
You're welcome. I'm so happy people are finding this and watching. We were even briefly in the Hottest Discussions yesterday. Up there with the Count to 7 million thread 5555

That's how I stumbled on this thread. :)

Just finished Twenty-Four eyes. 

I spent the last 30 minutes or so crying. More coherent thoughts tomorrow, it's very late and I had an early start today.

That's how I stumbled on this thread. :)

ooo? can we do this again maybe? talk enough to be a Hot Discussion for a while and spread the word a little bit further. it's such a great opportunity to see Japanese films which can be difficult to find.

 i watch too many dramas:
Just finished Twenty-Four eyes

you did it :) ต้มเลือดหมูจงเจริญญญญญ
(did that lift your spirits again?)

you did it :) ต้มเลือดหมูจงเจริญญญญญ
(did that lift your spirits again?)

Ha, of course.
To clarify, I spent the last 30 minutes of the film crying -- after it ended, everything was clogged and swollen but I felt so satisfied.

For those who let themselves enjoy the slower pace and the more sedate style of filming, I can definitely recommend "Twenty-four Eyes"!
It's deeply moving for those who can cry over the senseless killing wars and nationalism bring even to the most remote villages. And I liked it for the historical value -- to see how they learned in rural schools in imperial Japan and to watch the changing style of living between 1928 and 1946 was really interesting.
A bit of history knowledge about imperial Japan, the Japanese invasion of Manchuria and the Second World War) is probably very helpful to understand the context in which the children and her teacher are living. 

Edit: Wrote a review.

Done. Here's our Voting list for the festival (there's also a link in the OP at the top of thread).

Ooh, that is going to be hard. How could I rank vastly different films? Comparing Twenty-Four Eyes to KIBA is impossible, each one is brilliant in its own genre.

Next up is "Anime supremacy!"

Does watching require an account?


Does watching require an account?

Yes. You only need a working e-mail address and a name though, it's free. 

Also, in their FAQs they wrote that they deleted last year's accounts, so no worries there.

 i watch too many dramas:

Yes. You only need a working e-mail address and a name though, it's free. 

Also, in their FAQs they wrote that they deleted last year's accounts, so no worries there.

I see. Thanks for the info! :)

I've watched School meal graduation today, Not really a fan of the comedy aspect but then after a while, it was ok and funnier. But most importantly,  I just love it's kind of a culture to them and I understand why they were crazy about it lol

I only finished one film and it was Father of the Milky Way Railroad  

I posted on feeds because I thought someone suggested about flooding Feeds or something, but I think I misunderstood. I just wanna say I cried so much, but so much I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep at all. So I don't know if others will cry like I did but I think people probably will find interesting.

 Not a Camellia:

I only finished one film and it was Father of the Milky Way Railroad  

I posted on feeds because I thought someone suggested about flooding Feeds or something, but I think I misunderstood. I just wanna say I cried so much, but so much I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep at all. So I don't know if others will cry like I did but I think people probably will find interesting.

Not available in my country :(

 Not a Camellia:
I posted on feeds because I thought someone suggested about flooding Feeds or something, but I think I misunderstood.

Anywhere people might see it is good. I think maybe you crossed getting us in Hottest Discussions (which we are currently, go JFF Fans!) with posting to Feeds. I don't use Feeds much (I don't have all that much of a useful circle here) so others can share what they're doing with them.

I found The Night of the Milky Way Railroad free as an e-book yesterday. Going to read it while the film is still fresh in my mind. Part of me thought, oh this is so romanticised and idealised but Miyazawa was an idealist so it fits.

The two other films I've seen so far which deal with arts and creativity (The Lines That Define Me and Special8) also echoed aspects of the art form in how the films told their stories. This was clearest in Lines. Also makes sense in Special8 as it seems to be at least somewhat autobiographical - watch for the filmmaker's early works in the end credits.

I've watched School meal graduation today, Not really a fan of the comedy aspect but then after a while, it was ok and funnier. But most importantly, I just love it's kind of a culture to them and I understand why they were crazy about it lol

I've started We're Broke, My Lord! and some of the comedy isn't my preference but it's fast paced and entertaining enough for a Saturday evening. Glad to hear some good words for School Meal Graduation. Will give that a go later.

(VPN re your other post. Firefox/Mozilla is an option if you don't know which to choose.)

 i watch too many dramas:
Ooh, that is going to be hard. How could I rank vastly different films? Comparing Twenty-Four Eyes to KIBA is impossible, each one is brilliant in its own genre.

I strongly resemble this sentiment :D

Thanks for your review of Twenty-Four Eyes. Thinking of it in terms of three parts will make it easier to fit into my day. I've gotten away from that period of Japanese film though I used to love it. Looking forward to getting back to it even with the sadness.

Not available in my country :(

Using a vpn works fine -- I had to use it for Twenty-Four Eyes and for Amine Supremacy!. Only thing I noticed was that the festival organizers think we will watch each movie in one sitting. For each film, if you change the vpn's location, the website will not allow you to continue the film you've already started, so it's better to memorize which location you used. 

 Not a Camellia:
I just wanna say I cried so much, but so much I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep at all. So I don't know if others will cry like I did but I think people probably will find interesting.

Thank you! I will push this one back a bit, I think. Crying once was already enough for the week. 😐

Twenty-Four Eyes. Thinking of it in terms of three parts

The parts differ in length but it's very easy to see when a new part starts, there's a short narration each time. 

 i watch too many dramas:
Next up is "Anime supremacy!"

Remember how I said "KIBA" felt fast? I take back everything. 
This one is worse -- or rather, the film dumps you right in the middle of things. I did not understand at all what was happening until about the 40 minutes mark, and even then it took me another 10 to 15 minutes to really get it. I went in cold -- did not even read much more than the tags on the JFF website -- anime, business, drama -- so I had no idea what this film is about. The middle part was excellent (once I got the hang of things) and the ending satisfying.
As always, more details to follow in a review (later).

I notice I tend to choose films others in this forum thread have not watched yet -- but that's just my version of having fun. 😁

 i watch too many dramas:
Remember how I said "KIBA" felt fast? I take back everything.

I do remember :)  Will be sure to save both of these for days I have my full concentration.

 i watch too many dramas:
I notice I tend to choose films others in this forum thread have not watched yet -- but that's just my version of having fun. ?

Business settings aren't my favourite. Which means I shouldn't let them pile up until the end, but there are others I've been more curious about. I'm really glad so many different films have someone speaking for them in the thread already, although personally I'd love some in-depth conversation as well. Hopefully some of that will happen too.