Omg omg omg I just saw episode 4. Now I really want the next episode.
Wow, episode 4 is just... wow.

Contains SPOILER!!

From the beginning of the episode, it was all just so sugary and fluffy. Even when the ex-husband came into the picture, and right when we thought he was gonna cause trouble for our OTP, he wasn't. On the contrary, he brought our OTP even closer together. Quite a pleasant twist there that I very much appreciated.

I got all this pink and romantic feeling from watching the lovey doveyness of our OTP almost all episode long! I emphatized with Sawa so much that I completely understood why she was feeling the way she was feeling when she cried at the breakfast table. Everything that has happened about Hoshio as well as Hoshio's kindness were just soooo good that they almost felt too good to be true. So she got scared. She got scared to feel this dreamlike happiness because it might not last forever. And right at that very moment, combined with this episode's preview from last week, I, as a viewer, got a hunch. A hunch that something 'bad' is juuuust right at the door.

So, yes, the ending confirmed the hunch... Something bad really arrived uninvitedly and it came right through the door without even bothering to knock. The real Tatsuya is back! It's the Tatsuya that the scary lady from episode 2 is familiar with: mannerless and rude. Yes, the gangster Tatsuya. Not that I complain, Fukushi Sota looks kinda hot doing the tough guy get-up ;)

But anyway... wow. Just wow. So it looks like there are 2 souls trapped in one body? Tatsuya's soul and Hoshio's soul are both inside Tatsuya's body. I'm guessing that Tatsuya didn't die after all. When he attempted that suicide, this "star" soul, or alien soul, or whichever soul, whatchawannacallit, which we later know as Hoshio, entered his body. And all this time when Hoshio's soul was actively using Tatsuya's body, Tatsuya's soul was entrapped beneath it. This explains why Hoshio kept getting the epileptic seizures. It's because Tatsuya's soul was fighting to break free! And so he finally broke free.

Aside from the relationship development between Sawa and Tatsuya, now I'm also interested in the 'WHY'. Why did the soul of the star enter Tatsuya's body. Why Tatsuya? And why did it come to earth anyway? Does it have a mission? Does quiet grandpa from work also have a mission? If so, what are their missions? Will Sawa end up with Tatsuya or Hoshio?

It's getting so much interesting. I can't wait to watch the next episode!!

Ps. I'm convinced by now that Sawa's colleague at work, the odd girl, is not an alien after all. She's just very interested in extraterrestrial life and really believes that it exists. As to how she got interested and believes in it, I don't know.
I think this drama is alright for now; I don't believe it's a mastrpiece like everyone thinks and the acting level isn't helping at all but I guess; it's watchable.
I don't think it's a masterpiece either. I'm just enjoying the story line very much so far. :)
I disagree. This drama is better than Last Cinderella. A lot of people gushed over that one. But this, I like it. And I think the acting is a lot better in my opinion. :p I also find it uplifting and cute. Not some tragic drama. I'm hoping lol. But yes episode four is so wow.
I was watching Last Cinderella as well and at some point I just couldn't finish it. I don't wanna drop it either though, I might want to pick it up again real soon, depends on my mood. The thing is, it's not that Last Cinderella is not an entertaining show, but I have just watched that kind of older woman - younger guy story line for too many times already that unless it has something special to offer, it would bore me. Last Cinderella didn't really offer anything special, except for, probably, Miura Haruma's hotness as Hiroto. :p Starman also offers the typical older woman and younger guy romance setup, but it does offer something quite different compared to many other drama of the same romance genre. This one is romance, mixed with a sprinkle of fantasy and science fiction. This kind of setup attracts me because it is refreshing to see. To call it a masterpiece is quite of a stretch though, well at least for me. I have watched far too many drama and movies already that I have developed a strong definition and opinion on what should be called a masterpiece and what isn't. Starman, despite it being quite a breath of fresh air and something that I genuinely enjoy very much, is not a masterpiece, well again, at least not to me, and definitely not at this point of the show. :)
Did anyone manage to watch episode 5 yet?
Yes and there was so much awesomeness in it *O*
***I loved the scene in the beginning where she ran towards Hoshio and the music abruptly stopped when he became Black Hoshio (first thing I thought of was Fruits Basket xD) again ahaha. But I really like the pacing of the story, I'm glad they didn't have him act as Tatsuya forever, but that he quickly "merged" Hoshio and Tatsuya to become Black Hoshio (I think Fukushi Sota is really good in this, considering he basically played 3 people in this episode) The relationship between him and Sawa developped so nicely within one episode, I really liked it. I'm kind of worried about what he told the Grandma towards the end of the episode though :/.. *** Also that last scene ahahaha, oh dear. Yamada Yuki is just too adorable in this.

However, the title of the next episode worries me as well haha (Goodbye Spaceman).. it's not the last episode is it o_O
Just watched epi 6. Eeeeeek! *Did Tatsuya just die and did white Hoshio finally come back?*

I sincerely hope the next epi is not gonna be the last one...
Wow. I noticed this discussion on the forum before, but for some reason I didn't read the synopsis for this drama until yesterday. I have watched the two first episodes now, and so far I really like this! I did not expect it to be... supernatural, or sci-fi, or whatever it is, but it is interesting! :) I wonder where Hoshio is coming from of course, and who is this woman who showed up in ep 2... But I also kind of like this "small town feel", how some character just long for something else, others are resigned, everybody knows each other, etc... and then suddenly this mysterious stranger turns up... Yes, this looks promising! And I also think it's promising that this discussion has been active. Looking forward to the rest of this drama! :)
Hey there lily_b, so have you caught up to the latest episode yet? :)
cantiara wrote: Hey there lily_b, so have you caught up to the latest episode yet? :)

Yes! :) I finished episode 6 just moments ago.

I agree that it's not a "masterpiece" (but I'm not sure how I'd define such a thing anyway) but it's definitely very enjoyable. I like it a lot, because at this point I don't feel like I can guess where it's going (except that I think Hoshio and Sawa are going to stay together), like what's the reason why two "starmen" are in that little village, where are they coming from, etc... so it's pretty interesting!

I love Hoshio's interaction with the boys (both as "White" and "Black Hoshio" - I think it was pretty smart of Dai to come up with that) because it's cute and I guess I'm just easily impressed by that kind of cuteness. Realistically speaking, though, I wonder if the children didn't accept the change in him a little bit too quickly. I also feel that Hoshio's attitude changed pretty quickly from being "angry guy" to trying to adapt to family life. Even if he always was a "nice guy" somewhere deep inside, and because he had wanted to kill himself he probably hated his situation whatever it was like, it would probably be a bit more difficult for him to access his "White Hoshio" personality. ...At least, that was what I was thinking when I saw him picking up Shun from daycare, carrying him to the car... On the other hand, I'm probably just over-thinking things. It would probably feel like the story was dragging too much if "Black Hoshio" didn't become nicer.

The girl who is obsessed by aliens is pretty funny. A bit unusual, a fanatic, I guess. Most young people who are bored to death in their quiet little hometown try to leave, but she puts all her energy into trying to communicating with outer space! Well, lucky her that her that what she believes in turns out to be true! :)
I just watched episode 7. For some reasons it was just a so so episode for me. The beginning of the episode felt kind of draggy, but the ending left my heart wrenches a little. I'm kind of sad that Tatsuya's gone (is he really gone??). Even though he was rougher than Hoshio, but the feeling in general was more real, whereas Hoshio is just a little bit too perfect that you can't help feeling it was all just a dream. Heck, it scares the hell out of Sawa too, and my heart wrenches for her. On a more positive note, at least we're now certain that this drama doesn't end at episode 7. :p
Where did you watch it? Episode 7 is not on GoodDrama yet, and that's where I've been watching this so far...
I don't stream. I download all my drama. I download them from But I bet gooddrama will have it up sometime today or tomorrow by the latest.