The most recent Japanese film I watched was "His" ( and I loved it and I recommend it wholeheartedly! <3 

Rurouni Kenshin: The Final 
Two back to back movie that gave me such pleasure.  Ruroni Kenshin trilogy were on a class of their own. But as it seems, the new movies of this franchisee are planning to surpass em. "The Final" was a feast. Can't wait to watch "The Beginning".

Until I Meet September's Love
Picked up solely for Kawaguchi Haruna (she is adorable)but I wasn't expecting such a beautiful movie. Plot and the ending, loved em both. 

Two back to back movies that I couldn't help but rate 10/10.


Life: Love on the Line (Director's Cut) (2020)


Yes!! It was so wonderful :')

Your Eyes Tell  
Gotta give myself for picking up all these great movies one after another. Another 10/10

My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday

Really well done movie. Enjoyed it a lot. 

The Land of Rain Trees  
Nothing special but a good one.

Like Father, Like Son

What an absolute masterpiece. Seriously this is definitely a movie that will be remembered forever. Its so darn heartfelt and heartbreaking. Makes one wonder how one would choose in such a situation. 


It was raining the whole day so I was able to watch 2 movies:

Jigoku Shoujo (2019)

The story is definitely creepy, and I can’t watch some of the scenes ‘cause I’m a coward. But I love Tamashiro Tina and the anime is famous, so I decided to give it a try and I’m glad I did. This film focused on Miho and Haruka’s loyalty to their friendship, and it’ll make you contemplate about the decisions you make.

Hitsuji to Okami no Koi to Satsujin
The premise involves suicide and murder so I was expecting a serious tone but it turns out to be more focused on on the characters’ growth and sugar-coated the dark themes. The two leads are cute though!


Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday’s You 
Thank you back number for Happy End, which lead me to this masterpiece.

That’s one of my favorite Japanese movies! I’m a fan of back number too, since I heard Happy End… I remember I didn’t skipped the ending credits because of how good the music is, plus the rail way scenery *sobs*. 

In 2020 they also sang Kiken na Venus’ theme song which is Emerald. That TV series is my current favorite too, and itrevived my  love for back number

^ The plot looks messed up, took me a while to figure out all of the casts role and their relationship with each other. Not my cup of thing I guess  :)

I Have To Buy New Shoes 
Why won't they give me a "happily ever after" ending? *sigh* But I'll imagine a good one for myself, there was hope.

Revenge Girl 
Satisfied with the ending

Helter Skelter tackles vanity and the dark side of the entertainment industry. This movie made me miss Sawajiri Erika. She is so gorgeous and her acting is very convincing. 

Little Nights, Little Love  
Starting was great then halfway through the movie an unexpected time jump. Was thinking, ah! this might not go well, but glad I was wrong. Slow paced, ordinary love stories of multiple couple. 
[July 28, 2021]

Cyborg She 
Bumped into it while looking for new movies to add in my ptw or on hold list. Gave a quick rewatch. It was one of the first JP movie I watched. Good ending so a great film.
[July 29, 21]

I just watched Aishu Cinderella  without subs ‘cause I’ve been anticipating it since the trailer came up, it’s not really what I’ve expected. It’s kinda weird and really messed up, and now I understand why Tao-chan declined this role many times lol.