Jeaniessi wrote: Now lets have a moment of morning for all that long luscious gone...but not forgotten.



Now that is over! Time to fangirl all over at these screen shots from the drama!

*squee!!* so awesome.

Which Drama? It seems interesting *___*
Mirichan wrote: Which Drama? It seems interesting *___*

If you look at the post above the pictures I also posted a poster and named the drama. It's called Sennyuu Tantei Tokage. :) Another detective Jdrama! it starts April 18th! so excited!

I don't know Miri... I think Detective Jdramas are like Time Travel Kdramas! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. LOL.
I am so ready! I am squeeing like a ridiculous fangirl over this. I am not ashamed to admit it... I can't wait to watch this! Sweet Shota-kun!

Wow just few more days for drama to air :D Jeaniessi don't hit me on the head or something but I really like his new haircut, not mising his too long hair at all ;)
sanja wrote: Wow just few more days for drama to air. Jeaniessi don't hit me on the head or something but I really like his new haircut, not mising his too long hair at all

LOL... I actually think he's beautiful no matter what length hair he has.

Here are some of my favorites.

^^ First, first, first one. Not to long not to short just perfect :D Then the second is not bad either, oh and the thir- hell what am I saying they are all perfect. HE is perfect. Jeaniessi tahnx for pic :)
10 more days.... that is all.
Jeaniessi wrote: 10 more days....

that is all.

I am counting days too! Right when I am in a mood for detective drama, Shota do one? After a long time of appearing in any drama. I must be blessed or something.
I can't wait!!
One more week. That is all.
I can't wait to see his gawjuss self on my screen! <3
LisNoir wrote: I can't wait to see his gawjuss self on my screen! <3

Jeaniessi wrote: Adorable Gorgeous Yummy. Shota-kun

One year ago ... Still in love! Deep deep love. Lol
I've been meaning to watch his new drama but time is being a bastard. I just hope he's too good in this crime drama. Nothing suits Shota rather than perfection.
Love... What else is there to say? ♥♥♥

I love those pictures. Especially that one up there where he is in front of the mirror. <3