Cantiara, I agree with you. I didn't expect to think so to start with, because Tatsuya wasn't wery nice when he first surfaced, but in comparison (even though he said "don't compare me!") it seems like he has a more... colourful personality, with the potential to change in any direction if he wants to. Hoshio seems more meek, more eager to please, and that's why he might try to hide/change his actual feelings for Sawa's sake? A big difference between Tatsuya and Hoshio is that Tatsuya left his old life on purpose, and then decided to stay with Sawa, whereas Hoshio (if I understand this correctly) is lost and stuck on Earth by mistake. That's why it's more scary if a space ship should turn up than an angry ex girlfriend... I, too, felt that the beginning was dragging... Hoshio had to ask to be able to explain things three times before anybody listened. He actually showed a little bit of temper, which I sort of liked. But I think his actual explanation (even if we didn't get to hear the details) seemed a bit over the top. Anyway, I guess it's a good thing the truth is finally out there. So what is going to happen next..? (Something I disliked was the three girls in the end of the episode. They were extremely annoying and reminded me of the three air-headed girls in Hana yori dango... It was also annoying that they said Sawa looked like she was too old for Hoshio... well, I guess it's an expected reaction, because there's this ageism in so many j-dramas.)
Yeah, I never thought I'd be saying this, but I want Tatsuya back! T_T When I watched episode 6 I thought they would come up with a merged version of Tatsuya (Black Hoshio) and Hoshio (White Hoshio) as a solution. But instead they killed Tatsuya off and only emerged white Hoshio back into life. Ugh yeah, the three girls at the end of the episode are just those typical Japanese b.i.t.c.h.y characters that make your eyes roll. I swear they must have them (well, at least one) in every drama.
I can't really follow Sawa's feelings for Hoshio/Tatsuya anymore because there's been like 3 versions of him now and each one differed greatly from the rest, but apart from general confusion her feelings for him seem to have remained completely the same :s?
nytwp wrote: I can't really follow Sawa's feelings for Hoshio/Tatsuya anymore because there's been like 3 versions of him now and each one differed greatly from the rest, but apart from general confusion her feelings for him seem to have remained completely the same :s?

Haha, I guess you're right! I think Sawa's feelings are:

1) she wants to love somebody
2) she wants to love somebody who can be a good father to her boys
3) she decides to give this stranger she calls Hoshio a chance - he seems to be doing a pretty good job...
4) she didn't really have time to get to know him properly before he "changed", so she decides to give Tatsuya a chance, too - but he "dies" right when she starts to maybe like him a bit...
5) she hopes that "the third version" is someone who is actually going to stay with her and decides to "keep him" just like she kept the others...

So, her feelings never had time to become really deep, before there was a new version, it's more that she really wants to be able to love somebody. That's why her feelings seem unchanged, I think. (I don't think she would have been able to do this so easily, or at all, if his physical appearance had changed as well.) Now, if this last Hoshio stays, their feelings can turn into real love.
That's my theory.
:) Yeah and who could blame her for wanting to truly love somebody, considering how things went with the father of her children... Plus all versions have been good to her children, even ~Black Hoshio~ heh! It would certainly be nice for Sawa if he'd stop "switching personalities" so she could just finally get a break and just enjoy being in love (and hopefully be loved back), but it'd just seem kind of cruel if Tatsuya didn't get the chance to return. :s At this point I have no idea how the drama will continue and how her relationship with...whoeverstaysthelongestinthatbody will develop, how exciting :o
I started watching it. I'm enjoying it so far. I'm two episodes in. The only thing I don't like is how Sawako acts...she's supposed to be a mother of three but acts kind of like a child. I've noticed that in a lot of these older woman/younger man dramas. Maybe they write the characters as being immature to make it seem like they're on more equal footing? I guess the pairing would be less believable if she were a super straight-laced, put together woman. Women like that wouldn't go for younger guys, lol.
nytwp wrote: At this point I have no idea how the drama will continue and how her relationship with...whoeverstaysthelongestinthatbody will develop, how exciting :o

Yes, this is interesting. :)

tampopo100 wrote: I started watching it. I'm enjoying it so far. I'm two episodes in. The only thing I don't like is how Sawako acts...she's supposed to be a mother of three but acts kind of like a child. I've noticed that in a lot of these older woman/younger man dramas. Maybe they write the characters as being immature to make it seem like they're on more equal footing? I guess the pairing would be less believable if she were a super straight-laced, put together woman. Women like that wouldn't go for younger guys, lol.

I haven't seen very many older woman/younger man dramas, so I don't know, but if you say so. :) I did drop one drama with a "super straight-laced, put together woman" and a younger man, but there were several reasons why I didn't like that story. I think, though, that it should be possible to make such a romance believable... at least I hope so. :) Because I think it would be interesting. Anyway, in some dramas that I have seen, women have been worried about age differences even when it has only been a couple of years. That's why I think it's nice that Sawa (even if she does make me roll my eyes sometimes) doesn't seem to think about it too much.
Well that's just what I observed. An obvious and recent example is Last Cinderella. Sakura was oddly immature for a forty year old. She even had to watch porn to remember how to do the That's probably why it seemed more probable that she would be with a much younger man. Another example is Renai Neet. In that drama, Nakama Yukie's character was a professional, mature and career-driven woman. One of her love interests was a much younger man. Of course, she ended up not having any romantic interest in the younger man since she was already successful in her career and there was really no reason for her to settle for a much younger man who hasn't really gone anywhere in life yet. Anyway, this could be another topic in itself. In other news, I ended up watching all seven episodes in about a day and half. I'm really enjoying it so far even if it is a bit unrealistic. For example, when the husband came back, it would not have been such a calm scene. I feel like he should have gotten in a fight with Hoshio or something. A man like that is likely to be possessive and seeing some younger man suddenly in his house and taking care of his kids would have probably made him angry. I think the husband's appearance was just lackluster. Also I do agree that the kids accepted Hoshio a bit too soon as well. And wouldn't they be dealing with abandonment issues? When you think about it, the drama covers some fairly heavy issues but handles them very lightly. So in that sense, it really isn't realistic at all. Also, it was weird and sudden how Tatsuya appeared and just disappeared. I think his character was more interesting. It would have been better if the both personalities remained and she had to choose one. Tatsuya had a more complex personality while Hoshio is kind of robotic. He's a bit too perfect. Anyway for all we know Tatsuya could return. I am interested in what direction the drama will take for the remaining episodes.
*lol* Yes, Sakura and her porn-watching... it was strange. I think you're right, older woman/younger man could be another topic in itself. :) When the husband came back, I expected him to want to fight to get his family back. I was surprised that the whole thing was settled so easily. Kind of robotic, that's exactly it. And it's true, we don't know the direction it will take for the remaining episodes. :) I just watched episode 8, I don't know what to think about it... I think there is probably something in Hoshio's past that is going to be revealed later on.
Watched episode 9. What to say about it? I loved the first episodes but lately I've been, hm... not bored exactly, but... I don't know? Only two more episodes to go, right? So far I don't know what's going to happen in the end, and the bad news is, I don't have any strong feelings about it. I think it has a lot to do with Hoshio... He looks lost and confused and insecure most of the time, which is understandable, but it doesn't make him very interesting to watch, and I feel like I don't really care whether he stays with Sawa forever or returns to his own planet. She says that she enjoys being with him, but I just don't see why... That's too bad. :(
There's one episode to go. At the end of 9 it said the next one is the last. And I agree somewhat. They should've kept the Black Hoshio is Tatsuya's body after all. Then maybe both would emerge at different times and at the end we see which one remains.
I want Tatsuya back!!
Well I finished watching it. I think it had a nice little ending with Hoshio and Sawa having a baby and all. Surprised there was no wedding. I was expecting him to propose when he told her she was pregnant. But other than that, can't say I was amazed or anything. But, overall it was a decent drama. More a family drama in my opinion.
I agree, it had a nice little ending. :) I had the same thought, actually (I thought he would propose), but his wish came true: he made Sawa happy. :) The last episode made me like this drama more again and I'm glad about that.
Just finished watching it too (1 day marathon, love 10 episode dramas!) and I'm with you guys, nice neat ending, no massive tear jerking moments (ahem, Master's Sun still has me down), no great kiss scenes, story was different at least and refreshing, no Dramaland Cancer, death, etc... though we did get amnesia, sorta. It was a nice drama to watch when you're suffering too many feels from the current airing dramas (damn Master's Sun again!).