what a cutie on that pic :3

twinklelie wrote: tehe you should see the ones I can't put here XDD
I don't think you'd sleep at all ahahaha

OMG....I think my imagination has run wild at the thought of that!!! Pics you can't put here.....WOW. Hmm...trying to imagine!! Oh great I won't be able to sleep!!
winnie19 wrote: OMG....I think my imagination has run wild at the thought of that!!! Pics you can't put here.....WOW. Hmm...trying to imagine!! Oh great I won't be able to sleep!!

wanna see that album I've made :D
i have a fur too he should hug me instead of the bear. too much Kame for tonight XD
twinklelie wrote: XDD
wanna see that album I've made :D

I contact you tomorrow about that I really need to log off and sleep. I need to be in work tomorrow. I can't lose my job over Kame.

Yes I will be in contact with you about that album. Thanks so much!!
winnie19 wrote: I contact you tomorrow about that I really need to log off and sleep. I need to be in work tomorrow. I can't lose my job over Kame.

Yes I will be in contact with you about that album. Thanks so much!!

no problem ^^
;A; so much Kame. So much beauty. So much love for this thread
I believe someone asked for new pics lol
here there are:

Aaaah, Kame and his tongue porn ♥
twinklelie wrote: I believe someone asked for new pics lol
here there are:

That whole shoot is sexy for all the KAT-TUN members.
WOW...my tiny little hint has worked!! THANKS so much Twinklelie. Gorgeous pics of Kame as usual. You don't seem to fail in finding very very nice pics of him. I'm so impressed!! I like all of them so it's hard for me to choose any favorites.
I got to know him in Yamato Nafeshiko Shichi Henge and really loved him ^.^ After that I've seen him also in Gokusen 2 & Tatta Hitotsu no Koi (: He is a very cute and good acting actor x3
I fell for Kame big time in Tatta Hitotsu no Koi....I loved his character Hiroto - he's my ideal guy in there and so far no one has beat him. I also loved him in Nobuta Wo Produce. Just seeing Kame in these 2 series has made me a fan of his. Not just for his looks but also his acting abilities :)
yankumicho wrote: That whole shoot is sexy for all the KAT-TUN members.

I've got them all on my computer *drools*

winnie19 wrote: WOW...my tiny little hint has worked!! THANKS so much Twinklelie. Gorgeous pics of Kame as usual. You don't seem to fail in finding very very nice pics of him. I'm so impressed!!

I like all of them so it's hard for me to choose any favorites.

LOL most of the time I find them on FB, you know ;)
yeah it's true that it's hard to find a fav one, but I found mine lol