Episode 7...loving this drama.
There are so many moments as I watch this where I find myself cracking up at Shirota's gruff ahjussi gangster persona. His slang speech, his constant cursing, his lightening fast temper... I love it when he gets all pissed off and starts grumbling and cussing. Sometimes I don't know if he succeeds in helping the kids in spite of himself or there is a method to his madness...He is at once wise and clueless.

...said in the last episode as they are racing through the bus terminal and there are people walking in their path.."What're ya stopping for? Blast 'em with the horn!" I just cracked up laughing. So funny.
Jeanie, that is one of the funniest scenes. I've rewatched it a few times and it still makes me laugh...and then when's apologizing and she can't hear...I love that scene...<3
Okay...I want to say this is a great family drama..It's so sweet, funny and engaging. There's kids galore and a lot of saving the day. Now..Maybe its the subbers but Whew Doggie...Shirota-kun curses a blue streak! You name it..he's said it. And it cracks me up!
Some screepcaps I found while cleaning that folder....I really go Shota Crazy...lol

This scene was hilarious!

I know..where he was dying...and yet NOT ...so funny
jeanie65jh wrote: I know..where he was dying...and yet NOT ...so funny

He kept saying good bye and remembering things he needed to say....It was too funny.
PinkDiamond wrote: Awesomeness!!! A very funny and touching drama! I give it a high five!

Hi5! Don't you love when he's on the bike with the little girl?! I heart this drama so much. I could quote Shirota (Sabashima) all day long! Pow! Thwack! Bang!
I just started to watch this.. Finished the first ep, and have to say that Shirota/Sabashima is awesome! Does it get better, or does it pretty much stay the same level of awesomeness?
phoenixtearz9 wrote: I just started to watch this.. Finished the first ep, and have to say that Shirota/Sabashima is awesome! Does it get better, or does it pretty much stay the same level of awesomeness?

If you are on the 1st episode and feeling the awesomeness...let me assure you. It gets awesomer?..more awesome? Full of awesomy goodness? **grumble grumble cuss cuss** Shota-Kun!
jeanie65jh wrote: If you are on the 1st episode and feeling the awesomeness...let me assure you. It gets awesomer?..more awesome? Full of awesomy goodness? **grumble grumble cuss cuss** Shota-Kun!

hahaha I like how you used "awesome" so many ways... And I can't wait to finish it, so far its funnier than all get out, but with a serious note to it as well.. liking it alot
I'm glad you're liking it. I really does get funnier. I just adore Matsuda Shota. My big weakness is an actor who can play intense roles and then turn around and do comedy just as well, or visa/versa. He just rocks this part. ♥♥♥
jeanie65jh wrote: I'm glad you're liking it. I really does get funnier. I just adore Matsuda Shota. My big weakness is an actor who can play intense roles and then turn around and do comedy just as well, or visa/versa. He just rocks this part. ♥♥♥

I can't agree with you more about Matsuda Shota.. I think I am going to take your recommendations more seriously, I haven't been disappointed yet in a drama you have suggested.. btw getting ready to watch ep 4 now...