We're Broke, My Lord! (Daimyo Tosan) Fast-paced, silly with a good heart and only a bit of the laughing-at not -with side of Japanese comedy I don't get on with. There are far better films in the festival but this was alright for a change of pace. My favourite part though was cast members dancing happily during the end credits. Keep watching until the very end.

(New page so here's the link to the Voting List again. It's also in the OP at the top of the thread)

The review for "Amine Supremacy". I like writing reviews, they help me organize my thoughts. :)

Up next: The Zen Diary, for a change of pace -- from the fast-paced world of Anime creation to a recluse of a mountain? I hope it won't be too much of a contrast.

Business settings aren't my favourite.

I like them more than coming-of-age, school or family settings.

Thinking about it, you know what's missing in the line-up? A good mystery film. Horror is fine and all, but I do like a good crime/mystery I can sink my teeth into.

I'm really glad so many different films have someone speaking for them in the thread already

Would be nice if people would also write something on the respective movie pages, it doesn't even need to be a full review, just a short note in the comment section, so others could see it in the future. The more niche films tend to get neglected, which is a shame. (No pressure though, if every one is enjoying themselves, that's good enough.)

although personally I'd love some in-depth conversation as well. Hopefully some of that will happen too.

Do you want to choose the one after "The Zen Diary" for me? We haven't known each other very long, but I'd be curious what you think I might like.

Anime Supremacy  - I'm not sure what to make of this. On the one hand, I feel like there must be a lot I didn't understand. But on the other hand, I'm not sure it was really in there. Didn't get on with the first hour at all. Business pressure + ratings competition = could not care less. The whys which eventually emerged from the FL were poignant, but scant and cliched. Endings of the animes were moving, some of that was from the stories, some from music & reactions of those watching. Acting was excellent. I agree with your review, the women characters were much stronger and fleshed-out than the men. Did the great male director have any reason other than being a lonely virgin outsider when he was young?

I *think* part of my ambivalence is that the meaning and significance was 'told' more than it was 'shown'. But I'm tired now, it's worn me out more than any other film so far, so maybe I'll realise something more about it later.

 i watch too many dramas:
Would be nice if people would also write something on the respective movie pages, it doesn't even need to be a full review, just a short note in the comment section, so others could see it in the future.

With ALL the places I'm dropping thoughts and mini-reviews to encourage people to watch, that's the one I forgot. D'oh. Thanks for the reminder :)

 i watch too many dramas:
I like them more than coming-of-age, school or family settings.

Thinking about it, you know what's missing in the line-up? A good mystery film.

Yes, you're right. They could easily have dropped a comedy for a mystery IMO. There was more range of feel in the independent cinema-focused JFF+ last year.

The two listed as coming of age that I've seen (Lines & Special8) are technically coming of age but they're really more about finding a voice through art with CoA themes of figuring yourself out subsumed into that. Could have easily been told as other ages.

 i watch too many dramas:
Do you want to choose the one after "The Zen Diary" for me? We haven't known each other very long, but I'd be curious what you think I might like.

Oh, interesting. Especially as I've leant more towards the tags you specifically mentioned as not liking :D :D :D   We Made a Beautiful Bouquet is the best I've seen so far and one I'd encourage everyone to watch because it's so well done. Quiet, realistic slice of life story of a relationship.

I'm thinking either Kimba (classic animation) & Baby Assassins (they're shorter) or The Zen Diary tomorrow, depending on how I feel. Right now I want a certain flavour of intelligent Thai nonsense so maybe that will happen tomorrow instead.

I forgot to leave a comment but I wrote some reviews and share on the feeds! Hope more people will notice and watch some because I feel like everyone is mainlywatching Korean or Chinese dramas.


I forgot to leave a comment but I wrote some reviews and share on the feeds! Hope more people will notice and watch some because I feel like everyone is mainlywatching Korean or Chinese dramas.

I did better than I remembered. Wrote 3 reviews along the way and left comments on a couple others which already had good reviews, only slacked off for the last couple and that was easily sorted.

Yes, it's really lovely to be amongst people who share this interest and have some breathing room from the K- and C-dominance elsewhere. K- is like low high low high low higher high lower low highest high lowest low high end and C- is like low low low high high low low watch me soar you were happy for 15 minutes now we're going to be miserable for 3 eps because of a misunderstanding.

Anywhere people might see it is good. I think maybe you crossed getting us in Hottest Discussions (which we are currently, go JFF Fans!) with posting to Feeds. I don't use Feeds much (I don't have all that much of a useful circle here) so others can share what they're doing with them.

I don't have useful circle either (I only have two friends in my list), but just clicking at MydramaList button,  I was able to reach 13 people at least according to the amount of likes in the post about the film. 

I found The Night of the Milky Way Railroad free as an e-book yesterday. Going to read it while the film is still fresh in my mind. Part of me thought, oh this is so romanticised and idealised but Miyazawa was an idealist so it fits.

You mean the story of the film or something that inspired the film?

The two other films I've seen so far which deal with arts and creativity (The Lines That Define Me and Special8) also echoed aspects of the art form in how the films told their stories. This was clearest in Lines. Also makes sense in Special8 as it seems to be at least somewhat autobiographical - watch for the filmmaker's early works in the end credits.

 I got interested when I saw them in the festival (if I'm not mistaken I only added after I saw there) so I'm planning on watching when I can.

 i watch too many dramas:
Thank you! I will push this one back a bit, I think. Crying once was already enough for the week. ?

I think I cried so much because of things related to my father, so I don't know if you will cry the way I did but who knows.

"The Zen Diary" -- I should have liked the film, I wanted to love it -- but there was one major thing that annoyed me so much I even dreamed about it last night. I don't want to say any more as long as I've been the only one here to have seen it, but if anybody does, please tell me, I'd love to hear if I'm the only one who was so annoyed by that thing.

Re: Anime Supremacy

The whys which eventually emerged from the FL were poignant,


I *think* part of my ambivalence is that the meaning and significance was 'told' more than it was 'shown'.

As I see it, the main problem is that the writer wanted to tell more than there was time for. I can imagine this being much better in a 6-to-8-episode series à 25 minutes (so, 1.5 to 2 times the length of the film). Because it certainly *feels* as if there must be a lot we don't understand (as you said) -- and I think there is, but it's only shown, and shown in glimpses at that; look at the young animator and her love interest (I think he is?) or what about that one guy who likes to badmouth Saito and generally seems to dislike her. 

I just remembered that this is based on a novel -- novels usually don't have the same constraints as films, so maybe some story lines have been cut shortes? I wonder if they should have just dropped two or three story lines completely and leave others alone; but to be sure, I should read the novel.
Also, the women -- the director, the producer and, haha! the animator -- seem to be at the centre in the novel:

Japanese animation-the globally acclaimed, family-friendly theatrical features are the exception rather than the rule for a TV-oriented industry that has been pushed into late-night slots in an era of fragmented audiences. When only three titles among fifty might turn a profit, topping the charts is hardly an overambitious aim. Yet as three women, a producer, a director, and an animator, survive in a business infamous for its murderous schedules, demoralizing compromises, and incorrigible men, moments of uplift emerge against all odds-and how. More than just a window into an entertainment niche, here's a kickass ode to work. 

... the novel seems more interesting than the film.

They could easily have dropped a comedy for a mystery IMO. There was more range of feel in the independent cinema-focused JFF+ last year.

I think that there was a "We're open to suggestions and feedback" somewhere on the website. If I find it again, I might suggest more variation in genres. (Also, that they make the website less clunky, I lose my way more often than not) 

We Made a Beautiful Bouquet

That's the one I did *not* put on my list. Now I feel honour-bound to watch it.

Maybe I'll watch the beautiful bouquet and whenever I need a break, I could have a look at the horror shorts. 

I feel like everyone is mainlywatching Korean or Chinese dramas.


it's really lovely to be amongst people who share this interest and have some breathing room from the K- and C-dominance elsewhere

I second that. It feels nice not to be the lone one who watches something that is not K or C anything -- especially as I try to avoid het romance dramas, and in most dramas the writers like to force some kind of romance into stories where romance just does not fit!

 Not a Camellia:
clicking at MydramaList button,

... good idea, I should have done that. I just posted as "public". Maybe next time.

At least this thread has been consistently in the "Hottest discussion" for at least 24 hours, so there's that.

 Not a Camellia:
You mean the story of the film or something that inspired the film?

The two other fil

The film is bio of a poet/writer and his family, with focus balanced between the writer and his father. Night on the Milky Way Railroad is the title of one of his books.

 i watch too many dramas:
That's the one I did *not* put on my list. Now I feel honour-bound to watch it.

Sorry, I forgot that you stay away from het romance. I'm careful in what I watch that way and initially We Made a Beautiful Bouquet wasn't high up my list. A J-drama fan I follow on social media had seen it before and I liked what he wrote about it so I gave it a go. 

It doesn't do the things I dislike about most het relationship story lines. FL isn't cutesy or ditsy. Shared enthusiasms are central to their dynamic and the framing is also balanced between their POVs. It's one of the most equal relationships I've seen. There's something else I want to compliment it on but that would be a spoiler.

All in all, it's an excellent film. Solid writing and acting so natural I managed to forget I was watching a film during some of it. Oh right, this isn't happening. If someone said, "I'm willing to watch one het love story this year" this is one of two I'd suggest.

Need to cut this short right now but will be back to pick up more of the topics brought up.

Very convincing and beautifully written! Would you consider putting your words on the movie page, so they'll be saved for posterity? If they were able to convince me, then they will be able to convince others too!

 i watch too many dramas:
... good idea, I should have done that. I just posted as "public". Maybe next time.

After the first hour when started, I shared without clicking the button too,  I only understood days later when I shared about it again

The film is bio of a poet/writer and his family, with focus balanced between the writer and his father. Night on the Milky Way Railroad is the title of one of his books.

Ah I see, the film's name is from one of his books.

Oh I forgot to say, but I did a double posting about anime film Jungle Emperor Leo on feeds, I posted in MDL section and Anime section. I think eventually I will take what I shared in Feeds and upload in reviews or comments of film pages here on MDL

 i watch too many dramas:
Very convincing and beautifully written! Would you consider putting your words on the movie page, so they'll be saved for posterity? If they were able to convince me, then they will be able to convince others too!

Thanks. I'd been struggling to find adequate words since I'd seen it (2nd day) until I framed it that way for you. My brain is fried (I think from the effects in Anime Supremacy. I'm photosensitive and they weren't enough to pre-seizure but they seem to have done something adverse) so I can currently write in a very narrow focus but am struggling to follow more. Will put this on the page.

I'm not a movie person in the sense that I couldn't make time to watch movies in single sitting, so I only managed to catch 4 movies so far;

Daimyo Tosan 8/10 - kind of lighthearted and fun movie you watch with family...the play with colors and modernization of the samurai family's emblem/crest was interesting, i.e. the Matsudaira crest

Ume Tree 7.5/10 - slice of life so expect life goes on kind of story

Baby Assassin 7/10 - tried to look cute kind of movie despite the theme....with some actions...not the fan of some aspect of the script but it made me feel like wanting to watch the sequel

Wedding High 7.5/10 - yeah simple premise but great attention to small details from the prolific screenwriter Bakarhythm...if you love Non REM series you might enjoy this one too