MonjaElisa wrote: Mendol was pretty good.. However, I don't feel like the ending was satisfying enough though..
Allthough the drama in itself was good I felt like the ending left me by a clifhanger..
I'd definately recommend it for those who love wierd styled comedies.. Oh, And Be aware of overly sexual content..
in Every episode.. :)
Its pretty good though.. Persona was awesome..
Loved Kai was my fave, Allthough he was the one suffering the most.. Poor girl.. Or guy.. lol
I liked the ending. I generally prefer open ends instead of all-success stories.
I am just disappointed that the story's conclusion was transparent from episode 6/7 onwards.
But generally it was a good fun, if you enjoy fluffly weirdness, that is. :p
Persona's first song was really awesome, I liked it a lot. The second one was also alright, but
still not as catchy as the first one.
But hey, which sexual content? I didn't see ANY.