some dramas.
This page needs some pretty..One of my favorite scenes from the movie Liar Game The Final Stage. Lip Cream!
You know what's fun? Waking up in the morning and seeing the Shota Thread near the top of the threads and getting inspired to look for Shota Pretties in the morning. But look what else you find! ....More pretties to follow.

AfroTanaka Trailer!
PinkDiamond wrote: It's not that I dislike's just not grabbing my attention. I'm curious to know what happens with all of the couples, but not curious enough....

Everyone has their own tastes girl! (how can you not like love shuffle?) ...jk I know you'll like this though...

Gosh...he's so pretty!

I love all 4 pictures, but really LOVE that third one.
I don't think these are in here but if they are, oh well! I am copying them from the kiss booth.

I don't remember either and I certainly don't mind! :D

Jeanie, PD: Our avatars have become Shota-fied! LOL
LisNoir wrote: I don't remember either and I certainly don't mind! :D

Jeanie, PD: Our avatars have become Shota-fied! LOL

They have become beautifully Shota-kun slashy-fied! (that is for PD)

I couldn't resist! When I see all three of them in a row in a thread it makes me strangely happy! (dork)
jeanie65jh wrote: They have become beautifully Shota-kun slashy-fied! (that is for PD)

I couldn't resist! When I see all three of them in a row in a thread it makes me strangely happy! (dork)

Jejeeje...You are not alone! I was strangely happy myself and felt the need to comment on