jayjay wrote: It's the drama that hooked me to jdramas. Everyone was hot, the story line was more sophisticated, and it was just realized when I watched it so it was very modern.

....it was just released...

sorry, my fingers sometimes take over and my brain checks out :-p
I gotta praise these 2 jdramas:

My Boss My Hero
1. It has Nagase Tomoya
2. The comedy is amazing
3. The story is unique and differs from usual high school dramas

14 Sai no Haha
1. The story is very touching and realistic
2. OST is awesome
3. Shida Mirai + Haruma Miura makes an awesome couple
jayjay wrote: Love Shuffle was my first favorite drama. It's the drama that hooked me to jdramas. Everyone was hot, the story line was more sophisticated, and it was just realized when I watched it so it was very modern. Although I didn't realize it would be that significant to me then, I have found that I really enjoy the other dramas by actors in the ensemble cast. It's not for everyone, but it was for me :)

Yeah, Love Shuffle is a masterpiece. I finished it in 2 days. Gotta watch it again one day.